R9 - Configuring Communication Definitions

R9 - Configuring Communication Definitions

What does this section cover?

What are the Communication Definitions?

Communication definition is a set of business rules used to control the behavior of Communications throughout their whole life cycle.

Creating, Editing & Deleting Validations & Restrictions


ActionRestrictionsAdditional Information
  • Multiple communication definitions can exist in the system but each one should have a unique name and alternative code.
  • Only one active communication definition can exist in the system at any given point.
  • If no active communication definition exists, then no communication processes can be performed. 
  • If communication and SMS settings are not configured then no Email or SMS can be sent via CRM.COM
  •  Rules and restrictions specified in communication definitions are applied during the creation and maintenance of communication
    • On creating and on completing a communication, the media specified on the communication is validated against the allowed media, and the number of characters included in the content is validated against the maximum character count, specified for that media.
      • For the SMS media, of type CM. Gateway, the maximum length is 160 alphanumeric characters  

    • On completing a communication, which is using the Email media and is Outgoing, if the Email server settings are enabled, then the system is using those settings to send the communication via Email
    • On completing a communication, which is using the SMS media and is Outgoing, if the SMS server settings are enabled, then the system is using those settings to send the communication via SMS 


  • A definition can be deleted as long as it is not the active one

Communication Definition attributes 



NumberAn auto-generated number that uniquely identifies the communication definition
Name*The name of the definition
Alternative code*An alternative code for the definition. On creating a new definition it should default to the first letter of each word included in the name (in capitals), if nothing else is specified
DescriptionA description for the definition
StateThe state of the definition which can be active or inactive. Only one active definition can exist at any point
Email Server Settings*

It determines the settings that should be used in order for Emails to be sent directly through CRM.COM. The following information can be specified and is mandatory if the Email server integration is enabled:

  • Enable Email Server: It enables or disables the email server integration
  • Default From Email Address: The email address that will be used as the from address when sending emails
  • SMTP Host Name: The SMTP server host name
  • SMTP Port: The SMTP server post
  • SMTP Security: The security option which can be set to None, SSL or TLS
  • SMTP Username: The username to access the SMTP server
  • SMTP Password: The password to access the SMTP server

A "TEST CONNECTION" button is also available which can be used in order to test the connection with the SMTP server.

SMS Settings*

It determines the settings that should be used in order for SMS to be sent directly through CRM.COM. The following information can be specified and is mandatory if the SMS server integration is enabled:

  • Enable SMS Server: It enables or disables the SMS server integration
  • SMS Gateway: Selection box with the available Gateways. Depending on the selection of gateway the relevant fields are available
    • CM. Gateway: All the information below is mandatory and should be specified if CM is selected as the Gateway
  • Default "From" SMS Sender: The info that will be displayed as the from number/text while sending SMS. The value can be alphanumeric and up to 11 characters
  • Method: 
    • HTTP 
    • HTTP(S) 
    • Test 
  • Client ID: The unique client ID as provided by CM. The value can be numeric, from 2-8 characters
  • User Name: The username as provided by CM. The value can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters
  • Password: The username as provided by CM. The value can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters
Media Settings

It defines the media which are allowed to be used in communications and the character count limit per each type of media. The supported media are the following:

  • Email
  • SMS
  • Phone
  • Letter
  • Face to Face

For the SMS media, maximum length is 160 alphanumeric characters for the CM. Gateway


The tracking settings related to email and link tracking. If enabled then the system will track emails sent through communications and provide information related to viewing the email and the links included. (This is not related to the Dynamic Links but external URL links, such as http://www.crm.com e.t.c. which can be added to outgoing email communications)
You have the option to enable tracking either for all communications or only the ones that are created via Notification Runs. You can provide an end point which will be the used to handle the tracking but you also have the option to define a Custom URL instead. In this case, further implementation is required from your side for handling the tracking mechanism.

