Managing Jobs

Managing Jobs

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Navigating to Jobs


Using Jobs

Jobs can be conceived as small projects used to handle customers' requirements and orders.  They can register Physical Goods and Services to be provided, Expenses to be charged as well as Activities to be completed as part of the Job. They are especially useful to bill Physical Goods and Services provided to customers. There are multiple different Jobs you can create, each one serving a different purpose. In CRM.COM this is called Job Fulfilment Scope.

  • New Subscription: A Type of Job which is used to place an order for a new Subscription, including all the requested Physical Goods, Subscription services, additional Expenses and installation services, which will consequently create the requested Subscription. 

  • Generic Purpose: A Type of Job which is used to create any type of small project (not restricted to Subscriptions) and allows the user to add Physical Goods, additional Expenses and services.

  • Managing Subscriptions: Types of Jobs that are used to order various actions related to Subscriptions via a Job which will automatically update the requested Subscription. The following Types of Jobs are available:

    • Subscription Activation: Used to Activate a Draft Subscription

    • Subscription Deactivation: Used to Deactivate a Subscription

    • Subscription Cancellation: Used to Terminate a Subscription

    • Subscription Services Addition: Used to add new Subscription Services on a Subscription

    • Subscription Services Cancellation: Used to cancel Subscription Services from a Subscription

    • Change Subscription Location: Used to change the Subscription address

    • Swap Subscription Services: Used to swap Subscription Services from a Subscription

    • Swap Installed Items: Used to swap Installed Items from a Subscription

    • AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R11.0.0 Replace Physical Goods: Used to replace Traceable Physical Goods which have been sold through a Job. (It cannot be used for replacing Subscription Physical Goods

All Jobs can be created via the Jobs Data Entry screen. When creating a new Job, it is important to select the correct Fulfilment Scope for the task. The Data Entry screen will then load the associated information.

  • Navigate to Jobs and explore existing records via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (name or number) of the record of your interest to enter the Data Entry page and see more detail. 
  • Use the Actions Menu to create a new Job by selecting the Fulfilment Scope of the Job from the NEW drop-down list
  • Use the Actions Menu to modify (EDIT) or DELETE an existing one. 
  • Click on ACTIONS or use the Action Panel to discover other possibilities available for Jobs.
  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Jobs. 
  • Click on the Audit Log button to view a log of changes done on the Jobs you are looking at.

View the Attributes Table below for a comprehensive description of the Jobs fields and the Fulfilment Scope Attributes Table to see what sections will be made available on the Data Entry screen, according to the Fulfilment Scope selected when creating the Job. Check the Validations & Restrictions Table for a list of available Actions when working with Jobs including each Action's related restrictions and validations

Managing Jobs

Validations & Restrictions

  •  All mandatory information is specified
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is:
    • 'Pending'
    • 'In Progress'
  • Jobs that are assigned to a specific Unit and not to a specific User are 'Pending' acceptance. They can be modified, but the Assigned To User cannot be set or modified (Must be done via the respective Action).
  • If the Life Cycle State is 'Draft'
    • The requested Physical Goods, Expenses and Activity Services are included in the list of Allowed Attributes of the Job Type
    • If the job is Billable then the specified Job Billing Term Scheme and Price Plan are allowed to be used
  • If the Life Cycle State is 'Pending'
    • Customer Information, Location, Job Terms should exist
    • Mandatory requested Subscription Services, Physical Goods, Expenses, Activity Services should be part of the ordering information
  • If the Life Cycle State is 'In Progress'
    • Customer Information, Location, Job Terms should exist
    • Activities which are created as part of the Job are validated. Resource Requests which are forced on those activities are also validated.
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is:
    • 'Pending'
    • 'In Progress'
  • Related entities (i.e. Activities, Resource Requests) are also cancelled or deleted.
  • Assigned to User field is empty
  • Allowed by the User's Security Profile. For example, Users can accept the assignment of a Job if the security profile assigned to them has enabled the ACCEPT JOB additional process
  • The Unit that the User used during login should be the same as the Assigned To Unit
Start Progress
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is Pending
  • All mandatory information is specified
  • Mandatory requested items are specified
  • If the Job type requires approval based on a Workflow Rule then
    • All Approval Requests are either Accepted, Rejected or Cancelled (i.e. there are no 'Pending' Approval Requests)
Schedule Activities
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is 'In Progress'
  • The Activity Types which can be used for Activities performed for the Job are filtered based on the Allowed Activity Types specified in the Job Type.
  • Not Applicable
Bill Job
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is 'Completed.'
  • The Job is set as 'Billable'
  • The rates for each provided information are specified in the Price Plan which is selected in the Job billing terms. 
  • The Price Plan rates for activity services are configured using the following Price Plan rates:
    • Flat rate, duration based
    • Tiered rate, duration based
  • Not Applicable
Cancel Job
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is 'Not Completed'
  • No Physical Goods (traceable or not traceable) have already been delivered by the Job
  • The Job does not have any requested or provided Physical Goods that have already been sold to a customer - AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0
  • Subscriptions that were created as part of this Job should be cancelled
  • Activities related to the Job should be completed or cancelled
  • Any Resource Requests that were submitted against Services of the Job's related Activities should be rejected or cancelled
Amend Billing Terms
  • The Job is set as 'Billable'
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is 'In Progress'
  • Not Applicable
Preview Bills

