Configuring Lead Types

Configuring Lead Types

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Navigating to Lead Types


What are Lead Types?

Lead Types are used to define the behaviour and nature of the Lead.

  • Navigate to Lead Types and explore existing entries via the Summary page.  
  • Click on the link (Name or Number) of the entry of your interest to enter the Data Entry page and see more detail. 
  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Lead Type, modify (EDIT) or DELETE  an existing one.  
  • Use the BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Lead Types
  • Click on the Audit Trail button to view a log of changes performed on the displayed Lead Types.

Check the Validations Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Lead Types, including each Action's related validations.  View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the Lead Types fields.

Lead Type


  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • A unique Name and Alternative Code is required.
  • In relation to Status Transitions:
    • Any Status included in Status Transitions of an Entity Type is also included in the Entity Type's Allowed Statuses.
    • There is one Status Transition for each of the Allowed Statuses of Entity Types which are not final (i.e. not Completed).
    • There are no Status Transitions related to an initial ('Draft') Status which is related to a final Life Cycle State.
    • There are no duplicate Statuses among the initial Statuses in the Status Transitions, the destination Statuses or the initial and destination Status of a single Status Transition.
    • One Status Transition should be present for each (available) Life Cycle State Transition, i.e. two Status Transitions with initial Life Cycle State 'Draft' and destination Life Cycle State 'Pending' can be present provided they have distinct Allowed Organisational Units.
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined.
  • A unique Name and Alternative Code is required.
  • In relation to Status Transitions:
    • Any Status included in Status Transitions of an Entity Type is also included in the Entity Type's Allowed Statuses.
    • There is one Status Transition for each of the Allowed Statuses of Entity Types which are not considered as final (i.e. not 'Completed').
    • There are no Status Transitions related to an initial ('Draft') Status which is related to a final Life Cycle State.
    • There are no duplicate Statuses among the initial Statuses in the Status Transitions or the destination Statuses.
    • One Status Transition should be present for each (available) Life Cycle State Transition, i.e. two Status Transitions with initial Life Cycle State 'Draft' and destination Life Cycle State 'Pending' can be present provided they have distinct Allowed Organisational Units.


An * indicates a field is mandatory.



Main Information
Name*The Name of the Lead Type.
Alternative Code*The Alternative Code of the Lead Type. Unless otherwise specified, the Alternative Codes for new entries default to the Name initials in capital letters.
DescriptionA description of the Lead Type.
Importance Level*

The Importance Level that the Lead should automatically be set to for each Lead Type. The Importance Levels are standard and pre-defined in the System but Users can define supported Levels, their labels and the default Level, through the Lead Definitions.

View Configuring Lead Definitions for more information.

Priority Level*

The Priority Level that the Lead should automatically be set to for each Lead Type. The Priority Levels are standard and pre-defined in the System but Users can define supported Levels, their labels and the default Level, through the Lead Definitions.

View Configuring Lead Definitions for more information.

Estimated Completion Time

This information, measured in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years, is used to set the Estimated Completion Time for Leads of each Type.

Allowed Attributes
Allowed Statuses*

The Lead Statuses which can be used in Leads of each Type. At least one Status per Life Cycle State should be specified in this section. The default Lead Status is also specified in this section.

Default on Create *


The Status that should be automatically selected on creating a Lead of each Type. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related to the 'Draft' or 'Pending' Life Cycle State.

Default on Start Progress *

The Status that should be automatically selected on starting the progress of a Lead of each Type. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related to the 'In Progress' Life Cycle State.
Default on Cancel *
The Status that should be automatically selected on cancelling a Lead of each Type. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related to the 'Cancelled' Life Cycle State.

Default on Win*

The Status that should be automatically selected on winning a Lead of each Type. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related to the 'Win' Life Cycle State.
Default on Lost*
The Status that should be automatically selected on losing a Lead of each Type. The available options include all the Allowed Statuses which are related to the 'Lost' Life Cycle State.
Allowed Categories*The Lead Categories which can be used in Leads of each Type. The default Lead Category is also specified in this section.
Physical Goods
Allowed Physical Goods

Defines which Physical Goods and Product Types can be added to Leads of each Type as Physical Goods that the Lead is interested in. If nothing is specified, then all are available.

Allowed Services

Defines which Services and Product Types classified as Services can be added to Leads of each Type as Services that the Lead is interested in. If nothing is specified, then all are available.

Activity Types
Allowed Activity Types

Defines the Activity Types which can be scheduled through Leads of each Type to conduct tasks that are needed for the Lead to be completed.

Communication Settings

The settings for the Communications that can be sent automatically. 

Communication Triggers / Events

The Events that will trigger a Communication, if enabled.

    • On Create: A Communication will be sent whenever a Lead is created.
    • On Start Progress:  A Communication will be sent whenever the Lead starts to progress (i.e. the Life Cycle State changes to 'In Progress').
    • On Lost: A Communication will be sent whenever a Lead is won (i.e. the Life Cycle State changes to 'Won')
    • On Win: A Communication will be sent whenever a Lead is lost (i.e. the Life Cycle State changes to 'Lost')
    • On Update: A Communication will be sent whenever a Lead is updated.
    • On Cancel: A Communication will be sent whenever a Lead is cancelled (i.e. the Life Cycle State changes to 'Cancelled').
Communication Template

The Template that is used to create the Communication for the Trigger/Event.
Only 'Effective' Communication Templates with an 'Outgoing' Direction can be selected.

Status Transitions

Status Transitions define the allowed or disallowed transitions between Statuses of a specific entity based on a set of conditions that include the initial and destination Status value, the Type of the entity and the User or Unit who is performing the Status Transition.



The initial Status of the Lead for which the allowed transitions are defined. Only one initial Status can be defined per Status Transition per Lead Type.

The Lead Status must also be included within the Entity Type's Allowed Statuses, if any are defined.
Status Transitions

A list of Statuses that can be used as destination Statuses when the specified Status must be changed. Each entry consist of the following:

  • To Status:The Statuses available for selection.
    One or more Statuses must be defined.
  • Allowed Organisational Conditions: The Units or Users allowed to change the specified Status. This condition is optional; if no Organisational Units are defined then all Users are allowed to change the Status of the entity.
Allowed Organisational Units
Allowed Organisational UnitsThe organisational units that can select the specific Lead Type when creating a new Lead.
Log Information
Log DetailsThe standard set of Log Details information available in all entities.