Scheduling Subscription Actions

Scheduling Subscription Actions

Table of Contents

What is Subscription Action Scheduling

A Subscription Action doesn't necessarily have to be instantly executed.  It can be scheduled for the future.

Not all Subscription Actions can be scheduled. View each Action's respective manual to find out whether it can be scheduled.

The Scheduling Utility, available in each Subscription's Action modal, provides the following options:

  • Now: Execute Now 
  • On a specific date: Set a specific date in the future on which to execute the Action
  • After a specific number of days: Set a specific number of days in the future, starting from the current date, on which to execute the Action.

Scheduled Actions are executed on their due date, via a batch process that must be configured in the System.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R12.0.0 The scheduled date set by the user is checked by the System based on the active Billing Term Definition's Subscription Action Rules and existing scheduled Subscription Actions and facilitates the Subscription Action's submission by proposing a new date. In addition, if the user tries to schedule an action on a date for which the Subscription is rated then, the System will not allow it and will propose a new date.

Viewing Allowed Subscription Actions

The Action Panel is always filtered to display the allowed Subscription Actions, based on:

  • The Life Cycle State of the Subscription
  • Other Scheduled Subscription Actions 
    This ensures that no Action is scheduled or executed which could disrupt the scheduling and behaviour of presently Scheduled Actions. 
    To view the complete list of available Actions, to schedule a new Action to occur after the existing Scheduled Action is executed, use the "VIEW ALL ACTIONS" link.
  1. Navigate to Subscriptions.
  2. Search for the Subscription you are interested in and click on its Number to go to the Data Entry page.
  3. Go to Subscription Actions in the Action Panel.
    1. If there are Scheduled Actions for that Subscription, then the "VIEW ALL ACTIONS" link will be available.
    2. On clicking on the link, all the Actions appear and the link is replaced with the "VIEW ALLOWED ACTIONS" link.
    3. On clicking on the "VIEW ALLOWED ACTIONS" link only the allowed Actions appear and the link is now replaced with the "VIEW All ACTIONS" link.

Managing Scheduled Subscription Actions

Viewing Scheduled Subscription Actions

Scheduled Subscription Actions (including cancelled ones) can be viewed from the following screens:

Subscription Data Entry page 
Subscription Summary page
  • Subscription Information Drill-down
    • Scheduled Actions
Communication Centre > Subscription Section

Executing Scheduled Subscription Actions

Scheduled Subscription Actions are executed via a Batch process which can be configured in the System. Visit Executing Scheduled Subscription Actions for more information.

Rejecting Scheduled Subscription Actions

Scheduled Subscription Actions can be rejected as long as their Life Cycle State is set to 'Scheduled'.  The Action is System exclusive and takes place when the execution is attempted.

When a Subscription Action is rejected:

  1. If the rejection is due to a System validation, then the Action's Life Cycle State is set to 'Rejected due to System validation'.
  2. If the rejection is due to an unhandled error, then the Action's Life Cycle State is set to 'Rejected due to System failure'.
  3. Other changes associated to the rejected Scheduled Actions that have already been made in the System are also reverted. 
    For example, Rated Billing Items that were already created will be cancelled.

Cancelling Scheduled Subscription Actions

Scheduled Subscription Actions can be cancelled as long as their Life Cycle State is set to 'Scheduled'.  Users can cancel Scheduled Subscription Actions. 

Existing Scheduled Actions can be cancelled from the same pages from which they are viewed.

  • Subscription Data Entry page > View Subscription History
  • Communication Centre > Subscription Tab > View Subscription History

To cancel an Action (regardless from where it is viewed):

  1. Open the Subscription History Modal.
  2. Click on the Subscriptions Actions History Section.
  3. Select the Scheduled Tab.
  4. Find the Scheduled Action you would like to cancel.
  5. Click on the CANCEL LINK to open a modal prompting for an optional cancellation reason.
  6. Click on SAVE.
    1. The Action is removed from the Scheduled Actions.
    2. The Action is moved under Cancelled Actions.
    3. Rated Billing Items with Subscription Service Life Cycle State periods created by the Scheduled Subscription Action are also cancelled.
    4. Other changes associated to the cancelled Scheduled Actions that have already been made in the System are also reverted.

Amending Scheduled Subscription Actions

Scheduled Subscription Actions can be amended if they have not been cancelled or executed. Only Subscription Action Details and the Scheduling Information can be modified while amending a Scheduled Action.

Existing Scheduled Actions can be amended from the same pages from which they are viewed.

  • Subscription Data Entry page > View Subscription History
  • Communication Centre > Subscription Tab > View Subscription History
  1. Open the Subscription History Modal.
  2. Click on Subscriptions Actions History Section.
  3. Select Scheduled Tab.
  4. Find the Scheduled Action you would like to cancel.
  5. Click on the AMEND LINK to open a modal prompting for an optional amendment reason.
    1. New Scheduled Date: Click on the calendar to set the new Date for the Action.
    2. New Performed Date: Click on the calendar to set the date that you would like to have the Action logged as performed.
    3. New Performed By User: Search and add the user you would like to have the Action logged from.
  6. Click on SAVE
    1. The Action is updated with the new information.
    2. The System updates the Scheduled Subscription Action by:
      1. Cancelling the existing Scheduled Subscription Action.
      2. Creating a new scheduled Subscription Action with the updated information.

Billing Scheduled Subscription Actions

Scheduled Subscription Actions are taken into consideration by Billing as long as their Life Cycle State is set to 'Scheduled', and falls within the period for which the Subscription is being billed.
In case Rated Billing Items are already present in the System and the Scheduled Action is cancelled or rejected, then associated Rated Billing Items are taken into consideration by the Billing Run, billing over the related period.

Provisioning of Scheduled Subscription Actions

Unlike other processes which occur during the Scheduling of the Action, Provisioning takes place during its execution.