Configuring Wallet Definitions

Configuring Wallet Definitions

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What are Wallet Definitions?

Wallet Definitions is a set of business rules used to control the behaviour of Wallets throughout their Life Cycle.

Wallet Definitions can be edited, deleted and have their Life Cycle State changed given that Validations & Restrictions are met.

  • Navigate to Wallet Definitions and explore existing entries via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (Name or Number) of the entry of your interest to access the Data Entry page and see more detail, or submit the Definition. 

  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Definition, modify (EDIT), or DELETE an existing one.  

  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Definition. 

  • Click on the Audit Log button to view a log of changes performed on the Wallet Definition you are looking at.

View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Wallet fields.  Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Wallet, including each Action's related validations and restrictions.  

WALLET DEFINITIONS Validations & Restrictions

  • Multiple Wallet Definitions can exist in the system, but each one should have a unique Name and Alternative Code
  • Only one 'Active' Wallet Definition can exist at any given time.
  • If no 'Active' Wallet Definition exists, then a Wallet cannot be created.
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique.
  • Not Applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique.
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable
  • Cannot be deleted if it is the 'Active' Definition.


An * indicates a field is mandatory 



Number*An auto-generated number that uniquely identifies the Wallet Definitions.
Name*The name of the Wallet Definition.
Alternative code*An alternative code for the Definition. Unless otherwise specified, the code for new Definitions default to the Definition's Name initials in capital letters.
DescriptionA description of the Definition.
StateThe state of the Definition which can be 'Active' or 'Inactive'. Only one 'Active' Definition can exist at a time.
Causes Creating Wallets

Wallets are created automatically when:

  • A new Accounts Receivable is created.
  • An Accounts Receivable is used on a Prepaid Subscription.
  • An Accounts Receivable is used in Reward Participants.

Wallets can also be created manually when:

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - As of Release 10, the system will automatically create a Wallet when (This cannot be disabled):

  • An Accounts Receivable is used on a Prepaid Subscription.
  • An Accounts Receivable is used in Reward Participants.

Causes Cancelling Wallets

Wallets are cancelled automatically when:

  • An Accounts Receivable is Terminated.
  • The relation of Wallets with (last prepaid) Subscription and/or (last) Rewards Participant is Terminated.

Wallets can also be cancelled manually:

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - As of Release 10 the System will automatically cancel a Wallet when an Accounts Receivable is Terminated (This cannot be disabled).

Causes Debiting Wallets

Wallets are debited automatically: 

  • During Prepaid Billing Runs.
  • On Spend Reward Transactions.
  • On Award Expiration Transactions: - APPLICABLE UP TO CRM.COM R9.0.0

The Wallet Debit Transaction Type is used for the above Transactions. Only Debit Types are applicable.

Wallets can also be debited manually.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - As of Release 10 the System will automatically debit a Wallet in the following cases (This cannot be disabled): 

  • During a Prepaid Billing Run.
  • On Spend Reward Transactions.
  • On Wallet Balance Expiration Run.

The Wallet Debit Transaction Type is the default debit type for the above transactions but it can be modified.

Causes Crediting Wallets

Wallets are credited automatically when:

  • Payments are posted (applicable for all Payment Types or specific Types).
  • On Credit Note posting (applicable for all Credit Note Type or specific Types).
  • During a Prepaid Billing Run.
    If enabled, then Wallets will be credited if a Subscription Service was credited. 
  • On Award Reward Transactions.

The Wallet Credit Transaction Type is the used for the above transactions.  Only Credit Types are applicable.

Wallets can also be credited manually.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 As of Release 10 the System will automatically credit a Wallet in the following cases (This cannot be disabled):

  • On Prepaid Billing Run.
  • On Award Reward Transaction.
  • On Payments Posting.
    • Payment Types causing Wallets Crediting are:
      • All Payment Types (default option) OR Specific Payment Types.
      • If the Specific Payment Types is selected then one or multiple Payment Types can be defined to trigger a Wallet Credit Transaction.
  • On Credit Note Posting.
    • Credit Note Types causing Wallets Crediting are either:
      • All Credit Note Types (default option) OR Specific Credit Note Types.
      • If the Specific Credit Note Types is selected then one or multiple Credit Note Types can be defined to trigger a Wallet Credit Transaction.

