Understanding Leads

Understanding Leads

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What are Leads?

A Lead is a potential opportunity for additional business. Within CRM.COM it consists of a set of processes performed to manage a prospective customer which can either be a physical person or company. Leads are created to manage the processes and resources involved until the outcome of the potential sale is determined ('Won' or 'Lost') and involve a number of Actions aiming to get the prospect interested in additional Physical Goods and Services.

Leads Glossary


A set of processes performed to manage prospective customers (a physical person or company). A Lead consists of a set of Physical Goods and Services that the prospective Customer is interested in and a set of Activities and Communications performed until the prospect is 'Lost' or 'Won' and converted to an Accounts Receivable.

Priority Level

A value set to determine the priority that will be given for the processing of a Lead. A default value is established in the Lead Type.

Importance Level

A value set to determine how important the Lead is for the company. A default value is established in the Lead Type.

Probability to WinA percentage value representing the likelihood of 'winning' the Lead; i.e., converting the Lead to a customer with or without an Accounts Receivable.
Target AmountThe predicted amount that the company can gain from theLead,if it is 'Won'.
Key Dates

Significant dates related to the Lead thathelptrack its progress. Key Dates include the following:

  • Start Date: the date on which the Lead is created.
  • Estimated Completion Time: An estimation of the time necessary for the Lead to be completed ('Won' or 'Lost').
  • Expected Completion Date: The date on which the Lead is expected to be completed.
  • Actual Completed Date: The date on which the Lead is completed and its Life Cycle State set to 'Won' or 'Lost'.
  • Time To Completion: The time that is left until the Lead is completed, based on the Expected Completion Date.
  • Time Overdue: The time past the Expected Completion Date.
Lead Source

The source which introduced or proposed the Lead to the company. Lead Source Types are predefined in the System and can be renamed through the Lead's Definition.

Lost Reason

An explanation that must be supplied whenever the Life Cycle State of a Lead is set to 'Lost'.


Leads Key Processes and Concepts

Processes / Concept
Scheduling an Activity

Leads may be directly handled by agents and closed instantly, or may require follow-up Actions. Uncomplicated Actions can be handled through Activities which are easily planned through the 'Schedule An Activity' Action, available through the Lead.

Automatically Communicating a Lead


The nature of a Lead may require continuous interaction between the agent and prospective customer. To ensure that the customer is contacted at appropriate times, Communications can be automatically triggered and sent, whenever the Life Cycle State of a Lead is modified. Pre-configured Communication Templates are used that include the information to be communicated.
Manually Communicating a Lead

In addition to the automated Communications sent to prospective customers, Communications (email and SMS) may be triggered by agents, using the 'Communicate Lead' Action which is available through the Lead's Data Entry page. When the Communication is created, the Contact Information and Accounts Receivable (if applicable) are carried over together with the Lead's Number, which is added as the 'Referring To Entity' of the Communication.

Pre-configured Communication Templates may be selected when creating the Communication thatincludethe information to be communicated to the prospective customer.

View  Managing Communications for more information on communicating CRM.COM Entities.

Accepting a Lead

When a Lead is created, it can be assigned either to a Unit or a specific User. To avoid assigning specific tasks to specific people, it is possible to assign the Lead to a department (i.e. a Unit) whose employees can access the Lead and accept it themselves. 

A Lead cannot be processed further unless assigned to a specific User.

Completing a Lead

A Lead is considered Completed once its Life Cycle State is set to either 'Lost' or 'Won'.

  • If the Lead is 'Lost', then a Reason must be provided for future reference.
  • If the Lead is 'Won', then the Lead is considered as a new Customer. If an Accounts Receivable was not provided when the Lead was created, then one can be created. The System will check whether the 'Automatic Conversion' is enabled in the Lead Business Definitions and automatically transfer the Lead's existing information to the Accounts Receivable, leaving the rest of the fields empty for the Agent to provide. If, however, Automatic Conversion is not enabled, the Lead can be saved without an Accounts Receivable.

View Configuring Lead Definitions for more information on Automatic Conversion.


Leads Access & Viewing Controls

Business Network Characteristics define the level of access for each entry. i.e. whether it will be available for selection, viewing or editing.

EntityNetwork CharacteristicsDescription



  • The Lead must be assigned to a User that will be responsible for processing and completing it.
  • Lead records can be accessed, viewed and modified by Users defined as members of the Lead's Owned By Group, by Users that belong to a Group that collaborates with the Owned By Group, or by Super Users.
Lead Types
  • A Type can be added to a Lead, as long as the User adding the Type belongs to one of the Allowed Organisational Units (AOUs) defined in the Type, or a collaboration exists between their Unit and the AOU of the Type, or the User adding the Type is a Super User.

Leads Related Modules

EntityInteraction of Leads with the Entity
Contact InformationLeads owned by Contact Information.
ActivityActivities can be performed for Leads.
CommunicationCommunications can be performed for Leads.
Physical Goods and ServicesPhysical Goods and Services are applied on Leads.
Users & UnitsLeads are assigned to Users and Units.

Leads  - Business Examples

The following section provides business examples of how the CRM.COM Leads module is used.

Company ZX System Demo

Company ZX System Demo

Business Requirement

Company ZX accepts requests from prospective customers to present its System's features through a Demo.

CRM.COM Solution

  • Configuration

    The Type of the prospective client's Lead must include the following Activity Type in its 'Allowed' list:

    • Demo Activity
  • User Process
    The  Activity can be created once the Lead is created. Back Office personnel will be responsible for scheduling the Demo Activity by using the 'Schedule Activity' Action.

View Managing Leads for more information on Scheduling an Activity through a Lead.

Retrieve Leads that are Overdue

Retrieve Leads that are Overdue

Business Requirement

Company ZX would like to be informed regarding Leads that should have been completed in the previous week.

CRM.COM Solution

  • User Process

    The retrieval of Leads should take place every Monday. The Back Office Manager will access the Leads Summary Page and search for Leads matching the following criteria:

    • Expected Completion Date: 
      • To: 3 days before current date (last Friday)
    • Life Cycle State: 
      • Pending
      • In progress
      • Lost
      • Won

    The search will retrieve all Leads that have an Expected Completion Date up to and including the date defined in the Expected Completion Date field.

View Managing Leads for more information on Retrieving Leads.

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