R9 - Configuring Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definitions

R9 - Configuring Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definitions

What does this section cover? 

What are Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definitions?

Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definitions is a set of business rules used to control the behavior of Ad Subscription Discounts throughout their whole life cycle.

Creating, Editing & Deleting Validations & Restrictions

  • Multiple Auto Apply Subscription Discount definitions can exist in the system, but each one should have a unique name and alternative code
  • Not applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and alternative code must be unique
  • Not applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and alternative code must be unique
No restrictions apply. All the fields can modified
  • You are not allowed to delete a definition if:
    • There are any rated billing items related to that definition which are still not billed
  • Not applicable

Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definition attributes 



Main Information
NameThe name of the additive discount definition
Alternative Code*The alternative code of the additive discount definition

The type of the additive discount definition, which should be set to:

  • Auto Apply: If selected, then the additive discount will be applied automatically, if the conditions are met


The classification of the additive discount definition, which should be set to:

  • Subscriptions: If selected, then the additive discount will be applicable only on Subscriptions

Applies for service types


Defines whether the Additive Discount will be applied on usage or non-usage services which in its turn indicates which set of criteria need to be specified. Available options are:

  • Usage Services only
  • Non-usage Services only, 
  • Any Service type (Default)
Life Cycle StateThe life cycle state of the additive discount definition, which can be Effective or Not Effective.
Only Effective additive discount definitions can be provided and applied
DescriptionA description of the additive discount definition
Discount Settings: It determines the definition of the discount which consist of 5 areas; the discounted amount, the validity of the discount definition and the period during which the discount amount will be applied for, as well as how many times the discount can be applied, and the products to be discounted.

The definition of the discount amount which can be one of the following:

  • Percentage: The discount percentage that will be provided
  • Amount: The discount amount that will be provided, 
    • UOT: Amount will be measured in days, weeks, months or years.
  • Free Period: The free period that will be provided, measured in days, weeks, months or years (only Applicable for Subscription Discounts)
Discount Level

Determines how an additive discount will be applied in relation to other additive discounts that might also be applicable, and is available only if the discount amount is specified as a percentage.

  • The % of auto apply discount having the same level is added and the total discount percentage is applied.
  • % of discounts having different level is applied in order, starting from the lowest level to highest level.
  • For each level, the discount % is applied after the previous discount % was already applied.

Only three discount levels are supported (1,2,3)


Validity determines the Effective & Expiration dates, which are specified as fixed dates. Additive discounts can be provided only during that period.


It determines for how long the discount should be applied for. By default the duration is equal to the period denoted by the last bill to date and the subscription service cancellation date. The following options are supported:

  • Effective from: It defines the date that the discount will become effective
    • Last bill to date
    • Subscription Effective Date
    • Subscription Service Effective Date
    • Binding Start Date
    • Agreement Date
    • Billing Term Effective Date
    • Fixed Date
    • Buy in Advance Request Start Date (applicable only if buy in advance request criteria are defined)
  • Expires on: It defines the date that the discount will be expired. Not available in the case of free period discounts. In those cases the end date is always set based on the free period end date
    • Subscription Service Cancellation Date
    • Binding End Date
    • Billing Term Expiration Date
    • Fixed Date
    • Fixed UOT measured in days, weeks, months or years
    • Buy in Advance Request End Date (applicable only if buy in advance request criteria are defined)

If the date defined in the Duration / Effective From, is Null on the subscription that you are trying to apply the discount, then the discount will not be applied. For example if you set the Effective From, to Binding Start Date, and you try to apply the discount to a subscription that does not have a Binding Start Date then the discount will not be applied.

On the other hand, if the Duration/Expires On is null the discount is given nevertheless

Number of Applied Discounts
Number of applied discounts*

It determines the number of times that the discount can be applied. The following options are supported:

  • Once
  • Unlimited
  • Specific Number

Optionally a period of time that should be considered can be specified (Consider Last X UOT) which is measured in days, weeks, months or years

The number of applied discounts are not applicable if the amount is set as a free period

Discounted Products
Discounted Products

Used to determine the products that the additive discount can be applied to. Multiple products or product types can be added in the products criteria list.

Optionally, each defined product or type can be related with a specific flexible product bundle, if the specified product is set as  a product component of any flexible product bundles. This set up is used to define discounts that will be applied on products only if they are provided as part of a flexible product bundle.

Only termed, usage and expense services are allowed to be added in that list

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9.0.0 - Based on the selection of Applied on Services setting different products will be made available for selection

Applied on Services SettingAvailable Services for selection

Usage Services only


  • Usage

Non-usage Services only


  • Termed
  • Expenses
Any Service type
  • Usage
  • Termed
  • Expenses



Non Usage Discount Criteria: General Criteria related to all types of products apart from Usage Services 
Billing Term Criteria: Define a set of billing term related criteria that should be met in order for the discount to be applied
Billing Term Schemes

A list of billing term schemes. Multiple billing term schemes can be added in this list

Billing FrequenciesA list of billing frequencies. Multiple billing frequencies can be added in this list
Binding PeriodsA list of billing periods. Multiple billing periods can be added in this list
Concurrent Usage