The process is available only for Billable Jobs through the Action Panel and for Jobs with the following Life Cycle State is

  • 'In Progress'
  • 'Completed'
  • Not Applicable
Preview Rates
  • The Job is set as 'Billable'
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is:
    • 'Draft'
    • 'Pending'
  • Not Applicable
Complete Job
  • Existing Life Cycle State is 'In Progress'
  • All submitted Activities should be 'Completed' or 'Cancelled'
  • All mandatory Activities, Physical Goods and Expenses should exist on the Job
  • If the job Fulfilment method is set to 'Based on Ordered Items' then:
  • Physical Goods
    • All the requested Physical Goods should exist in the provided Physical Goods, and specifically installed items should exist for traceable Physical Goods
    • The provided Physical Goods should not include any Physical Goods which were not included in the requested Physical Goods
  • Expenses
    • All the requested Expenses should exist in the applied Expenses. 
    • The provided Expenses should not include any Expenses that were not included in the requested Expenses
  • Activity Services
    • All the requested Activity Services should exist on completed Activities which were performed as part of the Job
    • The completed Activity Services should not include any Activity Services which were notrequested,unless they are not Billable
Provide Ad Hoc Discount
  • The Job's Life Cycle State is:
    • Draft
    • Pending
    • In Progress
  • The Job Type is defined as billable
  • The Job has not yet been billed
  •  Not Applicable

Fulfilment Scope Attributes

The following table provides information regarding which sections are available in the Data Entry page of the Job, according to the Fulfilment Scope which is selected at the time that the Job is created

Fulfilment ScopeSubscription ServicesSubscription Physical Goods

Physical Goods

Generic Purpose(error) (error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
New Subscription(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Activate Subscription(error) (error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Deactivate Subscription(error) (error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Cancel Subscription(error) (error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Add Subscription Service(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Cancel Subscription Service(tick)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Change Subscription Location(error)(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)

Swap Subscription Services 


Swap Subscription Installed Items 




Replace Physical Goods




An * indicates a field is mandatory. 



NumberAn auto-generated number that uniquely identifies the Job
Contact Information
Contact InformationGeneral information about the customer that the Job is being created for
Account Information
Account Information*The Accounts Receivable of the contact for which the Job is planned. Existing or a new Accounts Receivable can be used; Terminated accounts cannot be selected for new Jobs.
Billing Address

The address that the Bill will be sent to.
If Billing Address is already defined for an existing account, then this address is selected and is Read-only. The Billing Address can be modified by clicking on MODIFY BILLING ADDRESS.

If a new address is defined or an existing one is updated, then the Contact Information addresses will be updated accordingly, as well as the Billing Address on the Accounts Receivable.

Delivery Address

The address at which the Job will take place. For example, if it is an installation Job, this is the address the installers will be going to.
An existing Contact Information or Billing Address can be selected or details can be provided for a new address by checking the checkbox 'Same as Billing Address'.

If a new address is defined or an existing one is updated, then the Contact Information addresses will be updated accordingly.


