R9 - Creating Warehouse Transactions

R9 - Creating Warehouse Transactions

What does this section cover?

Navigating to Warehouse Transactions


Explaining Warehouse Transactions Fields

Stock In Transactions



NumberAn auto generated number
TypeThe type of the warehouse transaction which in this case is set to stock in
Warehouse*The warehouse in which the stock will be moved in
Life Cycle StateThe state of the transaction which can be draft or posted
Batch numberA reference number which is entered to keep track of the warehouse transaction source
SupplierThe supplier that provided the stock. It refers to contact information
DescriptionA description of the warehouse transaction
Posted dateThe date that the transaction was posted. This date is mandatory whenever a transaction is posted
Items*A list of physical goods which represent the stock that will be moved in the warehouse. The following information can be specified:
  • Serial Number: Available only for traceable physical goods
  • Installed Item or Non traceable physical good: The physical good that will be added
  • Installed Item Bundle: Defines the Warehouse Transaction Item of an installed item bundle in which the installed item denoted in the installed item field in included as a bundle component. This information is applicable and mandatory only if the installed item being moved through the warehouse transaction is a component of an installed item bundle with a fixed product composition and which is also included in the same warehouse transaction.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the physical good, applicable only for non traceable
  • Unit Cost Amount: The unit cost of the physical good
  • Total Cost Amount: The total cost amount of the physical good which is equal to quantity multiplied by the unit cost amount

Aggregated amount per physical good are calculated dynamically and are displayed on the warehouse transaction. Those amounts include the following:

  • Quantity
  • Unit Cost
  • Total Cost

Stock Out Transactions



NumberAn auto generated number
TypeThe type of the warehouse transaction which in this case is set to stock out
Warehouse*The warehouse from which the stock will be moved out
Life Cycle StateThe state of the transaction which can be draft or posted
Batch NumberA reference number which is entered to keep track of the warehouse transaction
DescriptionA description of the warehouse transaction
Posted dateThe date that the transaction was posted. This date is mandatory whenever a transaction is posted
Items*A list of physical goods which represent the stock that will be moved in the warehouse. The specify information can be specified:
  • Serial Number: Available only for traceable physical goods
  • Installed Item or Non traceable physical good: The physical good that will be added
  • Installed Item Bundle: Defines the Warehouse Transaction Item of an installed item bundle in which the installed item denoted in the installed item field in included as a bundle component. This information is applicable and mandatory only if the installed item being moved through the warehouse transaction is a component of an installed item bundle with a fixed product composition and which is also included in the same warehouse transaction.
  • Quantity: The quantity of the physical good, applicable only for non traceable

Aggregated quantity per physical good are calculated dynamically and are displayed on the warehouse transaction

Stock Movement Transactions



NumberAn auto generated number
Type The type of the warehouse transaction which in this case is set to stock movement
From warehouse* The warehouse from which the stock will be moved out.
To warehouse*The warehouse in which the stock will be moved in
Life Cycle StateThe state of the transaction which can be draft or posted
Batch NumberA reference number which is entered to keep track of the warehouse transaction
DescriptionA description of the warehouse transaction
Posted dateThe date that the transaction was posted. This date is mandatory whenever a transaction is posted
Items*A list of physical goods which represent the stock that will be moved in the warehouse. The specify information can be specified:
  • Serial Number: Available only for traceable physical goods
  • Quantity: Available for all type of physical goods. Editable only for non traceable physical goods
  • Installed Item Bundle: Defines the Warehouse Transaction Item of an installed item bundle in which the installed item denoted in the installed item field in included as a bundle component. This information is applicable and mandatory only if the installed item being moved through the warehouse transaction is a component of an installed item bundle with a fixed product composition and which is also included in the same warehouse transaction.

Aggregated quantity per physical good are calculated dynamically and are displayed on the warehouse transaction

Creating & Saving, Validations & Restrictions

  • Mandatory Fields:
    • Warehouse (or From / To Warehouse for Stock Movement Transaction)
    • Items

Creating a Stock-In Warehouse Transaction

Visit Using Warehouse Transactions to import Bundle Physical Goods to find information regarding warehouse transactions with Bundle Installed Items

  1. Search using the criteria available in the summary page
  2. From the top menu click on NEW > STOCK IN TRANSACTION to open the Warehouse Transactions data entry page

    1. Provide the required information

      1. Stock In Warehouse
      2. Batch Number
      3. Supplier
      4. Description
    2. You can also view information regarding:
      1. Type
      2. Life Cycle State
      3. Posted Date
        Stock In transaction - Main Information