It defines a threshold for the concurrent usage that should exist in order for the discount to be applied. Two options are available which can be combined:

  • More than
  • Less than
Concurrent Usage Rate Percentage

It defines a threshold for the concurrent usage percentage that should exist in order for the discount to be applied. Two options are available which can be combined:

  • More than
  • Less than
Billing Term Effectiveness

It defines conditions related with the billing term effectiveness, that should be met in order for the discount to be applied. The following options are available, which can be combined:

  • Billing Term Effective Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
  • Billing Term Expiration Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
  • Agreement Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
  • Binding Start Date: Before, after, or between specified dates.
  • Binding End Date: Before, after, or between specified dates.
Subscription Criteria: Define a set of subscription related criteria that should be met in order for the discount to be applied
Subscription TypeA list of subscription types. Multiple subscription types can be added in this list
Subscription MaturityIf enabled then the the discount will be applied to subscriptions that were uninterrupted for a specific period of time. The period of time is measured in months or years. A maximum interruption threshold, measured in days, can also be specified.
Subscription Effectiveness

It defines conditions related with the subscription effectiveness, that should be met in order for the discount to be applied. The following options are available, which can be combined:

  • Subscription Effective Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
  • Subscription Service Effective Date: Before, after, or between specified dates
Accounts Receivable Criteria: Defines a set of accounts receivable related criteria that should be met in order for the discount to be applied
 ClassificationsA list of accounts receivable classification. Multiple accounts receivable classification can be added in this list
Payment preferences 

A list of accounts receivable payment preference, with the option to be used for recurring payments or not. Multiple accounts receivable payment preferences can be added in this list

Presentment preferencesA list of accounts receivable payment preferences. Multiple accounts receivable payment preferences can be added in this list
Outstanding amount

It filters the accounts receivable based on their outstanding amount and a specific due date. Two options are available, which can be used combined:

  • More than
  • Less than

The due date can be specified in one of the following ways:

  • Due in X days
  • Due X days ago
Segment Criteria: Define a list of segments which are used to filter the subscriptions or jobs that are eligible for any discounts
Included in Segment

A list of segments which are used to filter in the subscriptions or jobs that can get the discount. The criteria consist of the following:

  • Filtered entity: A select box providing the following options:
    • Accounts Receivable
    • The Classification Entity (i.e. subscriptions or Jobs)
  • Segment: A select box with all the segments having the selected filtered entity as the segment entity
Not Included in Segment

A list of segments which are used to exclude subscriptions or jobs from getting the discount. The criteria consist of the following:

  • Filtered entity: A select box providing the following options:
    • Accounts Receivable
    • The Classification Entity (i.e. subscriptions or Jobs)
  • Segment: A select box with all the segments having the selected filtered entity as the segment entity
Price Plan Criteria: Used to determine the price plans that the additive discount can be applied to. Multiple price plans can be added in the price plans criteria list.
Price PlanThe price plans that the additive discount can be applied to. Multiple price plans can be added in the price plans criteria list.

Products Criteria: Define the products that should exist on a subscription or a job in order for the discount to be applicable. If more than one condition is specified, then all the conditions should be fulfilled in order for the discount to be applied

Only termed, usage and expense services are allowed to be added in that list 



A specific product that should exist in order for the discount to be applied.

If the classification is set to subscriptions then

  • Only Termed, Usage and Expense Services and Traceable Physical Goods are allowed to be added in this section

Product Type


It determines the type of products that should exist in order for the discount to be applied

If the classification is set to subscriptions then

  • Only product types classified as Termed, Usage or Expenses Services are allowed to be added in this section



The bundle that contains the specified product, if the specified product is set as  a product component of any flexible product bundles.

Buy in Advance Request Criteria: Define a set of buy in advance related criteria that should be met in order for the discount to be applied
Buy in Advance Request Duration

It defines a set of duration ranges that are eligible of getting the additive discount. Multiple ranges can be specified. Each duration range consists of the following:

  • From (Duration): The duration range start
  • To (Duration) : The duration range end
  • UOT: The unit of time describing the specified duration range, measured in days, weeks, months or years

Usage Service Criteria: Criteria related to Usage Service products

Service Criteria: Criteria related with the service that was used. At least one criterion from each section should be fulfilled in order for the additive discount to be applicable.

Usage Service CataloguesDefines a list of usage service catalogues that should be related with the rated usage services in order for the additive discount to be applicable
Usage Service TypesDefines a list of usage services that should be related with the rated usage services in order for the additive discount to be applicable
Termed ServicesDefines a list of termed services that should be related with the rated usage services in order for the additive discount to be applicable

Usage Criteria: Criteria related with how the services were used. At least one criterion from each section should be fulfilled in order for the additive discount to be applicable.

Usage MethodsDefines a list of usage methods that should be related with the rated usage services in order for the additive discount to be applicable
DevicesDefines a list of devices that should be related with the rated usage services in order for the additive discount to be applicable
Source CategoriesDefines a list of source categories that should be related with the rated usage services in order for the additive discount to be applicable
Destination CategoriesDefines a list of destination categories that should be related with the rated usage services in order for the additive discount to be applicable

Quantitative Criteria: Criteria related with the date, total quantity and total usage of the services. At least one criterion from each section should be fulfilled in order for the additive discount to be applicable.

