Copy of Modifying Units R6

Copy of Modifying Units R6

What does this section cover?

Find out how to modify an existing Units

CRM.COM Software allows you to modify an existing Units through Units Module.

Follow the steps below in order to modify an existing Units

  1. Login using your username and password
  2. Navigate to Foundation Application > Network Management
  3. Click on Manage Units
  4. The Units summary screen is displayed
  5. Search for the Units you want to modify.
    For a description on Searching Units go to /wiki/spaces/V4Manual/pages/9832913
  6. Click on the Edit Button from the Top Menu
    The page will be displayed in Edit Mode
    Modifying Units
  7. Under Main Information add the relevant data:
    1. Name (Unique and Mandatory)
    2. Group (Mandatory)
    3. Community
    4. Parent Unit
    5. Alternative code (Unique and Mandatory)      
    6. Description
    7. Check/ uncheck setting for automatic unit assignment
    8. Contact Information
      1. Select to add a new contact information 
        1. Select the type of contact information (person or company)
        2. Give a name to the new contact
      2. Select to use an existing contact information
        1. Click on Find
          A modal window opens
        2. Search for all existing contacts by entering "%" or by entering values based on the form criteria
        3. Click on the Check Box on the left to select it
        4. Click on Select
          The Contact will be added under the contact information section of the Community
  8. Go to Covered Geographical Areas
    1. You can Add, Remove or update the Areas of existing Record
    2. Add
      1. Click on Add link and in the additional record provide the fields you want to set as conditions (Area, district, Town/City)
        Add extra Geographical areas 
    3. Remove
      1. Put a check next to the record you want to remove
      2. Click on the remove link
        Remove existing Geographical Areas 
    4. Update
      1. Edit the existing information by erasing and rewriting
  9. Click on Save

Find out how to delete an existing Units

CRM.COM Software allows you to delete an existing Units through Units module. However, Units related with Users cannot be deleted unless all the related Users are deleted or are inactive

Follow the steps below in order to delete an existing Units of 

  1. Login using your username and password
  2. Navigate to Foundation Application > Network Management
  3. Click on Manage Units
  4. The Units summary screen is displayed
  5. Search for the Units you want to delete.
    For a description on Searching Units go to /wiki/spaces/V4Manual/pages/9832913
  6. Click on the Units you want to delete
    1. Make sure that the Unit Profile you want to delete:
      1. It is not related with any Users that are not deleted or inactive
  7. Click on the Delete button on the Top Menu bar
    The Units will be deleted 

Deleting Units

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