Understanding Usage Detail Records

Understanding Usage Detail Records

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What are Usage Detail Records?

Usage Detail Records (UDRs) are used to hold raw information related to the usage of Services focusing on events such as viewing films, placing telephone calls or playing games. UDRs are processed by the Billing Engine either in Real-time or by a background process.

Usage Detail Records Glossary

Usage Service

Services that are provided following a customer request and are billed based on their usage.

Termed Services

Services that are provided continuously and are billed on a recurring basis, regardless of their usage. A Termed Service must be present on the Subscription for which a Usage Service is ordered.

UDR Billing Directive

The UDR Billing Directive provides guidelines to the Billing Engine regarding the handling of the UDR and can have one of the following values:

  • 'To Be Billed' - UDR must or has been billed
  • 'To Be Credited' - UDR must or has been credited
  • 'Not To Be Billed' - UDR must or has been excluded from billing
UDR Life Cycle StateThe UDR Life Cycle State can have three values and provides the following information:
  • 'Scheduled': UDR Usage Service has been ordered for a date in the future.
  • 'Posted': UDR Usage Service has already been provided to the subscriber.
  • 'Cancelled': UDR has been cancelled.
UDR Rating State

The value of the UDR Rating State determines whether or not a UDR has been rated by the Billing Engine.

  • PENDING: The UDR has not been rated yet, or it has been rated, but the Rated Billing Item was cancelled.
  • COMPLETED: The UDR has been already rated.
Usage Service CatalogsUsage Service Catalogs are used to maintain information related to Usage Services.
Rated Billing ItemsRated Billing Items hold information related to the billing of a Product and are generated by the Billing Engine during the Rating step of the Billing Run.

Usage Detail Records Key Processes and Concepts

Processes / ConceptDescription
Billing of UDRs for Prepaid Subscriptions

Billing of UDRs is necessary for the billing of Usage Services. The billing of Usage Services added on a Subscription with a Prepaid Billing Term Scheme will result in the debiting of the Wallet associated with the Subscription.

  • APPLICABLE UP TO CRM.COM R9.0.0 - UDRs can either be processed immediately (i.e. as soon as the 'Add Service' Action is submitted) or during the next Billing Run, depending on the configuration of the Billing Term Definitions.
  • AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - UDRs are processed as soon as the 'Add Service' Action is submitted. If there are insufficient funds in the Subscriber's Wallet, then the Usage Service cannot be added to the Subscription.
Billing of UDRs for Normal Subscriptions

Billing of UDRs is necessary for the billing of Usage Services. The billing of Usage Services added on a Subscription with a Normal Billing Term Scheme will result in the debiting of the Account associated with the Subscription.

  • APPLICABLE UP TO CRM.COM R9.0.0 - UDRs can either be processed immediately (i.e. as soon as the 'Add Service' Action is submitted) or during the next Billing Run, depending on the configuration of the Billing Term Definitions.
  • AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - UDRs are processed either during the next Billing Run or as soon as the maximum number of unbilled UDRs or the maximum unbilled amount is reached as configured in the Billing Term Definitions.
Handling Billing of UDRs imported from third party systems

Billing of UDRs is done based on the rates defined in Usage Service Catalogs.
UDRs can also be sent to CRM.COM from third party systems, with fixed amounts, through WEB APIs, in which case, the specific amount is used, instead of the applicable Usage Service Catalog rate. Such UDRs are not eligible to any Additive Discounts provided through CRM.COM.
The System distinguishes between these UDRs by checking whether the Usage Service is set to Post-Rated or Pre-Rate.

Usage Services are defined as Post-Rated or Pre-Rated in Usage Service Catalogs .


UDR Actions and Rated Billing Items Relation


UDRs are processed by the Billing Run, and Rated Billing Items are created for each UDR.

In case an already rated (i.e. a Rated Billing Item exists) UDR is cancelled, or its Billing Directive is changed, then an identical Rated Billing Item is created with the same attributes and an opposite sign, which is billed the next time that a Billing Run is executed.

Usage Detail Records Access & Viewing Controls

Business Network Characteristics define the level of access for each record. i.e. whether it will be available for selection, viewing or editing.

EntityNetwork Characteristics
UDR TypesControlled Selection Access Entity

Usage Detail Records Related Modules

EntityHow Usage Detail Record Interact with Entity
Rated Billing ItemsRated Billing Items rate the Usage Detail Record as soon as it is Billed.
Usage ServicesWhenever a Usage Service is added to a Subscription, a Usage Detail Record is created holding its raw data.
Usage Service Catalogs

Usage Service Catalogs define the (Subscription) Usage Services available to be added to the Subscription (filtered by the catalog's conditions) and the billing price of the Services. The UDRs are created based on this information.

Additive DiscountsAdditive Auto-Apply Discounts are considered in Usage Detail Records. Once a Usage Service is added to a Subscription, the criteria configured in the Discount Definition are validated against the Service's attributes and (depending on the result) the Discount may be applied on the UDR
BillsBillsfor Normal Subscriptions that include UDRs are created either once the 'Add Service Usage' Action is submitted or during the next Normal Billing Run.

Usage Detail Records - Business Examples

The following section provides business examples of how the CRM.COM Usage Detail Records module is used.

Set up an OTT business model 

Company ZX OTT Model

Business Requirement

Company ZX has introduced new packages for OTT (Over-The-Top) subscribers. The OTT packages include several PPV (Pay-Per-View) movies.