Date of execution (range)

Defines a date and time range. The usage of the services that are rated should be applied during the specified period in order for the additive discounts to be applicable. If nothing is defined in TO then the discount is never expired

Day of executionDefines a set of days (Monday to Sunday) and time range for each day. The usage of the services that are rated should be applied during those days and time period in order for the additive discounts to be applicable
Total Quantity (range per UOT)

Defines the total quantity range per UOT. UOT can be Unlimited, days, months and years. The total number of the usage services that are rated and that were applied within the specified unit of time (counting from the date / time of billing) should fall within the specified range in order for the additive discount to be applicable

Note that the UOT unlimited option means that the quantity will not be evaluated per period of time

Total Usage (range per UOT)

Defines the total usage range per UOT. UOT can be Unlimited, days, months and years.. The total usage of the usage services that are rated and that were applied within the specified unit of time (counting from the date / time of billing) should fall within the specified range in order for the additive discount to be applicable

Note that the UOT unlimited option means that the usage will not be evaluated per period of time

Log Information
Log InformationIncludes the standard log information
Allowed Organisational Units
Allowed Organisational UnitsThe organisational units that can use the specific additive discount definition as described in Network Management

Defining your own Ad Subscription Discount Definition tailored to your company's needs


  2. Either search for an existing one or from the Top Menu click on NEW 

    1. Provide the required information

    2. Name: Type a name

    3. Type: Select Ad from the drop down list
    4. Alternative Code: Type a unique alternative code
    5. Classification:  Select Subscriptions from the drop down list

    6. Applied Service Type: Select from the drop down the service type that the discount will be applied on


    1. AMOUNT

      1. Select what Type of discount you would like to provide
      2. Provide a number, percentage or a free period for the type you have selected
        1. If the Amount Type selected is Amount, then you will also need to define UOT (The period for which the discounted amount will be applied)
          i.e. if you have a subscription with Quarterly Billing Frequency, and UOT set to Monthly, then the discount to be applied when billed will be the amount * 3.
      3. Check Range box if you would like to provide a range of values to be selected by users
      4. If you have selected Percentage type then select Level for the discount

      1. Click on the calendar icon and provide both Effective and Expiration date

      1. Select from the drop down list the Effective From and Expires On dates
        1. If you select Fixed Date then you also need to define the date
        2. If you select Flexible Date then you also need to define Flexible Date Restrictions or/and  Minimum and Maximum Duration periods

      1. Select from the drop down list one of the available options. If you select only Once or Specific Number you also need to define the period of time within which the discount will be applied. (i.e. if its once per year, in 2 years the discount can be applied twice)

      1. Click on ADD > PRODUCT
      2. ADD > PRODUCT TYPE 
        and add the products/ product types that will receive the discount. If you don't define any products then the discount will be applied to all subscription products 
      3. Belongs in Bundle: select a Product bundle if you would like to apply the discount to a specific product but ONLY IF it is provided only through a bundle


    For every criteria you would like to add in the following sections, follow the steps below.
    Clicking on any sub-tab under NON USAGE DISCOUNT CRITERIA and USAGE CRITERIA tabs, different options will be made available as explained in the attributes table. 
    Description of each section and the usage of its criteria can be found in the attributes table

    Adding from a drop down list

    1. Click on ADD
      1. A new record will be added
      2. Select a value from a drop down list, like in the image below

    Adding from a search modal

    1. Click on ADD
    2. A search modal will open like in the image below
    3. Search and add the desired value

    Adding values to a Textbox

    1. If the textbox is already available
      1. Provide a number (integer) and select the UOT if required like the image below

    1. Click on "ADD" and select between
      1. COMMUNITY
      2. GROUP
      3. UNIT
    2. Use the Search modal to select the Organisational unit you would like to add.
    3. You can select any type of Organisational unit according to the restrictions that you would like to set or none at all.

    Organisational Unit selection



    Log information section keeps all the logging information related to the specific record

    • Basic set of information available in all entities
      • Created By User: The user that created the entity
      • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the entity
      • Updated By User: The user that last updated the entity
      • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the entity
      • Date Created: The date the account was entity
      • Date Updated: The date the account was last entity
  8. From the Top Menu click on SAVE

Deleting Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definitions

  1. Search for the entity that you would like to delete
    Visit  Using Summary Pages   to find out how you can search using CRM.COM Summary Screens
  2. Click on the link of the record you would like to delete, to be transferred to the Data Entry page
  3. From the actions menu click on "DELETE"
     The entity will be deleted given that the validations are satisfied

Changing the Life Cycle State of Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definitions

  1. Navigate to the module you would like to activate a different definition for
  2. From the menu click of the Summary page click on ACTIONS >  ACTIVATE DEFINITION
  3. From the Drop Down select the definition you would like to set as active
  4. Click on "SAVE"
    System will switch between active and inactive definitions


Visit /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10010220 Additive Discounts for business examples related to Auto Apply Subscription Discount Definition setup and usage

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