Managing Resource Plans

Managing Resource Plans

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Navigating to Resource Plans


Using Resource Plans

Resource Plans are used to generate and manage Resource Plan Entries, which are available for selection to agents when planning new Resource Requests.

  • Navigate to Resource Plans and explore existing entries via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (Name or Number) of the entry of your interest to enter the Data Entry page and see more detail. 
  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Resource Planmodify (EDIT) or DELETE an existing one. 
  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Resource Plans. 
  • Click on ACTIONS to discover other possibilities available for Resource Plans.
  • Click on the Audit Log button to view a log of changes performed on the displayed Resource Plan.


Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Resource Plans including each Action's related restrictions, validations and a description of its system process.  View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Resource Plans fields.  

Creating Resource Plans - Main Information

Validations & Restrictions

ActionValidationsRestrictionsSystem Processing
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Only one Resource Plan can be created per Unit and for each period.
  • Resource Plan Entries can be requested from Resource Requests either through the dedicated screen or other modules.
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Only one Resource Plan can be created per Unit and for each period.
  • Resource Plans and Resource Plan Entries can be modified only if there aren't any already accepted Resource Requests submitted against them.
  • Not Applicable
  • Resource Plans and Resource Plan Entries can be deleted only if there aren't any already accepted Resource Requests submitted against them.
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable



An * indicates a field is mandatory.




An auto-generated number used to identify the Resource Plan.

Main Information

Planned for Unit*

The Unit that the Resource Plan is created for. i.e. the Resource Plan Entries created will be for resources / Users belonging to this Unit.

Effective From*

The date on which the period which is covered by the Resource Plan starts.

Effective To*

The date on which period which is covered by the Resource Plan ends.

Working Days*

A set of days on which business can be conducted (i.e. not Sunday or holidays) and are covered by the Resource Plan.



A description of the Resource Plan.

Resource Plan Entries*

Add or Remove Resource Plan Entries

Resource Plan Entries*

The entries for each day in a Resource Plan. Each Resource Plan Entry specifies the working hours, the services that can be provided and the resource availability for that day.

There are two options for Adding new Resource Plan Entry

  • PLAN FOR ALL WORKING DAYS: Only available when creating a new Resource Plan; and not when editing an existing Resource Plan. It takes into account all the provided information from the Main Section and the Resource Scheduling Definitions and automatically creates the Entries.
  • PLAN FOR SPECIFIC WORKING DAY: Requires the Plan Entries to be added manually.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R11.1.0 In Edit Mode, once any of the 2 options is selected, a modal opens where the rest of the information must be provided while in View mode once you select a date from the list on the left the information is displayed accordingly

Main Information
Average Number of Resources*

The average Number of Resources which are available and can perform tasks on behalf of the specified Unit during that period.

This value is automatically set on the Resource Plan Entries when adding new Working Hours, but it can be modified.

Effective Date

The specific date on which the Resource Plan Entry record is 'Effective'.

The date should fall within the Resource Plan Effective Period.

Effective Availability Percentage (%)

Determines the percentage of the total time available which can be considered as 'Effective'. If specified, then only that percentage value will be available for booking by Resource Requests. If not specified, then 100% of the available time is considered as 'Effective'. A percentage value greaterthat100 can be specified.

The percentage value is copied from the Resource Scheduling Definition if defined and can be modified

Overbooking Percentage (%)

Determines the percentage of the total time available which can be booked in excess of the actual capacity. If specified, then the Effective Availability plus the Overbooking Percentage will be available to be booked by Resource Requests. If not specified, none of the available time is considered as 'Effective'.

The percentage value is copied from the Resource Scheduling Definition if defined and can be modified.

Working Hours

FromThe time that resources become available.
ToThe time that resources become unavailable.
Number of ResourcesThe number of resources which are available during that period. The value is automatically set to the Average Number of Resources, if specified on the Resource Plan and can be modified per Working Hour.
One-Time Service

A Service which is provided only once by the resources of the Resource Plan Entry.

  • At least one One-Time Service must be defined.
  • When creating Resource Requests, the One-Time Service added on an Activity is checked against those available on the Resource Plan Entry, to determine whether the entry should be made available.
Minimum Duration Per Request

The minimum amount of time necessary to perform the One-Time Service, measured in minutes and hours.

If there are multiple requests for the specific Service, the validation is performed per request and not for the total duration of all the requests.

Maximum Duration Per Request

The maximum amount of time which can be requested for the One-Time Service, measured in minutes and hours.

If there are multiple requests for the specific Service, the validation is performed per request and not for the total duration of all the requests.

Log Information
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.


Creating Resource Plans - Plan Entry


Log Information

Owned by Group*

The Group that owns the Resource Plan which will automatically default to the Group of the signed in User. Only Users that belong to the same Group will be allowed to view and select entries from the Resource Plan.

Privacy Level

The Privacy Level of the Resource Plan; It is always Read-only and can be changed through a dedicated action or it will be automatically set by the Privacy Level Assignment Rules (PLAR).

Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.

View Understanding Resource Scheduling for business examples related to Resource Plans.