Managing Rewards Participating Merchants

Managing Rewards Participating Merchants

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Navigating to Rewards Participating Merchants


Using Rewards Participating Merchants

Rewards Participating Merchants are merchants that have a cooperation with the business that owns the Rewards platform and can participate in the Reward Schemes.
Rewards Participating Merchants contribute to the amount that is awarded to Rewards Participants, based on rules which are agreed and defined between the Merchant and the Platform.

  • Navigate to Rewards Participating Merchants and explore existing entries via the Summary page. 
  • Click on the link (Name or Number) of the entry of your interest to enter the Data Entry page and see more detail. 
  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Rewards Participating Merchantmodify (EDIT) or DELETE an existing one. 
  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Rewards Participating Merchants. 
  • Click on ACTIONS to discover other possibilities available for Rewards Participating Merchants.

Check the Validations below for a list of available Actions when working with Rewards Participating Merchants including each Action's related validations. View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Rewards Participating Merchants fields.  Refer to Applying Rewards Participating Merchants Rules to find out how each of the Rule Settings will affect System behaviour.

Rewards Participating Merchants can only participate on Reward Offers Classifications that are Customer Event Based, i.e. awards are given only if a Customer Event is created that meets the conditions of a Reward Offer.

Rewards Participating Merchants


  • No other Rewards Participating Merchant is referring to the same Unit.
  • All mandatory information is specified.
  • The Schemes and Offers that were specified in any Award, Spend, Sign Up or Contribution rule can be accessed by the Unit of the specified Merchant.
  • No other Rewards Participating Merchant is referring to the same Unit.
  • All mandatory information is specified.
  • The Schemes and offers that were specified in any Award, Spend, Sign Up or Contribution rule can be accessed by the Unit of the specified Merchant.



An * indicates a field is mandatory.



Main Information
NumberAn auto-generated number that uniquely identifies each Rewards Participating Merchant.
Unit *

The Unit that represents the Rewards Participating Merchant. Each Unit can be related with only one Rewards Participating Merchant.

This information is editable only on creating a new Merchant.

Accounts Receivable *

The Accounts Receivable owned by the Unit that represents the Rewards Participating Merchant.
You can select an existing Accounts Receivable owned by that Unit or create a new one.

This information is editable only on creating a new Merchant.

Rewards Participating Merchants Group

The Rewards Participating Merchants Group to which the Merchant belongs to.

This information is not editable as it is based on Business Network configuration and the selected Unit of the Reward Participating Merchant.

Life Cycle State *The Life Cycle State of the Rewards Participating Merchants which can be 'Effective' or 'Not Effective'.
DescriptionA description of the Rewards Participating Merchant.

Award Rules

Defines the rules that will be applied when the Merchant awards Rewards Participants.

Award Rewards Participants Owned by Merchant's Group

If 'Enabled', it allows the Merchant to award Rewards Participants owned by the Merchant's Group.

'Enabled' by default.

Award Rewards Participants Owned by Other Collaborating Groups

If 'Enabled', it allows the Merchant to award Rewards Participants owned by other collaborating Groups.

'Enabled' by default.

Schemes Used to Provide Awards*

Determines whether "All Schemes" or "Specific Schemes" will provide Awards by the specified Merchant.  If the "Specific Schemes" option is selected then, it is mandatory to specify at least one Scheme. The Reward Schemes that can be defined are filtered based on the Schemes that the Merchant's Unit can access. Only 'Effective' Reward Schemes can be selected.

NameThe name of the Scheme.
Alternative CodeThe alternative code of the Scheme.
Life Cycle StateThe Life Cycle State of the Scheme.

Spend Rules

Defines the rules that will be applied when the Merchant submits spend requests on behalf of Rewards Participants.

Submit Spend Requests on Behalf of Rewards Participants Owned by Merchant's Group

If 'Enabled', it allows the Merchant to submit spend requests on behalf of Rewards Participants owned by the Merchant's Group.

'Enabled' by default.

Submit Spend Requests on Behalf of Rewards Participants Owned by Other Collaborating Groups

If 'Enabled', it allows the Merchant to submit spend requests on behalf of Rewards Participants owned by other collaborating Groups.

'Enabled' by default.