The Wallet Credit Transaction Type is the default credit type for the above transactions but it can be modified.

Causes Reimbursing Wallets

Wallets are reimbursed automatically when:

  • A Wallet is Cancelled
  • A Prepaid Subscription Accounts Receivable is modified

A Wallet Reimburse Transaction Type is used for the above transactions. Only Reimburse Types are applicable.

Wallets can also be reimbursed manually.

Causes Voiding Wallet Transactions

Wallet Transactions are voided when:

  • A Payment is cancelled (applicable for all Payment Cancellation Types or Specific Types)
  • A Reward Award Transaction is cancelled
  • A Spend Award Transaction is cancelled
  • An Award Expiration Transaction is cancelled

The Wallet Void Transaction Type is used for the above transactions. Only Types classified as Void are applicable.

Wallet Transactions can also be voided manually.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - As of Release 10 the system will automatically void a Wallet Transaction in the following cases (This cannot be disabled):

  • On Cancelling a Reward Award Transaction.
  • On Cancelling a Reward Spend Transaction.
  • On Cancelling a Reward Award Expiration Transaction.
  • On Cancelling a Payment.
    • Payment Cancellation Types causing Wallets Transaction Voiding are:
      • All Payment Cancellation Types (default option) OR Specific Payment Cancellation Types.
      • If the Specific Payment Cancellation Types option is selected then one or multiple Payment Cancellation Types can be defined to trigger a Wallet Void Transaction.

The Wallet Void Transaction Type is the default void type for the above transactions but it can be modified.


Balance Threshold Rules - AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0

  • The Minimum Wallet Balance Threshold is the minimum value for the Wallet Balance that the System accepts while taking into consideration the available Balance for each Allotment Condition. If the Balance drops below the threshold, then the System blocks transactions that result in a debit (Creation of Debit, Reimburse, Transfer Transactions or Voiding of Credit Transactions).
    This value is inclusive and zero by default; it can be positive or negative and can be modified by the user.
Crediting Rules

A set of rules applied while crediting a Wallet:

  • Debit the related Accounts Receivable. An Invoice is posted against the Accounts Receivable, using the Invoice Type and Product attributes (Applicable for Credit Type Wallet Transactions or for specific Types).
Reimbursing Rules

A set of rules applied while reimbursing a Wallet:

  • Credit the related Accounts Receivable. A Credit Note is posted against the Accounts Receivable, using the Credit Note Type and Product attributes (Applicable to reimburse Type Wallet Transactions or for specific Types).
  • Maximum Reimburse amount. If the reimbursement is automatic and the reimburse amount is more than the maximum, then it is set to the maximum (Applicable to Reimburse Type Wallet Transactions or for specific Types).
Voiding Rules

A set of rules applied while voiding a Wallet Transaction:

  • Cancel any related Invoices on voiding Wallet credit transactions. If a Wallet Credit Transaction related to an Invoice is voided, then the Invoice will also get cancelled, using the Invoice Cancellation Type attribute (Applicable to Credit Type Wallet Transactions or for specific Types).

  • Debit the related Accounts Receivable on voiding Wallet Reimburse Transactions. If a Wallet Reimburse Transaction related with a Credit Note is voided, then an Invoice will be created based on the Credit Note, using the Invoice Type attribute (Applicable to Reimburse Type Wallet Transactions or for specific Types).
Auto Top Up Rules AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R11.0.0

 Defines a set of rules which are applied while automatically topping up a Wallet

Rule NameThe name of the rule which is generated automatically.
Balance Threshold*The Wallet Balance Threshold which determines if the Wallet should be credited automatically.
The Wallet balance should be less or equal to the specified Balance Threshold in order for a Wallet to be credited automatically.
Frequency (in days)*The Top Up frequency that determines if Wallet should be credited automatically.
The Wallet's latest Auto Top Up date should be empty or at least one "frequency" before the current date in order for a Wallet to be credited automatically.
Top Up Amount*The amount that Wallets will be credited through the automatic Top Up.
Applicable Classification

The Accounts Receivable Classifications on which the Auto Top Up Rules will be applied.


There is the option to apply the rules on all classifications or specific classifications . Each classification can be added in only one rule.

Log InformationThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.