Modifying Wallet Transactions - R5&R6
What does this section cover?
Voiding Wallet Transactions
Wallet Transactions cannot be updated or deleted once they are created, whether they are manually or automatically created. The only change you can do is to Void an existing Wallet Transaction.
Only Wallet Transactions whose Life Cycle State is set to Effective and belong to one of the following classifications, can be voided:
- Credit Wallet Transactions
- Debit Wallet Transactions
- Reimburse Wallet Transactions
Read this manual to find out how you can void a Wallet Transaction.
Find out how to void an existing Wallet Transaction
Follow the steps below in order to void an existing Wallet Transaction
- Login using your username and password
- From the Navigation Menu, located at the left side of the screen go to Finance Application > Wallets > Access Wallet Transactions
The Wallet Transaction summary screen is displayed - Search for the Wallet Transaction you want to void.
For a description on Searching Wallet Transaction go to Viewing Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 - Click on the Wallet Transaction number to go into the Detail page
- Click on the Actions > Void from the top menu
The Void Wallet Transaction modal window will open - Select he Void Wallet Transaction Type that should be created
Click on Save
The Life Cycle State of the Wallet Transaction will be changed to Voided
The Voided By is set to the number of the new Void Wallet Transaction createdWhen voiding a Wallet Transaction a new Wallet Transaction is created of Classification Void and the 2 wallet transactions are related to each other.
This can be viewed either from the Detail or the Summary page
Summary Page:
Detail Page:
Related Areas
Creating Wallets - R5&R6 — Learn how to manually or automatically create a Wallet used in Prepaid Subscriptions
Modifying Wallets - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet and learn how to update and cancel an existing Wallet.
Creating Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how Wallet Transactions can be created
Creating Automatic Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how to Automatic (created by the system with no user intervention) Wallet Transactions are created
Creating Manual Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how to create Wallet Transactions manually
Configuring Wallet Definitions - R5&R6 — Learn how you can configure Wallet Definitions.
Configuring Wallet Transaction Types - R5&R6 — Learn how you can configure Wallet Transaction Types.
Viewing Wallets - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallets and view existing Wallets.
Modifying Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet Transaction and learn how to Void a Wallet Transaction
Viewing Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet Transactions and view existing Wallet Transactions
Working with Wallet Transaction Allotments - R5&R6 — Find out what are Wallet Transaction Allotments and how they work in CRM.COM.
Calculating Wallet Estimated Consumption - R5&R6 — Find out how consumption related values are being calculated.
Calculating Wallet Balance - R5&R6 — Find out how wallet balance and wallet allotment balance is calculated.
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