Configuring Rewards Definitions

Configuring Rewards Definitions

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Navigating to Rewards Definitions


What are Rewards Definitions?

Rewards Definitions are a set of business rules used to control the behaviour of Rewards throughout their Life Cycle.

Rewards Definitions can be edited, deleted and have their Life Cycle State changed given that Validations & Restrictions are met.

  • Navigate to Rewards Definitions and explore existing entries via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (Name or Number) of the record of your interest to access the Data Entry page and see more detail.

  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Definition, modify (EDIT), or DELETE an existing one.  

  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Definition. 

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Rewards, including each Action's related validations and restrictions.  View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Rewards fields.
Rewards Definitions 

Validations & Restrictions

  • Multiple Rewards Definitions can exist in the System, but each one should have a unique Name and Alternative Code.
  • Only one 'Active' Rewards Definition can exist at any given time.
  • If there is no  'Active' Rewards Definition, then Rewards cannot be created.
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique.
  • Not Applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique.
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable
  • Cannot be deleted if it is the 'Active' Definition.


An * indicates a field is mandatory 



Main Information
NumberAn auto-generated number that uniquely identifies the accounts receivable Definitions.
Name*The name of the Definition.
Alternative code*An alternative code for the Definition. Unless otherwise specified, the codes for new Definitions default to the Definition's Name initials in capital letters.
DescriptionA description of the Definition.
StateThe state of the Definition which can be 'Active' or 'Inactive'. Only one 'Active' Definition can exist at a time.
Allowed Types
Allowed Reward Offer Types*Determines which of the pre-configured Reward Offer Types will be available for selection when creating a new Reward Offer. Multiple Types can be selected, but at least one is necessary.
Settlement Automation
Invoice Financial Transaction Type*Defines the Type of the Invoice Financial Transaction that will be generated by the Settlement Process to debit the Accounts Receivable of Participating Merchants (or Organisational Units).
Product Included in Debit Financial Transaction*Defines the product that will be included in the Invoice which will debit the Accounts Receivable.
Credit Note Financial Transaction Type*Defines the Type of the Credit Note Financial Transaction that will be generated by the Settlement Process run to credit the Accounts Receivable of Participating Merchants (or Organisational Units).
Product Included in Credit Financial Transaction*Defines the product that will be included in the Invoice which will debit the Accounts Receivable.
Log Information
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.