Job Terms
Job Information

The Type of the Job.
Types will be filtered based on:

    • The Fulfilment Scope of the Job which was selected when creating the Job
    • the Job Types allowed to be used by the User based on their Unit and the Allowed Organisational Units set at the Job Type
CategoryThe Category of the Job
DescriptionThe description of the Job

Contact Phone


The phone number of the customer that the Job is created for and to which all Communications will be sent (if mobile). The retrieved phones are those related to the specified customer. The selected phone can also be edited, although this will not be reflected on the Contact Information.

If no phone number is defined, communications with SMS Media will not be created.

Contact Email

The email address of the customer that the Job is created for and to which all communications will be sent. The retrieved emails are those related to the specified customer. The selected email address can also be edited, although this will not be reflected on the Contact Information.

If no email address is defined, communications with Email Media will not be created.

Billing Terms

This section is only available for Jobs whose Billing Directive is set to Billable


Billing Terms

The terms that are applied on the Job and include the following:

    • Scheme: The Billing Term Scheme which will be used for billing the Job
    • Price Plan: The Price Plan from where the billing rates of Physical Goods, Expenses and Activity Services will be taken
    • Agreement Date: The date the job was registered

Requested Subscription 

This section is not available where the Fulfilment Scope is set to Generic Purpose




The Subscription that was created or modified as part of the Job.
If the Fulfilment Scope is for maintaining an existing Subscription and not creating a new one, then the Subscription must be selected as soon as the Account is selected, and before proceeding to define the Items.

Subscription Terms

This section is only available for Jobs of Fulfilment Scope: New Subscription


Subscription Type

The Subscription Type which will define the overall behaviour of the Subscription.
This is a Read-only field and is set automatically by selecting the Job Type.

Billing Term Scheme

The Billing Term Scheme which will define the billing rules for the Subscription.
This is a Read-only field and is set automatically by selecting the Job Type.

Subscription Related InformationA list of fields will be made available as when Registering a New Subscription. The fields will depend on the Subscription Type and the Billing Term.
Key Dates
Key Dates*

The important dates of the Job which include the following:

    • Start Date: Defaults to the (editable) date that the Job is created
    • Estimated Completion Time: Defaults to the estimated completion time as set on the related Job Type. It is editable and measured in minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. It is calculated as the difference between the start date and expected completion date and is updated automatically whenever the expected closing date is modified.
    • Expected Completion Date: The date that the Job is expected to be completed. It is equal to the start date plus the estimated completion time. It is calculated automatically when the estimated time of completion is set or modified, although it can also be set manually.
    • Read-only fields
      • Time to Completion: The time left up to the expected date of completion
      • Time Overdue: The time past the expected completion date. This is calculated dynamically based on the expected completion date and date of execution, if the Job is not completed and is past the expected completion date.
      • Actual Completion Date: The date that the Job is actually completed. The Actual Completion Date is Read-only and is set automatically when the Job is completed i.e. when setting the Job on a status which is mapped to a 'Completed' Life Cycle State.


Each of the following sections is available only if allowed by the Fulfilment Scope of the Job Type (Refer to the Fulfilment Scope Table above). The sections include entities that have been Requested by the customer and Provided to the customer.
The Requested Section is available as soon as a new Job is created.
The Provided section is available once the Start Progress action is executed


Distributorsare available when a Subscription Physical Good or a Subscription Service must be defined. The Distributor must be selected before the Physical Good or Service, as Subscription products are filtered according to their Distributor.

The Distributor must be selected at the Requested and Provided sections.
If during the request of an item a specific Distributor was selected, then the same Distributor must be selected when providing the items to see what has been requested

Subscription Physical Goods

Traceable Physical Goods to be provided as part of the Subscription

Requested Subscription Physical Goods

The Physical Goods that the customer requests. eg. A Smartcard and Decoder.

The Subscription Physical Goods are filtered based on the specified Subscription Type.
Check the checkbox on the left side of the Physical Good to select it.

Provided Subscription Physical Goods

The Installed Items that are provided to the customer.
The associated Distributor must be selected to see the Installed Items that were provided to the customer.

