Leads Business Features

Leads Business Features

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process




Leads denote prospective business by a contact.

A lead belongs to a queue, usually representing a Sales Force Automation model with predefined stages.

A lead always ends up being won or lost.


Each Lead has a state reflecting its current situation. This state changes as the lead progresses through the stages of the associated queue.

The Lead's state is determined by its current queue stage.

Possible states of a lead are:

  • New - This is the first stage and is set by the system upon lead creation

  • In Progress - the lead is progressing

  • Won - a final state that indicates that the lead has become a customer of the business

  • Lost - a final state that indicates that the lead, for some reason, has been lost.

Leads in Won or Lost state can be re-opened. When a lead is re-opened, it reverts back to the queue stage it was at before being Won or Lost.


A Queue is a set of predetermined stages that a Lead progresses during its life cycle.

Each queue stage represents a lead state (i.e. New, In Progress, Won, Lost). When a lead is created, it automatically assumes the state of 'new', which is then progressed to 'In Progress’ whilst it's ongoing, and finally, at the end of the queue, a lead will become either:

  • Won: New business

  • Lost: The prospect lead is lost; the reason for losing the lead must be specified. 

Each queue has a single stage the New, Won and Lost states but as many In progress stages as required.  


The owner of a lead can be a single user and/or a team of users. The owner is mandatory and can be changed. The owner can be defined either by the creator of the Lead or automatically via Automations. The owner of the Lead can change by the current owner, or users having the Owner user role or by any member of the team (as long as the Lead is assigned to a team of users).

Leads Operations

  • Create a lead: Before creating Leads, it's necessary to define at least one Lead Queue.

    • Title: A unique title must be provided. This is how the Lead will be identified in the system.

    • Queue: select a queue from a predefined list

    • Description: give some more details for the lead if needed

    • Value: an estimation of the lead value if the process is successful

    • Expected Close Date: is an estimated closure date for the Lead, and this date can be changed. If a Lead has passed its expected close date, then the set date will appear in red on both Kanban and List view screens

  • Link Activities: If the Lead is related to a contact, then an Activity can be created to plan a task relevant to the Lead.

  • Progress & Regress: Select one of the next stages in the queue to progress a Lead. Alternatively, to regress a Lead, select one of the previous stages in the queue; the progression and regression history is logged in Events History.

  • Delete: A Lead in any state can be deleted; this action is not reversible.


Assign Tags associated with the Lead. Tags can be used as a filtering option on summary screens and reports.

Custom Fields

If you require additional information not supported by CRM.COM, you can create custom fields of various formats to meet your specific needs.


Automations for Leads can be created based on the following trigger events:

  • Events

    • New Lead

    • Update Lead

    • Change Lead Stage

    • Won Lead

    • Lost Lead

Available actions depending on the selected event:

  • Actions

    • CRM.COM Communications

    • CRM.COM Leads Provisioning

    • CRM.COM Webhooks

    • CRM.COM Activity Scheduling


  • Dashboards

    • View summarised Leads information from the following dashboards:

      • Home

      • CRM Overview

  • Reports

    • Generate or schedule the Leads report to run regularly according to selected criteria.

      • Leads Summary - View Leads basic information, their current queue stages as well as expected closing dates


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