Social Media Customer Event

Social Media Customer Event

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Social Media Customer EventAttributes

An * indicates a field is mandatory.



Main Information
NumberAn auto-generated number that uniquely identifies the Customer Event.
Classification The classification of the Customer Event which is optionally specified during the creation of the Event. Only Customer Event Classifications which are related with the specified Customer Event Type are included in the list of available Customer Event Classifications.
Life Cycle StateThe Life Cycle State of the Customer Event which can be 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'.
Accounts Receivable*The Accounts Receivable related to the Customer Event.
Performed By Unit* The Unit that initiated the Customer Event.  i.e. Represents the Merchant who initiated the Event.
Performed Date*The date on which the Customer Event was performed.
DescriptionA description of the Customer Event.
Process ImmediatelyDetermines whether the Customer Event should be processed immediately by various business processes, or not.  Not processed immediately is the default.

Process Immediately will be selected (checked) and set to Read-only, if the specific Customer Event Type has been defined through the 'Active' Customer Events Definition.
Social Media*

The social media related to the Customer Event, which can be one of the following:

  • Facebook 
Profile*The social media profile related to the Customer Event.

The social media action that was performed. The following actions for each social media are supported:

  • Facebook
    • Like

External System


Determines the third-party system that generated the Customer Event.  It can only be set by the WEB APIs.

External System Reference Number


A reference number for the Customer Event that uniquely identifies the Event in the External System and CRM.COM.

Award Transaction
Award Transaction

An Award made available as a result of a Reward Offer related to the event under evaluation.

If a Wallet Transaction is also created in order to credit the Wallet of the Participant, it will be accessible as a drill-down on the Award.

Log Information
Log Information The standard set of Log Details information available in all entities. 

Popular Labels