R9 - Configuring Communication Templates

R9 - Configuring Communication Templates

What does this section cover?

What are the Communication Templates?

Communication Templates are used during the creation of new communications to automatically set specific information. 

Selection of Communication Templates via the Communication data entry page depends on the organizational unit that the user used to log in, which should be included in the allowed organizational units of that template and based on the life cycle state of the communication templates which should be effective. 

On applying a communication template all the values that are defined in the communication template are copied to the communication. If the communication template includes tags, then those tags are replaced with the actual data values in the same way as you manually use tags. 

Creating, Editing & Deleting Validations & Restrictions

ActionRestrictionsAdditional Information
  • A template needs to be set as effective in order to be available for selection
  • Multiple communication templates can exist in the system but each one of them should have a unique name and alternative code
  • If you change the Communication tags used, then the system will amend the related entities accordingly. (See Related entity field in the table below for more information)

Communication Templates attributes 




Name*The name of the communication template
Alternative Code*The alternative code of the communication template
DescriptionThe description of the communication template
Life cycle state*The life cycle state of the communication template. The supported values are Effective and Not Effective. Only Effective communication templates are available to be used.
Log InformationIncludes the standard log information
Allowed Organisational unitsThe organisational units that can use the specific communication template
Template Values

The communication direction which determines if the communication is Incoming or Outgoing. The availability of communication media depends on the selected communication direction. The default communication direction is Outgoing


The media that was used to send or receive the communication. The supported media are the following:

  • Email: Available and applicable only if the direction is set to Outgoing
  • SMS: Available and applicable only if the direction is set to Outgoing
  • Phone: Available and applicable for all directions
  • Letter: Available and applicable for all directions
  • Face to Face: Available and applicable for all directions
  • Device: Available and applicable only if a communication queue external system is being used
CategoryThe category of the communication

The subject of the communication. Communication tags can be used to generate the subject based on data kept on the related contact information or the referred business entity. The tags are replaced with the actual values while typing them.

When SMS is selected, then the Subject field is not available. Ability of sending SMS Communications directly within CRM.COM


The actual content of the communication. Communication tags can be used to generate the content based on data kept on the related contact information or the referred business entity. The tags are replaced with the actual values while typing them.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9 - The WYSIWYG tool's editing area is used to capture the actual content along with all of the utility's toolbar that provides the ability to edit and style the content. The WYSIWYG tool's editing is available only for Communications with Media Emails and Letters. For the other media types, a plain text area is used to capture the actual content.

AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9.0.0 - Links to external websites such as http://www.google.com can be added to your templates. If you would like to track the links, for example check whether they have been added and viewed then it is mandatory to add the "http://" or the "https://".
Visit Understanding Communicationsfor more information on tracking links and emails

Related EntityThe Entity/Entities whose related Communication Tag is/are included in the Communication Template. If more than one Communication Tags of an Entity are included in the Communication Template's content, then the Entity is logged only once in the Communication Template Entities.
This field is not visible on the screen. It is automatically calculated by the system, based on the communication tags used in the content

Defining your own Communication Templates tailored to your company's needs

    Communication Templates - Summary page 
  2. Either search for an existing one or from the top menu click on "NEW"
    Communication Templates - Data Entry Page

    1. Provide the required information

      1. Name
      2. Alternative Code
      3. Life Cycle State: By default is set to Not Effective. Change to effective from the drop-down
      4. Description

    1. Provide the following information
      1. Direction
      2. Media
      3. Category
      4. Subject: Use plain text or communication tags as described in the Attributes section above
      5. Content: Use plain text or communication tags as described in the Attributes section above.
        The related entity, whose tags were used, will be saved in the communication template so it can be later on used for filtering available communication templates. 
        The WYSIWYG editor is available to be used only if media Email and Letter are selected.
        Visit Managing Communications for more information 

    1. Click on "ADD" and select between
      1. COMMUNITY
      2. GROUP
      3. UNIT
    2. Use the Search modal to select the Organisational unit you would like to add.
    3. You can select any type of Organisational unit according to the restrictions that you would like to set or none at all.

    Organisational Unit selection



    Log information section keeps all the logging information related to the specific record

    • Basic set of information available in all entities
      • Created By User: The user that created the entity
      • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the entity
      • Updated By User: The user that last updated the entity
      • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the entity
      • Date Created: The date the account was entity
      • Date Updated: The date the account was last entity

  7. From the Top Menu click on "SAVE"

Deleting Communication Templates

  1. Search for the entity that you would like to delete
    Visit  Using Summary Pages   to find out how you can search using CRM.COM Summary Screens
  2. Click on the link of the record you would like to delete, to be transferred to the Data Entry page
  3. From the actions menu click on "DELETE"
     The entity will be deleted given that the validations are satisfied


Visit Understanding Communications for business examples related to Communication Templates


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