Sign Up Rules

Defines the rules that will be applied when the Merchant signs up new Rewards Participants or signs up existing Rewards Participants to new Reward Schemes

Sign up New Rewards ParticipantsIf 'Enabled', it allows the Merchant to sign up new Rewards Participant. 'Enabled' by default.
Sign up Rewards Participants Owned by Merchant's Group to New SchemesIf 'Enabled'; it allows the Merchant to sign up Rewards Participants owned by the Merchant's Group to new Schemes.'Enabled' by default.
Sign up Rewards Participants Owned by Other Collaborating Groups to New SchemesIf enabled then it allows the Merchant to sign up Rewards Participants owned by other collaborating Groups to new Schemes. 'Enabled' by default.
Schemes Used for Sign up*

Determines the Reward Schemes that the Merchant can provide to Rewards Participants through the Sign up process. There is the option to use "All Schemes" or "Specific Schemes". If the "Specific Schemes" option is selected then, it is mandatory to specify at least one Scheme. The Reward Schemes that can be defined are filtered based on the Schemes that the Merchant's Unit can access. Only 'Effective' Reward Schemes can be selected.

NameThe name of the Scheme.
Alternative CodeThe alternative code of the Scheme.
Life Cycle StateThe Life Cycle State of the Scheme.

Contribution Rules

Determines the percentage of the awarded amount that should be provided by the Merchant as a Contribution. By default, the Merchant Contribution for any award is 100%, but these rules can override this. Multiple rules can be defined. If more than one Contribution rule is applicable, then the system will apply the one with the highest priority.

By default, if a /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008250 is related to a Merchant, the Group's Contribution Rules are applied but can be overridden on an individual  Rewards Participating Merchant basis.  If one or more Contribution Rule is specified per Merchant, then none of the Merchant Group's Contribution rules is applied for this Merchant.


Rule NameThe name of the Contribution rule which is generated automatically.
Merchant Contribution %The Merchant Contribution percentage. The Contribution can be between 0 and 100 (inclusive).

The priority of the rule, used when multiple Contribution rules are applicable for the Merchant. The supported values are the following:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Normal
  • Low
Applicable Offer

Determines the Offers towards which the Contribution will be applicable. There is the option to apply the Contribution towards "All Offers" or towards a "Specific Offer".  If the  "Specific Offer" option is selected, then it is mandatory to specify at least one Offer. The Reward Offers that can be defined are filtered based on the Offers that the Merchant's Unit can access. Only 'Effective' offers of the following Type can be selected:

  • Utilise Free Capacity
  • Increase Revenue, Transaction Based
  • Increase Revenue, Product Based
Applicable Payment Medium BrandDetermines the Payment Medium Brands for which the Contribution will be applicable. There is the option to apply the Contribution for "All Brands" or for a "Specific Brand". If the "Specific Brand" option is selected, then it is mandatory to specify at least one Brand.
Applicable Payment Medium TypeDetermines the Payment Medium Types for which the Contribution will be applicable. There is the option to apply the Contribution for "All Types" or for a "Specific Type". If the "Specific Type" option is selected, then it is mandatory to specify at least one Type.
Period ContributionsDetermines the Contribution percentage for a specific period. Multiple period Contributions can be defined for each rule, but the covered periods cannot overlap.
Merchant Contribution %The Merchant Contribution percentage for the specified period. The Contribution can be between 0 and 100.
From DateThe date from which the Contribution will be applied.
To DateThe date until which the Contribution will be applied.

Crediting Rules

Determines whether the Rewards Participant's Accounts Receivable will be credited whenever a Spend Request Customer Event is submitted.

This is used in the case that the POS of your Reward's Platform Participating Merchants cannot be changed so that it fully integrates with CRM.COM so that redemption of rewards is done through Participant's Wallet, the System allows you to credit the Accounts Receivable of your Participant with the amount of money that should be paid to the merchant through the redemption of awards


Enable Accounts Receivable crediting on spend customer eventsIf enabled the Accounts Receivable of the Rewards Participant will be automatically credited when a Spend Customer Event performed by the Rewards Merchant is submitted.
Credit Note Financial Transaction TypeThe type of the Credit Note Financial Transaction that will be generated in order to credit the Reward Participant's Accounts Receivable.
It is mandatory if the Crediting Rule is enabled.
Product Included in Credit Note Financial Transaction

The product that will be included in the Credit Note that will be automatically generated.
It is mandatory if the Crediting Rule is enabled.

Log Information
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.

Additional Actions for Rewards Participating Merchants

Changing the Life Cycle State of a Merchant

The Life Cycle State of a Rewards Participating Merchant can be switched between 'Effective' and 'Not Effective', to block or grant them access to activities. 
The Life Cycle State can be set using an action which is available via the Data Entry Page.

  1. Navigate to the Rewards Participating Merchants.
  2. Search for the Merchant whose Life Cycle State should be updated.
  3. Click on the entry whose Life Cycle State should be updated, to access its Data Entry page.
    1.  From the Action Menu click on ACTIONS > SET AS EFFECTIVE OR SET AS NOT EFFECTIVE depending on its current state.
  4.  The Life Cycle State is automatically updated to Effective or Not Effective given that the validations are satisfied.