    1. Provide the required information

      1. Search For Existing Installed Item: You can search from existing installed items that are not allocated to a warehouse
        OR select a product and product type
      2. Product Type
      3. Product
      4. Serial Number: provide the serial number of the new installed item to be created
    2. Provide the required information regarding the installed items to be added
      1. Alternative Code
      2. Quantity (for non-traceable items)
      3. Unit Cost Amount
    3. View relative information regarding each of the installed items to be added
      1. Product
      2. Serial Number
      3. Quantity
      4. Total Cost Amount
        Stock in transaction - Items to stock in

    1. Each time that an installed item is added on the ITEMS TO STOCK IN section, an aggregated quantity per physical good is calculated dynamically and displayed on the warehouse transaction preview section. More specifically the following information is displayed:
      1. Product
      2. Quantity 
      3. Unit Cost
      4. Total Cost
        Stock In Transaction - Transaction Totals

    The following information is automatically set by the system on saving the Warehouse Transactions

    1. Log information section keeps all the logging information related to the specific record

      • Basic set of information available in all entities
        • Created By User: The user that created the entity
        • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the entity
        • Updated By User: The user that last updated the entity
        • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the entity
        • Date Created: The date the account was entity
        • Date Updated: The date the account was last entity
          LOG DETAILS

  7. From the Action Menu click on SAVE or SAVE AS DRAFT

    Posting or Draft Warehouse Transactions

    Warehouse transactions are by default submitted as posted, when SAVE is selected.

    However SAVE AS DRAFT can be selected. In this case the warehouse balance is not updated, until the transaction is Posted. In order to Post the Transaction then the ACTIONS > POST needs to be selected from the Warehouse Transactions Detail Page. Once Posted the Life Cycle State of the Transaction will be updated from Draft to Posted.

Creating a Stock-Out Warehouse Transaction

Visit Using Warehouse Transactions to import Bundle Physical Goods to find information regarding warehouse transactions with Bundle Installed Items

  1. Search using the criteria available in the summary page
  2. From the top menu click on the NEW > STOCK OUT TRANSACTION to open the Warehouse Transactions data entry page

    1. Provide the required information

      1. Remove Stock From Warehouse
      2. Batch Number
      3. Supplier
      4. Description
    2. You can also view information regarding:
      1. Type
      2. Life Cycle State
      3. Posted Date


    Adding Single Installed Item

    This process should be followed if you would like to move an Installed Item (Traceable Physical Good) 

    1. Go to Installed Item search box

    2. Either run a quick search or open the search modal and search for the item to be moved

    Adding Physical Goods (Non Traceable)

    This process should be followed if you would like to move a Non Traceable Physical Good

    1. Product Type: Select product type from the drop-down list

    2. Product: Select product from the drop-down list

    3. Quantity: provide the quantity of the non-traceable items to be removed from warehouse


    AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9.0.0 - Go through the following steps if you have CRM.COM R9.0.0 and onwards

    Adding Single Installed Item 

    This process should be followed if you would like to move an Installed Item (Traceable Physical Good) 

    1. Go to Add Single Installed Item search box

    2. Either run a quick search or open the search modal and search for the item to be moved

    Adding Physical Goods (Non Traceable) 

    This process should be followed if you would like to move a Non Traceable Physical Good

    1. Go to Add Physical Goods section

      1. Product Type: Select product type from the drop-down list
      2. Product: Select product from the drop-down list
      3. Quantity: provide the quantity of the non-traceable items to be removed from warehouse

    Adding Multiple Installed Items  - AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9.0.0

    This process should be followed if you would like to move multiple Installed Item (Traceable Physical Goods)

    1. Click on Multiple Installed Items

    2. In the search modal search using specific serial numbers

      1. Place a check in the check box to the right of the installed item
      2. Click on Select
        All the selected installed Items will be added


    1. Each time that an installed item is added on the ITEMS TO STOCK OUT section, an aggregated quantity per physical good is calculated dynamically and displayed on the warehouse transaction preview section. More specifically the following information is displayed:
      1. Product
      2. Quantity


    The following information is automatically set by the system on saving the Warehouse Transactions

    1. Log information section keeps all the logging information related to the specific record

      • Basic set of information available in all entities
        • Created By User: The user that created the entity
        • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the entity
        • Updated By User: The user that last updated the entity
        • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the entity
        • Date Created: The date the account was entity
        • Date Updated: The date the account was last entity
          LOG DETAILS

  7. From the Action Menu click on SAVE or SAVE AS DRAFT

    Posting or Draft Warehouse Transactions

    Warehouse transactions are by default submitted as posted, when SAVE is selected.

    However SAVE AS DRAFT can be selected. In this case the warehouse balance is not updated, until the transaction is Posted. In order to Post the Transaction then the Action > Post needs to be selected from the Warehouse Transactions Detail Page. Once Posted the Life Cycle State of the Transaction will be updated from Draft to Posted.

