

Managing Reports

CRM.COM offers a collection of reports to help system users analyse and understand the activity of their business network. Reports can be run ad hoc, or scheduled to run at a predefined time, and subsequently emailed to a system user.

The available reports vary depending on which level of the business network a user has signed-in to. Business users can see the whole collection of reports besides one which only appears at the Merchant level. Merchant users have access to a restricted collection of reports only.


First of all let’s explain some common terms used in regards to reports.


These are the criteria which a system user can optionally select to apply to a report, therefore filtering the report results to retrieve only the desired data. Selection criteria vary according to the selected report.


These are the columns with report data which the user can choose to include or exclude from the report.


Grouping allows the user to select how the report data will be sorted, and also provides summarised totals at the end of the report.


Each report can be previewed (first 10 lines only) based on the selection criteria and columns selected. The preview does not include the grouped data selection, as this is applied only to the complete report output.

Running Reports

To access reports at your organisation level, navigate to Analytics > Reports from the left-hand-side menu. The number of available reports varies depending on the signed-in user organisation level, i.e. there are 16 reports at Business level and 5 reports at Merchant level.

Select one of the available reports.

Reports available at the Business level

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria varies depending on the selected report. The report results are refreshed immediately upon amending the selection criteria.

Selection criteria

For performance reasons, only a maximum of 10 records are displayed on-screen for all reports, of course the complete report is available when downloaded.


Again, the columns for each report vary depending on the selected report. The Columns list displays the current columns appearing on the report preview. A system user can add additional columns by selecting the Add Columns option, and also has the ability to change the order that the columns appear (by dragging-and-dropping using the hamburger icon).

The screen display is refreshed to reflect the changes made.


Select how the report results will be grouped, multiple grouping levels can be selected.

Submit the Report

Once the selection criteria, columns and groups have been selected, click on Run to execute the report. Choose one of the two output format options (.csv or .pdf format), indicting how you would like to receive the report. The report is sent via email communication to the logged-in user's email address.


Check your email Inbox - you should receive an email similar to the one below.

Click on the link to view/download the complete report.

Report totals and applied selection criteria appear at the end of the report.

SMTP integration is required to email reports to recipients, however, if the Business SMTP integration is not configured, then the Service Owner’s integration is used instead.

Scheduling a Report

A report can be scheduled to run on a regular basis. Select the report settings (criteria, columns, groups etc.) then select the Schedule Report option.

  • Provide a name for the scheduled report

  • Select the frequency and time that the report should run

  • Select the report output format (pdf/csv)

  • Specify who will receive the report

    • One or more system users (who have access to reports and an authorised email)

    • System users belonging to a team (applicable for Business organisations only) 

Once Saved, the Scheduled Reports screen is displayed with options for amending scheduled report settings or deleting a scheduled report.

The scheduled reports screen can also be accessed via the View Scheduled Reports option from the main report screen.


Merchant Level Reports

There are fewer reports available at the Merchant level, however, there is an additional report which is not available at the Business level - the Settlement Analysis report. This is a dedicated report showing B2B settlement events generated during the background settlement process, between a Business and it’s Merchants. As a Merchant you can use this report to see your settlement events in cases where the B2B settlement process is operational.



Reference Material

You may also find it useful to refer to the following manuals for further reading in relation to Reports.







Business Network

Business Network


Configure SMTP integrations to email reports to recipients.




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