Financial Transactions - Configuration Requirements

Financial Transactions - Configuration Requirements

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Learn how to set up your Financial Transactions related business processes and rules through our extensive Module Configuration features. 

 Mandatory Configuration Links to manuals of Financial Transactions configuration modules that are required to be configured for the module to work correctly

 Related Configuration Links to manuals of configuration modules other than Financial Transactions that offer additional functionality or are required for the module to work correctly

 Optional Configuration Links to manuals of Financial Transactions configuration modules that offer additional functionality but are not required for the module to work correctly


Mandatory Configuration

The following modules must be configured in order to use Financial Transactions:

Module NameManualDescription

Business Definition

Configuring Financial Transaction DefinitionsDefine the business rules that control the Accounts Receivable Life Cycle and without which a Financial Transaction cannot be created
TypesConfiguring Financial Transaction TypesDefine the types of Financial Transactions required in the system
Payment MethodsConfiguring Payment MethodsUsed when creating or modifying a payment

Related Configuration

The following modules are related to but are not a part of, Financial Transactions. Such entities either:

  • Must be configured accordingly in order to be able to start using Financial Transactions module (Configuration Type = Mandatory) 
  • May be configured to use Financial Transactions module at its full capacity (Configuration Type = Optional)
Module NameManualDescriptionConfiguration Type
VAT RatesSetting up VAT Rates

Define the VAT rates that will available for use when creating Invoices or Credit notes

Customer Events DefinitionsConfiguring Customer Events Definition

Define the type of Financial Transaction that will automatically create Customer events of Type Purchase

Accounts Receivable DefinitionsConfiguring Accounts Receivable Definitions

Define the allocation principle

Wallets DefinitionConfiguring Wallet Definitions

Define which type of Financial Transaction will generate a Wallet Transaction and what type of Wallet Transaction will be created


Optional Configuration

The following entities are available and can be configured under Financial Transactions.  A working CRM.COM model can exist without them being configured.

Module NameManualDescription
Rejection ReasonsConfiguring Rejection ReasonsUsed when rejecting a Financial Transaction
CategoriesConfiguring Financial Transaction Categories

Used to put Financial Transactions into categories when creating or modifying them.