Configuring Additive Discount Definitions for Jobs

Configuring Additive Discount Definitions for Jobs

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For information related to Additive Discount Definitions for Subscriptions, refer to Configuring Additive Discount Definitions for Subscriptions.

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Navigating to Additive Discount Definitions


What are Additive Discount Definitions?

Additive Discount Definitions is a module that enables the user to set up Discounts that can be applied on Subscriptions and Jobs. The Discounts can either be automatically applied during Billing (Auto-Apply Discounts) or can be selected and added on Subscriptions and Jobs by users (Ad Hoc Discounts). 

Additive Discount Definitions can be edited, deleted and have their Life Cycle State changed from 'Effective' to 'Not Effective' and vice versa.  

  • Navigate to Additive Discount Definitions and explore existing entries via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (name or number) of the entry of your interest to access the Data Entry page and see more detail, or submit the Definition. 

  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Definition, modify (EDIT), or DELETE an existing one.  

  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Definition. 

  • Click on the Audit Log button to view a log of changes performed on the displayed Additive Discount.

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Additive Discount, including each Action's related validations and restrictions. View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Additive Discount fields.



Validations & Restrictions

  • Multiple Additive Discount Definitions can exist in the system, but each one should have a unique Name and Alternative Code.
  • Only one 'Active' Additive Discount Definition can exist at any given time.
  • If there is no 'Active' Additive' Discount Definition, then an Additive Discount cannot be created.
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique.
  • Not Applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique.
  • Not Applicable
  • Cannot be deleted if it is 'Effective'.
  • Cannot be deleted if there are Rated Billing Items related to that Definition which are yet to be billed.


An * indicates a field is mandatory.



Main Information
NameThe name of the Additive Discount Definition.
Alternative Code*The alternative code of the Additive Discount Definition.

The type of the Additive Discount Definition, which should be set to:

  • Ad Hoc: If selected, then the Additive Discount will be available for selection by agents, provided the conditions are met.
  • Auto Apply: If selected, then the Additive Discount will be available for selection by agents, provided the conditions are met.

The classification of the Additive Discount definition, which should be set to:

  • Jobs: If selected, then the Additive Discount will be applicable only for Jobs.
Life Cycle State

The Life Cycle State of the Additive Discount Definition, which can be 'Effective' or 'Not Effective'.

Only Effective Additive Discount Definitions can be provided and applied.

DescriptionA description of the Additive Discount Definition.

Discount Settings

  Determines the Definition of the Discount which consists of the Discounted Amount, the Validity of the Discount Definition, the Period during which the Discount Amount will apply, the number of times the Discount can be applied, and the Products to be discounted.


The Definition of the Discount Amount which can be one of the following:

  • Percentage: The percentage Discount that will be offered
  • Amount: The Discount amount that will be offered, measured in days, weeks, months or years
  • Range:  The range of From and To values. On registering a Discount, users have the option to define a Discount within the range provided in the Discount Definition
    Only available for Ad Hoc Discounts.
Discount Level

Determines the order in which the  Additive Discounts are applied when there are more than one.  It becomes available only if the Discount Amount is specified as a Percentage.

  • The percentage of Auto Apply Discount having the same level is added, and the total discount percentage is applied.
  • Percentage of discounts of a different level is applied in order from lowest to highest.
  • For each level, the discount percentage is applied once the previous discount percentage is applied.

There are three discount levels (1,2,3).


Validity determines the fixed Effective and Expiration Dates. Additive Discounts can be offered during that period only.

Discounted Products
Discounted Products

Used to determine the Products that the Additive Discount can be applied to. Multiple Products or Product Types can be added to the products criteria list.

Only One Time Services, Expenses and Physical Goods (Traceable and Non-Traceable) are allowed to be added to the list.

One Time Services covers cases where the Job includes activities to be billed.