Enable Email TrackingIf enabled then emails send by creating email communications through CRM.COM will be tracked. i.e. Will be marked as Viewed in the Tracking details in the Communication
Email Tracking Mode *
(Mandatory on Conditions)

It defines the type of email communications on which the email tracking should be applied on. The following options are available:

  • Track all Communications: If selected then all email communications will be tracked
  • Track Communications send by Notification Runs: If selected then only email communications created by notification runs will be tracked

This is applicable and mandatory only if the email tracking is enabled

Enable Link TrackingIf enabled then links included in emails send by creating email communications through CRM.COM will be tracked.
Viewed in the Tracking details in the Communication  
Link Tracking Mode*
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

It defines the type of email communications on which the link tracking should be applied on. The following options are available:

  • Track all Communications: If selected then links included in all email communications will be tracked
  • Track Communications send by Notification Runs: If selected then only links included in all email communications created by notification runs will be tracked

This is applicable and mandatory only if the link tracking is enabled

End Point *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The end point that will be used by the system in order to construct the URL that will be used to handle email tracking and link tracking. This is applicable and mandatory if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Email tracking is enabled
  • Link tracking is enabled

Note that this value is set automatically based on the URL that the user used to login, for example if the user logged in using https://example.crm.com/crm then the End Point will default to example.crm.com and the user will be able to modify it if needed

Custom URL

The URL that should be used by the system, overriding the default release URL in order to handle email tracking and link tracking.

This is information is applicable and optional if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Email tracking is enabled
  • Link tracking is enabled

If a custom URL is defined then further implementation will be needed by the system administrator in order to handle the tracking. i.e. by using the parameters sent by the system, CRM.COM should be updated accordingly as the current calls won't be reaching CRM.COM to perform the required updates.
CRM.COM WEB API can be used in order to manage calls from outside CRM.COM.


For more information contact your CRM.COM consultant.



The dynamic link settings related to handling of dynamic links that can be included in outgoing email communications. You can provide an end point which will be the used to handle the dynamic links but you also have the option to define a custom URL. In this case further implementation is required from your side for handling the dynamic link actions.
Enable the dynamic links of your preference and for each enabled link you can provide the text that will be used to replace the link when used in outgoing email communications, as well as the URL you would like the customer to be redirected to when clicking on the link.

End Point *
(Mandatory on Conditions)

The end point that will be used by the system in order to construct the URL that will be used to handle dynamic links.
This is applicable and mandatory if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Opt in direct marketing is enabled
  • Opt out direct marketing is enabled
  • Opt in affiliate marketing is enabled
  • Opt out affiliate marketing is enabled
  • Service Request Temporary Resolution Acceptance is enabled
  • Service Request Final Resolution Acceptance is enabled

Note that this value is set automatically based on the URL that the user used to login, for example if the user logged in using https://example.crm.com/crm then the End Point will default to example.crm.com and the user will be able to modify it if needed

Custom URL

The URL that should be used by the system, overriding the default release URL in order to handle dynamic links.

This is information is applicable and optional if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Opt in direct marketing is enabled
  • Opt out direct marketing is enabled
  • Opt in affiliate marketing is enabled
  • Opt out affiliate marketing is enabled
  • Service Request Temporary Resolution Acceptance is enabled
  • Service Request Final Resolution Acceptance is enabled

If a custom URL is defined then further implementation will be needed by the system administrator in order to handle the tracking. i.e. by using the parameters sent by the system, CRM.COM should be updated accordingly as the current calls won't be reaching CRM.COM to perform the required updates.
CRM.COM WEB API can be used in order to manage calls from outside CRM.COM.


For more information contact your CRM.COM consultant.


