Creating and Sending Invoice Cancellation Details Printout

Creating and Sending Invoice Cancellation Details Printout

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What is an Invoice Cancellation Details Printout?

An Invoice Cancellation Details Printout provides the information of an Invoice Cancellation.

The Printout is available through the Invoice Cancellation Data Entry page.

The Printout can be extracted and printed in one of the formats below, or can be sent to the customer via email as a PDF attachment:

  1. PDF
  2. HTML
  3. XLS
  4. CSV
  5. RTF


Creating and Sending Invoice Cancellation Details Printout

Validations & Restrictions Table

  • Security Network restrictions are applicable (i.e. only records that can be accessed by the logged in user are retrieved) as explained in Understanding Network Entity Types

Header Information of Invoice Cancellation Details Printout

The following information can be found at the top of the printout.

NameThe name of the owner of the Accounts Receivable
Issue DateThe date on which the Invoice Cancellation was issued
Posted DateThe date on which the Invoice Cancellation was posted
Billing AddressThe billing address of the owner of the Accounts Receivable
Cancelled InvoiceThe number of the invoice which was cancelled by the Invoice Cancellation of the printout

Detailed Information of Invoice Cancellation Details Printout

The following information is provided within the Printout. If the Printout has multiple records, the information will be available for every record separately.


The Description of the Product which was credited through the specified Invoice Cancellation.

Net AmountThe Net amount that the Product was credited in the Invoice Cancellation.
VAT Amount

The amount of VAT charged for the Product, derived by multiplying the Net Amount by the VAT percentage rate.

VAT %The VAT percentage rate for this Invoice Cancellation line.
Discount AmountThe amount reduced from the regular price of the Product.
Discount %The percentage of the total amount that the reduction from the regular price of the Product represents.
Sub-TotalThe Invoice Cancellation line's Total.

Summary Information of the Invoice Cancellation Details Printout

The following information can be found at the bottom of the printout.

Net AmountThe Total Net amount of all Invoice Cancellation lines
Discount AmountThe Total Discount amount of all Invoice Cancellation lines
VAT AmountThe Total VAT amount of all Invoice Cancellation lines
Total AmountThe InvoiceCanellation'sTotal Amount