Click on ADD INSTALLED ITEM ON Subscription or SWAP INSTALLED ITEM to open the respective Subscription Action modals and complete the action

If the Fulfilment Method of the Job is Based on Ordered Item, then only Installed Items defined in the Requested Subscription Physical Goods will be available.
If the Fulfilment Method of the Job is Based on Delivered Item, then the Installed Items provided don't have to be the ones defined in the Requested Subscription Physical Goods)

In CRM.COM R9, in order for Subscription Physical Goods to be added to the Subscription, they must be selected from one of  the two sections relating to their method of provision:

  • Provided Subscription Physical Goods as Rented / Indirect Sales
  • Provided Subscription Physical Goods as Sold
Subscription Services
Requested Subscription Services

The Services that can be requested by the customer, either for addition on the Subscription or swapping with existing Services.

If the Fulfilment Scope is New Subscription or Add Subscription Services, then the Services are filtered based on the Subscription Type and Billing Term Scheme.

In case the Scope is Swap Subscription Services, then the swap action must be selected so that the respective Services will be made available. Available Swap actions are Downgrade, Upgrade and Switch.

Check the checkbox on the left side of the Service to select it.

Provided Subscription Services

The Services that are provided to the customer.

Click on ADD SERVICES ON THE Subscription to open the respective Subscription Action modal and complete the action. If the Fulfilment Method is Swap Subscription Services, then no further actions are necessary. The services selected at the Requested Subscription Services will be automatically swapped on completing the Job.

If the Fulfilment Method of the Job is Based on Ordered Item, then only Services for the Requested Subscription Physical Goods will be available.
If the Fulfilment Method of the Job is Based on Delivered Item, then the Installed Items provided can also be more or fewer than requested.

Physical Goods

Requested Physical Goods To Be Replaced

Traceable Physical Goods bought by customers and now require replacement.

Provided Physical Goods To Be Replaced

The Physical Goods to be replaced

Clicking on ADD results to the following options:

  • ADD ALL REQUESTED: To add all the items provided in the Requested Physical Goods to be replaced
  • ADD FROM REQUESTED: To search and add wanted items, available in the Requested Physical Goods To Be Replaced section
  1. The serial number must be defined

  2. If the Physical Good is a fixed bundle Physical Good, then the components link will be made available, from where the items that will be added to the Job/Subscription can be viewed.

If the Physical Good to be replaced is covered by a Warranty Policy then select the Coverage Reason in order to find out whether the Physical Good Coverage:

  • Coverage: Yes, means the new Physical Good will not be charged
  • Coverage: No, means the new Physical Good will be charged.
    View Warranty Policies for more information
Requested Physical Goods

The Physical Goods that can be requested by the customer, which can either be Traceable or Non-Traceable.  Requested Physical Goods differ from Subscription Physical Goods, in that they can be added on a Job and then billed, without being associated to the Subscription.

The Physical Goods are filtered based on the selected Job Type.
Check the checkbox on the right side of the Physical Good to select it and define the quantity if more than one is required. If a Physical Good is defined as mandatory in the Job Type, then it will be selected automatically and the selection checkbox will be Read-only.
If Physical Good Types are defined in the Job Type, then instead of selecting individual Physical Goods,  click on ADD to search and select from the list of allowed ones

Provided Physical Goods

The Physical Goods that are provided to the customer.

Clicking on ADD results in three user options:

  • ADD ALL REQUESTED: To add all items, provided in the Requested Physical Goods
  • ADD FROM REQUESTED: To search and add wanted items, available in the Requested Physical Goods section
  • ADD EXTRA PHYSICAL GOODS: This option is available only if the Fulfilment Method of the Job is set to 'Based on Delivered Items':
    ll Physical Goods that have been defined as Allowed in the Job Type, are available for selection even if they have not been defined in the Requested section.
  1. If the Physical Good added is a Traceable item, then a serial number must be defined.  If it is a non-traceable item, then quantity must be defined.

  2. If the Physical Good is a fixed bundle Physical Good, then the components link will be available, from where you will be able to view the items that will be added to the Job/Subscription
Requested Expenses

The Expenses that can be requested by agents, and that the customer will be charged with.

Mandatory Expenses are added automatically. Only products classified as Expense Services can be added to this list

The Expenses are filtered based on the selected Job Type.
Check the checkbox on the right side of the Expense to select it. If an Expense is defined as mandatory in the Job Type then it will be selected automatically and the selection checkbox will be Read-only.
If Expense Types are defined in the Job Type, then click on ADD to search and select from the allowed Expenses list, instead of individual ones.

Provided Expenses

The Expenses that the account of the customer will be charged with.