Opt in Direct Marketing
EnableIf enabled then it will be allowed to include opt in direct marketing links in any email communications.
When the link is clicked then the Send Direct Marketing Material option in Contact Information Authorisation Settings will be checked
Link Text *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The text that should be displayed on the opt in direct marketing link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the opt in direct marketing link is enabled

Redirection URL

The URL that should be used to redirect the customer after clicking on the opt in direct marketing link

This is applicable and optional only if the opt in direct marketing link is enabled.
If no redirection URL is defined when the user clicks on the dynamic link, the respective action will be executed and then redirected to the default end point, where success and error messages are provided according to the end result of the action.

Opt Out Direct Marketing
EnableIf enabled then it will be allowed to include opt out direct marketing links in any email communications.
When the link is clicked then the Send Direct Marketing Material option in Contact Information Authorisation Settings  will be unchecked 
Link Text *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The text that should be displayed on the opt out direct marketing link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the opt out direct marketing link is enabled

Redirection URL

The URL that should be used to redirect the customer after clicking on the opt out direct marketing link

This is applicable and optional only if the opt out direct marketing link is enabled
If no redirection URL is defined when the user clicks on the dynamic link, the respective action will be executed and then redirected to the default end point, where success and error messages are provided according to the end result of the action. 

Opt In Affiliate Marketing
EnableIf enabled then it will be allowed to include opt in affiliate marketing links in any email communications
When the link is clicked then the Send Affiliate Marketing Material option in Contact Information Authorisation Settings  will be checked 
Link Text *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The text that should be displayed on the opt in affiliate marketing link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the opt in affiliate marketing link is enabled

Redirection URL

The URL that should be used to redirect the customer after clicking on the opt in affiliate marketing link

This is applicable and optional only if the opt in affiliate marketing link is enabled
If no redirection URL is defined when the user clicks on the dynamic link, the respective action will be executed and then redirected to the default end point, where success and error messages are provided according to the end result of the action. 

Opt Out Affiliate Marketing
EnableIf enabled then it will be allowed to include opt out affiliate marketing links in any email communications
When the link is clicked then the Send Affiliate Marketing Material option in Contact Information Authorisation Settings  will be unchecked  
Link Text *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The text that should be displayed on the opt out affiliate marketing link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the opt out affiliate marketing link is enabled

Redirection URL

The URL that should be used to redirect the customer after clicking on the opt out affiliate marketing link

This is applicable and optional only if the opt out affiliate marketing link is enabled
If no redirection URL is defined when the user clicks on the dynamic link, the respective action will be executed and then redirected to the default end point, where success and error messages are provided according to the end result of the action. 

Service Request Response Acceptance

If enabled then it will be allowed to include service request response acceptance links in any email communications
When the link is clicked the Accepted by Contact in the Service Request - Response Section will be automatically set to the contact information that has the specific email address.

Link Text *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The text that should be displayed on the service request response acceptance link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the service request response acceptance link is enabled

Redirection URL

The URL that should be used to redirect the customer after clicking on the service requestresponse acceptance link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the service request response acceptance link is enabled
If no redirection URL is defined when the user clicks on the dynamic link, the respective action will be executed and then redirected to the default end point, where success and error messages are provided according to the end result of the action. 

Service Request Temporary Resolution Acceptance
EnableIf enabled then it will be allowed to include service request temporary resolution acceptance links in any email communications
When the link is clicked the Accepted by Contact in the Service Request - Temporary Resolution section will be automatically set to the contact information that has the specific email address.  
Link Text *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The text that should be displayed on the service request temporary resolution acceptance link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the service request temporary resolution acceptance link is enabled

Redirection URL

The URL that should be used to redirect the customer after clicking on the service request temporary resolution acceptance link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the service request temporary resolution acceptance link is enabled
If no redirection URL is defined when the user clicks on the dynamic link, the respective action will be executed and then redirected to the default end point, where success and error messages are provided according to the end result of the action. 

