Using Reset Subscription Runs

Using Reset Subscription Runs

Table of Contents

Navigating to Reset Subscription Run Definitions


What are Reset Subscription Run Definitions?

Reset Subscription Run Definitions are used to determine the business rules that will be used to identify out of sync provisioned Subscriptions and to transmit the necessary commands to the Provisioning Platform to synchronise them. 

Run Definitions must be submitted once created and will be executed one time or on a recurring basis, based on the defined Scheduling Settings. When a Definition is executed, a Process Run is logged, and once the Run is completed, the information (i.e. the generated requests) is available on the respective Provider's Provisioning Request Mnaage Page.
The user has the option to delete the specific Run as long as it is not yet executed (still in 'Draft' state).
A Definition must have an 'Effective' Life Cycle State to be submitted. The Life Cycle State can be toggled between 'Effective' and 'Not Effective' using the dedicated action.

  • Navigate to Reset Subscription Runs Definitions and explore existing entries via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (Name or Number) of the entry of your interest to access the Data Entry page and see more detail, or submit the Definition. 

  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Definition, modify (EDIT), or DELETE an existing one.  

  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Definition.

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of Actions available when working with Reset Subscription Runs, including each Action's related validations, additional information and a description of its system process.  View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Reset Subscription Runs fields.

It is possible to preview the Subscriptions that will be reset by the Run.

Reset Subscription Run Definition

Validations & Restrictions

Additional Information
System Processing
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable
  • When the Run is executed, the System processes all commands necessary to bring the Subscriptions registered in the Provisioning Platform in the same Provisioning state as they are in CRM.COM (by creating the respective provisioning requests).
  • Multiple Reset Subscription Run Definitions can exist in the System, but each one must have a unique Name and Alternative Code.
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable
  • If there are one or more scheduled Runs using the same Definition, then a new Run Definition instance is created. The new Definition will have the same values and Unified Code as the first one, an augmented version number and all the modified information.
  • Not Applicable
  • Run Definitions cannot be deleted if there exists one or more scheduled or completed Runs for that Definition.
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable



An * indicates a field is mandatory 



Main Information
Name*The name of the Definition.
Alternative Code*The alternative code of the Definition. Unless otherwise specified, the Alternative Codes for new entries default to the Name initials in capital letters.
Provisioning Provider*The provisioning provider that will be synchronised with CRM.COM. Only effective Provisioning Providers can be selected.
DescriptionA description of the Definition.
Life Cycle StateThe Life Cycle State of the Definition. The supported values are 'Effective' and 'Not Effective'. 
Only 'Effective' Definitions can be executed.
Unified Code

An auto-generated code which is used to group the various instances of the Definition.


An auto-generated number which is used to specify the version of each Run Definition. If the version number is already in use by a Run, a new Run Definition Version is created when the Definition is edited.

The VIEW PREVIOUS VERSIONS link enables the user to search and view previous versions of the Definition.

Logging Method


Defines the method to be used for logging process run's results. Two options are available:

  • Log Processed Successfully and Processed with Errors: If selected, both entities successfully processed and failed ones will be logged in the Process Run Log.
  • Log Only Processed with Errors: If selected then only entities which failed to be processed will be logged in the Process Run Log.


Defines a list of criteria which are used to identify the Subscriptions that should be reset.
Subscription Creation Period

The date range during which the Subscriptions to be processed were created. If not specified, then all Subscriptions will be processed.

  • From Date
  • To Date
Subscription Types

A list of Subscription Types that should be included in the Run.

Multiple Subscription Types can be specified but if none are specified Subscriptions of all available Types will be processed.

Scheduling Setting
Scheduling SettingsMethod - The following options are available:
  • Run Now
  • Run on Specific Date / Time
  • Run Repeatedly
  • Advanced Scheduling

Refer to Scheduler Task for configuration guidelines.

Process Runs
Process RunsDisplays the Runs that were executed for the specific Definition. Each Run includes the Subscriptions that were processed. In a case of an error, the error code and description is displayed.
Log Information
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.

Previewing a Reset Subscription Runs Definition

Subscriptions can be previewed through the Reset Subscription Run Definition modal before they are reset. 
To preview the Subscriptions: 
  1. Click on Actions > Preview from the Actions menu.
  2. The Subscriptions to be processed based on the configuration set are shown. The following information is available:
    1. Subscription Number 
    2. Subscription Type
    3. Account Name 
    4. Created Date