Clicking on ADD results in three user options:

    • ADD ALL REQUESTED: To add all items, provided in the Requested Expenses
    • ADD FROM REQUESTED: To search and add wanted items, available in the Requested Expenses section
    • ADD EXTRA EXPENSES: This option is available only if the Fulfilment Method of the Job is set to 'Based on Delivered Items':
      ll the Expenses that have been defined as allowed Expenses in the Job Type, even if they have not been defined in the Requested section are available for selection
Activity Services
Requested Activity Services

The One Time Services that can be requested by the customer and should be delivered through scheduling and performing an Activity.

The Activity Services are filtered based on the allowed Activity Types specified in the Job Type.
Check the checkbox on the right side of the Activity Service to select it.

If an Activity Type is defined as mandatory in the Job Type and its Activity Services are defined as Auto-Applied on the Activity Type then the service will be selected automatically and the selection checkbox will be Read-only
If an Activity Type is defined as mandatory in the Job Type but it doesn't have any Activity Services defined as Auto-Applied then none of the Activity Services will be selected automatically. A validation message will be provided when submitting the Job.

Provided Activities

The Activities which are planned for the Job, sorted by their Life Cycle State.

Use the drop-down list to select between:

    • Pending
    • In Progress
    • Completed
    • Cancelled

Click on the Activity number to open Activity modal and process the Activity as defined in the Activities manual.
The Job cannot be completed unless all the associated Activities are completed  



The attachments associated with the Job

Privacy levelThe Privacy Level of the Job, which will determine who is allowed to access it. 
It is always Read-only and can be changed through a dedicated action, or it is automatically set by the Privacy Level Assignment Rules (PLAR).

Rating State

It determines whether the Job was processed by the Billing engine or not. The available rating states are the following:

  • PENDING: The Job was not rated yet
  • COMPLETED: The Job was already rated
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities  


Action Panel - AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0

The Action Panel is located on the right-hand side of the page and includes a number of attributes along with the basic Job Actions

An * indicates a field is mandatory.



Status & Notes
Status*The status of the Job
Life Cycle State

The Life Cycle State of the Job which is automatically updated when changing the status and can be either:

    • Draft
    • Pending
    • In Progress
    • Completed
    • Cancelled
Owned By Group*The Group that owns the Job which will automatically default to that of the signed in User or will automatically be set based on the geographical area of the Contact as defined in Groups.
Shared Notes

Notes for the Job. Each time the notes are amended, the User and the date are logged.

Assignments *The assignment information for the Job
  • Unit: The Unit to handle the Job order 

  • User: The User to handle the Job order
    User field may be left empty and then Users in the Unit defined will be able to Accept the Job. Check the respective action below.

Job Actions
Job Actions

Job actions provide the major actions that can or must be performed on a Job.

Check the related section below for more information on each action:

  • Start Progress
  • Schedule an Activity

    AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R12.0.0 'Schedule an Activity' Action is available only if at least one Allowed Activity Type is defined through the Job's Type and the Job's Life Cycle State is set to 'In Progress'

  • Provide Ad Hoc Discount
  • Preview Rates
  • Preview Bill
  • Bill Job
  • Complete Job
  • Cancel Job
View History
A link which opens a modal with additional information related to the Job 

A list of all the Communications, in which the Job is defined in the 'Referring To' field of the Communication.
View Understanding Communications for more information 

Ad Hoc DiscountsA list of all the Ad Hoc discounts that have been applied on the Job.
Billing TermsThe Billing Terms of the Jobs. Billing Terms are only applicable if the Job Type has a Billing Directive.
If an Amend Billing Terms action is used, then more than one Billing Terms will be available on the list.
Approval Requests

A list or Approval Requests related to the Job.
Workflows can be configured to create Approval Requests each time a User updates the Job so that a User with approval rights can approve the amendments.
View Managing Approval Requests for more information. 


Additional Actions for Jobs

Accepting Jobs

Jobs which are assigned to a Unit and not a Specific User must be accepted to be further processed. If the Jobs are not accepted a specific User cannot be specified.  The rest of the information can be specified by using EDIT. 

When accepted, the Assigned to User field is set equal to the User that accepted the entry and the Assigned to Unit field is set equal to the Unit that the User used during login.