Service Request Final Resolution Acceptance 
EnableIf enabled then it will be allowed to include service request final resolution acceptance links in any email communications
When the link is clicked the Accepted by Contact in the Service Request - Final Resolution section  will be automatically set to the contact information that has the specific email address.   
Link Text *
 (Mandatory on Conditions)

The text that should be displayed on the service request final resolution acceptance link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the service request final resolution acceptance link is enabled

Redirection URL

The URL that should be used to redirect the customer after clicking on the service request finalresolution acceptance link

This is applicable and mandatory only if the service request final resolution acceptance link is enabled
If no redirection URL is defined when the user clicks on the dynamic link, the respective action will be executed and then redirected to the default end point, where success and error messages are provided according to the end result of the action. 

Defining your own Communication Definition tailored to your company's needs 


  2. Either search for an existing one or from the Top Menu click on NEW


    1. Provide information for the following fields

      1. Name

      2. Alternative Code
      3. Description


      1. If you would like to send Emails directly from CRM.COM then the Email settings need to be enabled. Once enabled you will need to provide the required information (Differs according to Email provider used)

      1. If you would like to send SMS directly from CRM.COM, using CM. then the SMS settings need to be enabled. Once enabled you will need to provide the required information to access the CM. gateway

    1. Select the Media that will be available for selection when creating a new communication by checking the box
    2. Provide the maximum number of characters allowed to be sent per media. 

      Check also Configuring Communication Queue External Systems  Message Character Count Limit.

      The minimum limit between this and the limit set in the external system is taken into consideration when sending communications.


    1. Enable Email Tracking: Check the box if you would like to enable
      1. Email Tracking Mode: Select option between tracking all communications or just the ones created via Notifications
      2. End Point : Provide the application server URL
        This will be the same as the one to be used for Link tracking if enabled 
      3. Custom URL: Provide a custom URL if not the default Application server is to be used
        This will be the same as the one to be used for Link tracking if enabled
    2. Enable Link Tracking: Check the box if you would like to enable
      1. Link Tracking Mode: Select option between tracking all communications or just the ones created via Notifications
      2. End Point : Provide the application server URL
        This will be the same as the one to be used for Email tracking if enabled 
      3. Custom URL: Provide a custom URL if not the default Application server is to be used
        This will be the same as the one to be used for Email tracking if enabled

    1. End Point : Provide the application server URL
    2. Custom URL: Provide a custom URL if not the default Application server is to be used

    3. For each of the following Dynamic Links click on the item from the left hand side of the list and once selected provide the following information for each one of them
      1. Enable: Check the box if you would like to enable tracking of the link
      2. Link Text: Provide the text to be shown in the emails for the selected link
      3. Redirection URL: Provide the URL you would like the customers to be redirected to once the click on the link
        Dynamic links
        1. OPT In Direct Marketing
        2. OPT Out Direct Marketing
        3. OPT In Affiliate Marketing
        4. OPT Out Affiliate Marketing
        5. Service Request Response Acceptance
        6. Service Request Temporary Resolution Acceptance
        7. Service Request Final Resolution Acceptance


  9. Log information section keeps all the logging information related to the specific record

    • Basic set of information available in all entities
      • Created By User: The user that created the entity
      • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the entity
      • Updated By User: The user that last updated the entity
      • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the entity
      • Date Created: The date the account was entity
      • Date Updated: The date the account was last entity

  10. From the Top Menu click on SAVE

Deleting Communication Definitions

  1. Search for the entity that you would like to delete
    Visit  Using Summary Pages   to find out how you can search using CRM.COM Summary Screens
  2. Click on the link of the record you would like to delete, to be transferred to the Data Entry page
  3. From the actions menu click on "DELETE"
     The entity will be deleted given that the validations are satisfied

Changing the Life Cycle State of Communication Definition

  1. Navigate to the module you would like to activate a different definition for
  2. From the menu click of the Summary page click on ACTIONS >  ACTIVATE DEFINITION
  3. From the Drop Down select the definition you would like to set as active
  4. Click on "SAVE"
    System will switch between active and inactive definitions


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