Approval Settings

Only available for Ad Hoc Discounts 


Requires ApprovalIf enabled, the Ad Hoc Discount created based on this Definition requires a manual approval.  Otherwise,  it is approved automatically.
Approval Authorizations

A list of users or units that can approve Ad Hoc Discounts, considering that they have access to the group owning the Job or the Job on which the Ad Hoc Discount will be applied. Multiple users or units can be specified in this list. This information is mandatory if the Requires Approval option is checked.

Non-Usage Discount Criteria

Billing Term Criteria

Define a set of Billing Term related criteria that should be met for the Discount to be applied

Billing Term Schemes

A list of billing term schemes. If the Additive Discount Definition Type is set to Ad Hoc, then only Billing Term Schemes with a Flexible Discount option can be specified. Multiple Billing Term Schemes can be added to this list.

Concurrent Usage

Defines the threshold of concurrent usage at which the Discount is applied. Two options which can be combined are available:

  • More than
  • Less than
Concurrent Usage Rate Percentage

Defines the threshold of concurrent usage percentage at which the Discount is applied. Two options which can be combined are available:

  • More than
  • Less than
Billing Term Effectiveness

Defines conditions related to the billing term effectiveness that should be satisfied for the Discount to be applied. The following options which can be combined are available:

  • Billing Term Effective Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
  • Billing Term Expiration Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
  • Agreement Date: Before, after, or between specified dates

Job Criteria

Define a set of job-related criteria that should be met for the Discount to be applied

 Job TypeA list of job types. Multiple Job Types of Billable Billing Directives can be added to this list
 Job Effectiveness

Defines conditions related with the job effectiveness that should be satisfied for the Discount to be applied. The following options which can be combined are available:

  • Job Start Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
  • Job Expected Completion Date: Before, after, or between specified dates

Accounts Receivable Criteria

Define a set of accounts receivable related criteria that should be met for the Discount to be applied

ClassificationsA list of Accounts Receivable Classifications. Multiple Accounts Receivable Classification can be added to this list.
Payment Preferences 

A list of Accounts Receivable Payment Preferences, with can optionally be used for recurring payments. Multiple Accounts Receivable Payment Preferences can be added to this list.

Presentment PreferencesA list of Accounts Receivable Presentment Preferences. Multiple Accounts Receivable Presentment Preferences can be added to this list.
Outstanding Amount

Filters the Accounts Receivable based on their outstanding amount and a specific due date. The following two options which can be combined are available:

  • More than
  • Less than

The due date can be specified in one of the following ways:

  • Due in X days
  • Due X days ago

Segment Criteria

Define a list of segments which are used to filter the Jobs or jobs that are eligible for any Discounts -
You cannot add the same segment to both included and excluded segments

Included in Segment

A list of Segments which are used to filter in the Jobs or Jobs that can get the Discount.

Only Segments related to Accounts Receivable and Jobs are available

Excluded Segments

A list of segments which are used to exclude Jobs or jobs from getting the Discount. The criteria consist of the following:

Only Segments related to Accounts Receivable and Jobs are available

Price Plan Criteria

Price PlanThe Price Plans that the Additive Discount can be applied to. Multiple Price Plans can be added to the Price Plans criteria list.

Products Criteria

Defines the Products that should exist on a Job for the Discount to be applicable. If more than one condition is specified, then all the conditions should be fulfilled for the Discount to be applied


A specific product that should be present for the Discount to be applied.

If the Classification is set to Jobs then, only One Time Services, Expenses Services and Physical Goods (Traceable and Non-Traceable) are allowed to be added in this section.

Product Type

It determines the Type of Products that should be present for the Discount to be applied.

If the Classification is set to Jobs then only Product Types classified as One Time Services, Expenses Services or Physical Goods (Traceable and Non-Traceable) are allowed to be added in this section.

Allowed Organisational Units

Only available for Ad Hoc Discounts


Allowed Organisational UnitsThe organisational units that logged in user must belong to so that the discount is available for selection to add on a Job.
Log Information
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.



View Understanding Additive Discount for business examples related to Job Additive Discounts.