Creating and Sending Accounts Receivable Balance Printout

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What is an Accounts Receivable Printout?

An Accounts Receivable Printout displays the current year's Financial Transactions, the current year's Balance to-date, as well as the Balance carried forward from the previous year. The Printout is available through the Accounts Receivable Data Entry page.

The Printout can be extracted and printed in one of the formats below, or can be sent to the customer via email as a PDF attachment:

  1. PDF
  2. HTML
  3. XLS
  4. CSV
  5. RTF



Validations & Restrictions Table


Security Network restrictions are applicable (i.e. only records that can be accessed by the logged-in user are retrieved) as explained in Understanding Network Entity Types

Header Information of Accounts Receivable Balance Printout

The following information can be found at the top of the Printout.

ClassificationThe Accounts Receivable Classification
Credit RatingThe Accounts Receivable Credit Rating
Number of Financial TransactionsThe number of Financial Transactions within the current year used in calculating the Accounts Receivable Balance.

Detailed Information of Accounts Receivable Balance Printout 

The following information is provided in the Printout. If the Printout has multiple records, then the information will be available for every record separately.

NumberThe Financial Transaction's number
TypeThe Financial Transaction's type
ClassificationThe Financial Transaction's classification
Issue DateThe Financial Transaction's issue date
Posted DateThe Financial Transaction's posted date
Due DateThe Financial Transaction's due date
Total AmountThe Financial Transaction's total amount

Summary Information of Accounts Receivable Balance Printout

The following information can be found at the bottom of the Printout


APPLICABLE UP TO R9 - Balance Within <year>

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - Balance within <current open accounting period's month and year>

APPLICABLE UP TO R9 - The Accounts Receivable Balance consisting of the sum of all Financial Transactions of the year to-date, followed by a display of the current year.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 - The Accounts Receivable Balance which is the sum of all debit transactions minus the sum of all credit transactions which are not related to any accounting period (i.e. posted during the currently open period)

Balance Carried Over

APPLICABLE UP TO R9 - The Accounts Receivable Balance consisting of the sum of all Financial Transactions posted before the current year.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R10.0.0 -  Opening balance of the Accounts Receivable

Total BalanceSum of Balance within Current Year and Balance Carried Over