R9 - Configuring Prepaid Billing Run Definitions

R9 - Configuring Prepaid Billing Run Definitions

What does this section cover?

What are Prepaid Billing Run  Definitions?

Prepaid Billing Run definitions is a set of business rules used to control the behavior of Prepaid Billing Run throughout their whole life cycle. Prepaid Billing Run definitions is used in order to define several business rules that need to be applied during the billing run, but also default values, which are used while running Prepaid Billing Runs.

Creating, Editing & Deleting Validations & Restrictions

  • Multiple Prepaid Billing Run definitions can exist in the system, but each one should have a unique name and alternative code
  • Only one active Prepaid Billing Run  definition can exist at any given time
  • If no active Prepaid Billing Run definition exists, then no Prepaid Billing Run can be created
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and alternative code must be unique
  • Not Applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and alternative code must be unique
  • Not Applicable
  • Not Applicable
  • Cannot be deleted if its the active definition

Prepaid Billing Run Definition attributes 



Name*The name of the prepaid billing run definition
Alternative code*The alternative code of the prepaid billing run definition
StateThe state of the prepaid billing run definition which can be active or inactive
DescriptionA description of the prepaid billing run definition
Generic Settings
Number of threads*The number of threads that should be used by the prepaid billing run process. The maximum number of threads specified in General Settings cannot be exceeded.
Recurrence settingsThe recurrence settings which are applied on all billing runs which are classified as recurring, measured in hours, days, weeks, months or years
Processing Settings
Enable Stop Service Step by DefaultIt determines if the stop service step should be enabled by default while creating new prepaid billing runs
Enable Start Service Step by DefaultIt determines if the start service step should be enabled by default while creating new prepaid billing runs
Enable Wallet Consumption Estimation Step by DefaultIt determines if the wallet consumption estimation step should be enabled by default while creating new prepaid billing runs

Maximum Estimation Period


This information defines the period to look ahead while the prepaid billing process is estimating the estimated consumption date for a specific subscription service. 
This information is available only if the estimation method is set to re-estimate all or re-estimate only wallet with changes.

  • Period
  • UOT: Measured in months or years
Rating Settings

Period to bill in advance*

Defines the period that should be billed in advance, which is applicable only on pre-billed services. The supported options are the following:

  • Do not bill any period in advance
Bill as of day settings

Rules on how to calculate the default bill as of day which is used by all prepaid billing runs. Prepaid billing runs will default to this date unless a different date is specified. The settings consist of the following:

  • Starting from day: The day of the month that should be used in the Bill as of Date, (only) the first time that the Prepaid Billing Run will be executed
  • Period of time after previous billing run: The date is calculated based on a period of time after the previous prepaid billing run, measured in hours, days, weeks, months or years.

Start Service Settings

Available only if enabled in Processing Settings

Subscription Action Type

The subscription action type that will be used to start the services that should be started.

Mandatory on Conditions: This is applicable and mandatory if subscription action types related to the start service behavior code exists

Subscription Sub Action Type

The subscription sub action type that will be used to start the services that should be started.

Mandatory on Conditions: This is applicable and mandatory if subscription action types related to the start service behavior code exists

Amount threshold*The minimum amount (exclusive) that the wallet balance for each specific service should be, in order for the service to be started. For example if set to 0 and the available amount for a not effective service is 1, then the service will be started. If the available amount for a not effective service is 0, then the service will not be started

Stop Service Settings

Available only if enabled in Processing Settings

Subscription Action Type

The subscription action type that will be used to stop the services that should be stopped.

Mandatory on Conditions: This is applicable and mandatory if subscription action types related to the stop service behavior code exists

Subscription Sub Action Type

The subscription sub action type that will be used to stop the services that should be stopped.

Mandatory on Conditions: This is applicable and mandatory if subscription action types related to the stop service behavior code exists

Amount threshold*The maximum amount (inclusive) that the wallet balance for each specific service should be, in order for the service to be stopped. For example if set to 0 and the available amount for a not effective service is 0, then the service will be stopped. If the available amount for a not effective service is 1, then the service will not be stopped

Defining your own Prepaid Billing Run Definition tailored to your company's needs


  2. Either search for an existing one or from the Top Menu click on NEW

    1. Provide Information for the following fields
      1. Name
      2. Alternative Code
      3. Description

    1. GENERIC

      1. Number of Threads: Provide an integer value
      2. Recurrence: Provide an integer value and select UOT for the default recurrence settings

      1. Enable Stop Service Step by Default: Check the box if you would like to enable and configure accordingly in STOP SERVICE section
      2. Enable Start Service Step by Default:  Check the box if you would like to enable and configure accordingly in START SERVICE section
      3. Enable Wallet Consumption Estimation Step: Select an option from the drop down list
      4. AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9.0.0 - Maximum Estimation Period: Provide a number and the select UOT
    3. RATING

      1. Period to Bill in Advance: Select an option from the drop down list
      2. Bill as of Day
        1. Starting from Day: Provide the daty to start Billing
        2. X UOT After Previous Billing Run: Provide an integer value and select UOT for the default Bill as Of Date

      1. Subscription Disconnection Action Type: Search and add custom disconnection subscription action types (if available) using search modal or quick search 
      2. Subscription Disconnection Sub-Action Type: Search and add custom disconnection subscription sub action types (if available) using search modal or quick search 
      3. Disconnection Amount Threshold: Provide an integer/decimal value for the disconnection threshold

      1. Subscription Reconnection Action Type: Search and add custom reconnection subscription action types (if available) using search modal or quick search 
      2. Subscription Reconnection Sub-Action Type: Search and add custom reconnection subscription sub action types (if available) using search modal or quick search 
      3. Reconnection Amount Threshold: Provide an integer/decimal value for the reconnection threshold
  5. From the Top Menu click on SAVE

    Log information section keeps all the logging information related to the specific record

    • Basic set of information available in all entities
      • Created By User: The user that created the entity
      • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the entity
      • Updated By User: The user that last updated the entity
      • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the entity
      • Date Created: The date the account was entity
      • Date Updated: The date the account was last entity

Deleting Prepaid Billing Run Definition

  1. Search for the entity that you would like to delete
    Visit  Using Summary Pages   to find out how you can search using CRM.COM Summary Screens
  2. Click on the link of the record you would like to delete, to be transferred to the Data Entry page
  3. From the actions menu click on "DELETE"
     The entity will be deleted given that the validations are satisfied

Changing the Life Cycle State of Prepaid Billing Run Definition

  1. Navigate to the module you would like to activate a different definition for
  2. From the menu click of the Summary page click on ACTIONS >  ACTIVATE DEFINITION
  3. From the Drop Down select the definition you would like to set as active
  4. Click on "SAVE"
    System will switch between active and inactive definitions


Visit Understanding Prepaid Billing for business examples related to Prepaid Billing Run definition

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