  1. Navigate to Jobs
  2. Search for the Job you would like to accept and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Menu click on ACTIONS > ACCEPT

Starting Progress

This action is used to enable the processing of the Job and the addition of the provided items. The action will change the Life Cycle State from 'Pending' to 'In Progress'. Once the action is executed, EDIT is required to start working on the Job.

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job whose progress you want to start and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on START PROGRESS 

  4. From the modal Window, select a Status if more that one is available. Available statuses have a Life Cycle State set as 'In Progress'.

  5. Click on SAVE on the Modal

    • The status is updated 
    • The Life Cycle State is set to 'In Progress'

Requested Activity Services are listed on the Start Progress modal from where they can be directly handled. For more information on Activities and Resource Request planning which are required for the Activity Services, view Managing Resource Requests and Managing Activities.


Completing Jobs

The Complete Job Action is used to complete Jobs by restricting further modifications to it. The action sets the Life Cycle State to 'Completed'. 

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you want to close and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on COMPLETE JOB

  4. From the modal Window, you can select a different Status, if more than one is available

  5. Click on SAVE

Cancelling Jobs

The Cancel Job action is used to cancel a Job and restrict any further modification. Unlike Complete Action, this action denotes that the Job has not been completed and is not available for billing

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you want to cancel and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on CANCEL Job

  4. From the modal Window, you can select a different Status, if more than one is available

  5. Select a Cancellation Reason from the configured ones.
  6. Click on SAVE

Scheduling Activities

As explained in the Understanding Activities manual, Activities can be used as small tasks, required to complete a bigger task. While you can schedule an Activity for a Job from Activities Page and by defining the Job Number in the  "Performed For" tab you can directly schedule an Activity for a Job, via Jobs data entry page

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you want to schedule an Activity for and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on SCHEDULE AN ACTIVITY

  4. Follow the steps as explained in Managing Activities in order to schedule the activity for the selected record

Providing Ad Hoc Discount

Auto Apply Additive Discounts and Ad Hoc Additive Discounts can be applied on Jobs. 

While Ad Hoc discounts will need to be selected by the User and added on the Job, Auto Apply discounts are automatically applied by the System.

Visit the following manual pages for more information:

Amending Job Terms

Job Billing Terms, just like Subscription Billing Terms, provide information required by CRM.COM for billing. When Billable Jobs are created it is mandatory to select a Billing Term for the Job. CRM.COM provides the option to change the Billing Term on the Job, as long as the Job is not yet completed.

Using the Amend Terms action, you can:

  • Renew the Billing Term
  • Change the Price Plan
  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you want to amend and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on AMEND BILLING TERMS

  4. From the modal Window, you can select a different Billing Term Scheme and/or a new Price Plan

  5. Click on SAVE

Previewing Bills

The bills to be issued for a Job can be previewed before it is completed

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job whose Bill you want to preview and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on PREVIEW BILL

  4. From the modal Window, click on Submit

Billing Jobs

Jobs can be billed only if they are already completed and the Billing Directive of the specific Job's Type is classified as 'Billable'. This process is used to bills Jobs for:

  • Provided Subscription Physical Goods and Physical Goods 
  • Provided Expenses
  • Provided Activity Services which were classified as 'Billable'

To bill a Job:

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you want to Bill and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on BILL Job

  4. From the modal Window, click on Submit

Quick Paying Job's Bills


The Quick Pay action is used to pay a Job's Bill that was created through the 'Bill Job' action.

To Quick Pay a Job's Bill:

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you want to Bill and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on BILL Job

  4. From the modal Window, click on Submit

  5. Click on QUICK PAY

  6. The Quick Pay modal is available with the Accounts Receivable, Bill and amount are set automatically
  7. From the modal Window, click on Submit

Previewing Rates

The Preview Rates action is used to display the rates that will be applied on the Job if all the requested items are delivered. This action is available

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you would like to preview its rates and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Panel click on PREVIEW RATES

  4. From the modal Window, click on Submit

Communicating Jobs

The Communicate Jobs action is used to create a Communication referring to the Job. The Contact Information and the Job will be carried over to the communication.
The Communications created for the Job are available through the View History link.
  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Search for the Job you would like to communicate and click on its Job Number to go to the Data Entry screen

  3. From the Action Menu click on ACTIONS > COMMUNICATE
  4. In the modal Window, provide the information required for a Communication and click on SAVE to send the Communication.

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