An Activity is a task that can be scheduled to take place for a Contact, a Lead, a Service Request or an Order as part of a business flow. An Activity doesn't carry any charges per se but can be charged through the entity for which it was created (e.g. an Activity for an installation could be charged through the Service Request for which it was created).
These are some basic terms used throughout the software when referring to and managing Activities.
All Activities must be linked to a Contact, i.e. created for a particular Contact. If an Activity was created for an Order, a Lead or a Service Request, then the Contact on that entity becomes the Activity-related Contact (i.e. for whom it was created).
An Activity has an owner who is a system user or a team responsible for carrying out the Activity task. The owner can change at any given time (i.e. be assigned to another team or user).
Activity Types can be defined for the purpose of grouping similar activities together and are used for Insights analytics.
Linked Entity
This is the Order, Lead or Service Request for which and from which the Activity was created.
Scheduled Date
The date/time when the Activity task is scheduled to take place.
If the Activity is taking place at the Contact's premises, then one of the Contact's addresses can be selected.
An Activity can take on different states representing its current form.
Pending - Activity is still open, awaiting completion
Completed - Activity has been dealt with and closed
Cancelled - Activity has been closed due to cancellation
Managing Activities
Navigate to CRM > Activities to view created Activities.
Search for an Activity by name, or use the filtering options to apply criteria, thereby narrowing down the search results.
Creating an Activity
Unlike other entities of the system, Activities cannot be created from the Activities summary screen. They can only be created by navigating to the relevant Contact, Lead, Service Request or Order and then selecting the options button in the top right-hand corner of the screen (…) > Create Activity.
Complete the Activity details:
Name - An Activity name must be provided; this briefly describes the necessary action to be performed and acts as the title of the Activity
Description - Use this space to further explain the required action if necessary
Type - Select one of the pre-defined Activity Types; these are configurable via Settings
Owner - The owner of an Activity can be a team or a single system user; if not assigned, then the logged-in user becomes the owner by default
When - Select the scheduled date and time for the Activity
Where - Optionally select one of the Contact's addresses in cases where the Activity will be taking place at the Contact's premises.
Notes - Internal notes related to the Activity, multiple notes can be added once the Activity has been saved.
An Activity can only be created when associated with a Contact. Orders and Service Requests are already linked to Contacts; a Lead must be assigned to a Contact before an Activity can be created for it.
The Contact name appears as the related Contact on the Activity.
Once an Activity has been created through an Order, Service Request, or Lead, it will appear on that entity's details page in the form of a card. From there, one can access the particular Activity by selecting the name of the Activity.
All Activities relating to a Contact can also be accessed from the Contact screen > Activity Feed. Select an Activity to view full details.
Automation can be configured to automatically create an Activity upon the creation of an Order or Service Request. Refer to the Automations manual for further information.
Editing an Activity
Once an activity has been created, it is possible to edit the various details pertaining to it, with the exception of the Contact to which it's related.
Changing the State
Activities appearing with a Pending state are still open. The following actions affecting the Activity state are available once an Activity has been selected:
Complete - The Activity has been fulfilled
Cancel - The Activity is no longer required
Delete - Remove the Activity (e.g. created by mistake)
Custom Fields
Custom Fields can be used to capture additional information relevant to your line of business. Custom fields appear under the Custom Preferences area on the screen. Refer to the Custom Extensibility manual for further information on Custom Fields.
Events History
Select the Events History option to see the main actions performed against the Activity.
Activity Settings
To configure Activity settings navigate to Settings > Contacts & CRM > Activities.
Activity Types
Define classifications to be assigned to newly created Activities. Provide a name, description and an optional colour. Set the state of the Activity Type to Active to allow its use.
Reference Material
You may also find it useful to refer to the following manuals for further reading in relation to Activities.
Service Requests
Custom Fields
Custom Extensibility | custom fields
- 1.1.1 Contact
- 1.1.2 Owner
- 1.1.3 Type
- 1.1.4 Linked Entity
- 1.1.5 Scheduled Date
- 1.1.6 Location
- 1.1.7 State
- 2 Managing Activities
- 2.1 Creating an Activity
- 2.2 Editing an Activity
- 2.2.1 Changing the State
- 2.2.2 Custom Fields
- 2.2.3 Events History
- 3 Activity Settings
- 3.1 Activity Types
- 4 Reference Material