Configuring Job Categories

Configuring Job Categories

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Navigating to Job Categories


What are Job Categories?

Job Categories is a module used to create Job categories which are used to classify Jobs into generic groups based on specific similar attributes. 

  • Navigate to Job Categories and explore existing records via the Summary page. Job Categories follow a hierarchical structure, with 'parent' rows linked to multiple 'children' rows directly beneath them.
  • Click on the link (name or number) of the record of your interest to open a modal with the related details. Select an existing Category for the parent to make the specific Category a child or erase the parent name to make the Category a parent itself.
  • Either SAVE the changes or cancel (X) and go back to the Summary page. 
  • Create a new (ADD) or delete an existing one (REMOVE)
  • Use EXPAND ALL to view parents and children and COLLAPSE ALL to only view parents.

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Job Categories including each Action's related validations, restrictions and additional information. View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of Job Categories fields.

Job Categories

Validations & Restrictions 

ActionValidationsRestrictionsAdditional Information
  • Multiple Job Categories can exist in the System but each one should have a unique Name and Alternative Code.
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • The Allowed Job Categories are specified on the Job Types. 
  • Not Applicable
Job Categories cannot be deleted if they are already used by Jobs which:
  • Are still not completed 
  • Are included in the list of Allowed Categories in one of the available Job Types.
  • Deleted Job Categories are still visible on Jobs which were created using those Categories


An * indicates a field is mandatory.



Name *

The name of the Category


The description of the Category

Code *

The code of the Category


The 'parent' of the Category, unless the Category is a 'root'