Configuring UDR Source Categories

Configuring UDR Source Categories

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Navigating to UDR Source Categories


What are UDR Source Categories?

UDR Source Categories is a module which is used to configure categories used for classifying the UDR Source that initiated the Service, into generic groups with similar attributes.


UDR Source Categories can also be used as conditions for Tiered Rates in Usage Service Catalogs or Additive Discounts.

Copying Source Categories from existing Destination Categories is explained here.


  • Navigate to UDR Source Categories and explore existing entries via the Summary page. UDR Source Categories follow a hierarchical structure, with 'parent' rows linked to multiple 'children' rows directly beneath them.
  • Click on the link (Name or Number) of the entry of your interest to open a modal with the related details. Select an existing Category for the 'parent' to make the specific Category a 'child' or erase the 'parent' name to make the specific Category a 'parent' itself.
  • Either SAVE the changes or cancel (X) and go back to the Summary page. 
  • Create a new Category (ADD) or delete an existing one (REMOVE).
  • Use EXPAND ALL  to view 'parents' and 'children' and COLLAPSE ALL to only view 'parents'.

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with UDR Source Categories including each Action's related validations, restrictions and additional information.  View the Attributes Tables for a comprehensive description of UDR Source Categories fields.


Validations & Restrictions

ActionValidationsRestrictionsAdditional Information
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and Alternative Code must beunique
  • Not applicable
  • Not applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and Alternative Code must beunique
  • Not applicable
  • Not applicable
  • Cannot delete a Category if:

    • It is the 'parent' node
    • It is not already used byUDRswhich:
      • have a 'Posted' Life Cycle State,
      • have a 'To Be Billed' or 'To Be Credited' Billing Directive
      • are not yet rated by the Billing Engine
  •  Not applicable
  • Deleted UDR Source Categories are still visible on the entries which were created using these Categories.
Copy to Destination Categories
  • There isn't a category with the same Name or Code either as a 'parent' or a 'child' node in the Destination Categories.
  • At least one Category must be selected
  • Not Applicable


An * indicates a field is mandatory.



Name*The name of the Category
Code*A code for the Category
DescriptionA description for the Category


The 'parent' of the Category, unless if the Category is a 'root.'

Additional Actions for UDR Source Categories

Copying UDR Source to UDR Destination Categories

There are two types of UDR Categories, Source and Destination. Once the first is configured, the user can copy common Categories onto the second.

    Copying a Parent  Node
  2. Select the Category to be copied by adding a check in the checkbox on the left of the Category Name

  3. Expand the list to deselect any 'children' nodes that should not be copied.
    (To deselect, click once in the checkbox and ensure that the check has been removed).
  4. Select any other Categories to be copied.
  5. Click on the Link "COPY TO DESTINATION CATEGORY".
    Copying  a Child Node
  6. Select the Category to be copied by adding a check in the checkbox on the left of the Category Name.
  7. Click on the Link "COPY TO DESTINATION CATEGORY."