• Movies are charged €5.00 when provided between 00:01 and 6:59 and €10.00 at other times.
• Older movies are charged €3.00 at all times.
• To be able to order any PPV movies subscribers must first have an 'Effective' PPV Service on their Subscription.
• Movies are free for VIP subscribers.
• The movies should be billed instantly.

Orders can be placed through customers' decoders or by calling the Call Centre.

CRM.COM Solution

To meet the above requirement the following System configurations must be performed:

• Product Types (Type Service Usage)
• Movies must be imported or created in the System with Usage Service Type
• Provider must be configured (provisioning IDs for each OTT Service should be defined)
• Usage Service Catalog Definitions must be configured and activated
• Usage Service Catalogs must be created including the movies to be made available
○ 1 Catalog for VIP subscribers
○ 1 Catalog for Normal subscribers 
• Subscription Billing Term Definitions must be set so that Usage Services BillingRules define that billing should take place every time one or more movies are added.


  • Configuration
    • Product Types

      Product TypesClassificationPhysical Good TypesService TypeComposition MethodUsed For Provisioning
      Usage ServicesService UsageFlatYes
      Termed ServicesService TermedFlatYes


      ProductTypeVAT RateInformation
      PPV ServiceTermed Services10%This Service will be used to authorise the addition of PPV movies on the Subscription.
      PPV movies

      One product must be created per PPV movie to be made available.

      Usage Services are added in Usage Service Catalogs and not in Price Plans.

      Lord Of the Rings 1Usage Service10% 
      SerendipityUsage Service10% 
      LimitlessUsage Service10% 
    • Provisioning Provider
      NagraVision Media Live is used as an example:

      Provisioning ProviderProvisioning ProtocolEnd PointUsernamePasswordEncodingDistributorsServicesPhysical Goods
      Nagra Media PlatformNagra Media Live Platformhttp://ott.nagra.com/customer/VTV/api/smsservice_1.2?wsdlRequest passwordRequest passwordUTF-8Nagra Media Live MainDefine via Usage Service CatalogsThomson Decoders
    • Usage Service Catalog Definitions

      Life Cycle StateAllowed AttributesDefault Rates per Usage Service Type
       Usage Service TypesProvisioning ProvidersService TypeBase RateTiered RateConditions
      ActiveUsage ServicesNagra Media LiveUsage Service€10.00€5.00
      • Usage Start Time: 00:01
      • Usage End Time: 06:59

      Usage Service Catalog for Normal Subscribers

      Provisioning ProviderValidityUsage Services
        Usage ServiceBase RateProvisioning IDTiered RateConditionsComments
      Nagra Media Live PlatformAlways ValidLord of the Rings€10.001AQ8€5.00
      • Usage Start Time: 00:01
      • Usage End Time: 06:59
      Usage Service Details will be automatically set as in the Definition (Base Rate, Tiered Rate, Tiered Rate Conditions).
      • Usage Start Time: 00:01
      • Usage End Time: 06:59
      Usage Service Details will be automatically set as in the Definition (Base Rate, Tiered Rate, Tiered Rate Conditions).
        Serendipity (Old Movie)€5.001BQ4Usage Service Details will be automatically set as 'Defined' (Base Rate, Tiered Rate, Tiered Rate Conditions), in which case the user must update the Base Rate to €5.00 manually and remove any set Tiered Rates.



      Usage Service Catalog for VIP Subscribers

      Provisioning ProviderValidityUsage ServicesAccounts Receivable Conditions
        Usage ServiceBase RateProvisioning IDTiered RateConditionsComments 
      Nagra Media Live PlatformAlways ValidLord of the Rings€0.001AQ8€0.00


      Usage Service Details will be automatically set as in the Definition (Base Rate, Tiered Rate, Tiered Rate Conditions), in which case the user must update them all to €0.00 and remove Tiered Rates.Classification = VIP



      Usage Service Details will be automatically set as in the Definition (Base Rate, Tiered Rate, Tiered Rate Conditions), in which case the user must update them all to €0.00 and remove Tiered Rates. 
        Serendipity (Old Movie)€0.001BQ4€0.00 Usage Service Details will be automatically set as in the Definition (Base Rate, Tiered Rate, Tiered Rate Conditions), in which case the user must update them all to €0.00 and remove Tiered Rates. 

      Subscription Billing Term Definition

      Usage Services Billing Rules 
      Maximum number of unbilled UDRsApplicable on Billing Term Schemes
      1All Normal Billing Term Schemes


  • User Process
    Users can order PPV movies either through the WEB API or by calling the Call Centre. If the order is made by phone then the agent will need to:
    • Find the Subscription
    • Confirm the Subscription has an 'Effective' PPV (Termed) Service. If the Service is not on the Subscription then it should be added using the Add Effective Services Action.
      Note: The Service needs to be distributed to the Provisioning Distributor of the configured Provider as defined in the Usage Service Catalog.
    • Once the PPV Service is added, the user should open the modal for the Add Service Usage Action.
      • Select the Distributor related to the configured Provider.
      • Search for the available PPV movies.
        If the order is not to be executed directly, then first select the scheduled date so that the appropriate PPV movie list is populated.
      • Select the PPV movie that the subscriber wants to order.
      • Provide information to be added on the UDR to be created (and which will be used for the billing of the movie).
      • Submit the Action.
        UDRs will be directly billed because of the rule set at the Subscription Billing Term Definition.