Creating a Stock-Movement Warehouse Transaction

Visit Using Warehouse Transactions to import Bundle Physical Goods to find information regarding warehouse transactions with Bundle Installed Items

  1. Search using the criteria available in the summary page
  2. From the top menu click on the NEW > STOCK MOVEMENT TRANSACTION to open the Warehouse Transactions data entry page

    1. Provide the required information

      1. From Warehouse
      2. To Warehouse
      3. Batch Number
      4. Supplier
      5. Description
    2. You can also view information regarding:
      1. Type
      2. Life Cycle State
      3. Posted Date
        Stock Movement - main Information

    Adding Single Installed Item

    This process should be followed if you would like to move an Installed Item (Traceable Physical Good) 

    1. Go to Installed Item search box

    2. Either run a quick search or open the search modal and search for the item to be moved

    Adding Physical Goods (Non Traceable)

    This process should be followed if you would like to move a Non Traceable Physical Good

    1. Product Type: Select product type from the drop-down list

    2. Product: Select product from the drop-down list

    3. Quantity: provide the quantity of the non-traceable items to be removed from warehouse


    AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9.0.0 - Go through the following steps if you have CRM.COM R9.0.0 and onwards

    Adding Single Installed Item 

    This process should be followed if you would like to move an Installed Item (Traceable Physical Good) 

    1. Go to Add Single Installed Item search box

    2. Either run a quick search or open the search modal and search for the item to be moved

    Adding Physical Goods (Non Traceable) 

    This process should be followed if you would like to move a Non Traceable Physical Good

    1. Go to Add Physical Goods section

      1. Product Type: Select product type from the drop-down list
      2. Product: Select product from the drop-down list
      3. Quantity: provide the quantity of the non-traceable items to be removed from warehouse

    Adding Multiple Installed Items  - AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9.0.0

    This process should be followed if you would like to move multiple Installed Item (Traceable Physical Goods)

    1. Click on Multiple Installed Items

    2. In the search modal search using specific serial numbers

      1. Place a check in the check box to the right of the installed item
      2. Click on Select
        All the selected installed Items will be added


    1. Each time that an installed item is added on the ITEMS TO STOCK OUT section, an aggregated quantity per physical good is calculated dynamically and displayed on the warehouse transaction preview section. More specifically the following information is displayed:
      1. Product
      2. Quantity


    The following information is automatically set by the system on saving the Warehouse Transactions

    1. Log information section keeps all the logging information related to the specific record

      • Basic set of information available in all entities
        • Created By User: The user that created the entity
        • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the entity
        • Updated By User: The user that last updated the entity
        • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the entity
        • Date Created: The date the account was entity
        • Date Updated: The date the account was last entity
          LOG DETAILS

  7. From the Action Menu click on SAVE or SAVE AS DRAFT

    Posting or Draft Warehouse Transactions

    Warehouse transactions are by default submitted as posted, when SAVE is selected.

    However SAVE AS DRAFT can be selected. In this case the warehouse balance is not updated, until the transaction is Posted. In order to Post the Transaction then the Action > Post needs to be selected from the Warehouse Transactions Detail Page. Once Posted the Life Cycle State of the Transaction will be updated from Draft to Posted.

System Processing

Stock-In Warehouse Transaction

Once the Stock-In Warehouse Transaction is Saved (submitted as posted) then physical goods will be moved into a specific warehouse, by performing the following steps:

  1. Check that the specified physical goods instances are not already allocated in a warehouse, otherwise the process cannot be performed.
  2. If the physical goods instances don't exist in the system and the mandatory information which is needed in order to create them is specified then
    1. The physical good instances are created
  3. The warehouse balance is increased based on the items that were specified on the warehouse transaction and their quantity

  4. The installed item history is updated

Stock-Out Warehouse Transaction

Once the Stock-Out Warehouse Transaction is Saved (submitted as posted) then physical goods will be moved out of a specific warehouse, by performing the following steps:

  1. Check that the specified physical goods instances exists in the system, otherwise the process cannot be performed.
  2. Check that the specified physical goods instances exist in the specified warehouse, otherwise the process cannot be performed.
  3. The warehouse balance is decreased based on the items that were specified on the warehouse transaction and their quantity
  4. The installed item history is updated

Stock-Movement Warehouse Transaction

Once the Stock-Movement Warehouse Transaction is Saved (submitted as posted) then physical goods will be moved from one warehouse to another, by performing the following steps:

  • Checks that the specified physical goods instances exists in the system, otherwise the process cannot be performed.
  • Checks that the specified physical goods instances exist in the specified "From Warehouse", otherwise the process cannot be performed.
  • The "From Warehouse" balance is decreased based on the items that were specified on the warehouse transaction and their quantity
  • The "To Warehouse" balance is increased based on the items that were specified on the warehouse transaction and their quantity
  • The installed item history is updated


Visit Understanding Inventory Management for business examples related to Creating Warehouse Transactions

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