Financials within CRM.COM are a set of processes that manage the contact financial accounts, such as financial transactions and credit limits.
Before taking a closer look at financials, let's understand some basic financial-related terms which are used throughout CRM.COM’s various modules and features.
A contact has one or more financial accounts, the primary one being in the business default currency and optionally additional ones in more currencies. An account is debited and credited by account journal entries and has running and ageing balances. Journal entries are created by financial events, called financial transactions, such as invoices, payments, and refunds. An account has a credit limit and credit terms. All accounts in the system have calendar periods where on-period close balances are summed for the period end. For example, Nov 2022 balance is $57.88.
Financial Transactions
Financial transactions are user or system-initiated, creating debit and credit journals against an account. The classification of a transaction (e.g. Invoice, Credit Note, Payment, Refund etc.) determines whether the journal entry is a credit or a debit.
Both Person and Company type contacts can have accounts.
A contact can have multiple accounts in different currencies; each Account has a running balance, an overdue amount and a credit limit. If the Contact has multiple accounts, then one of the accounts will be selected as the primary Account, which is the main Account used by the Contact and can be changed at any given time.
Aside from contacts, businesses and merchants/service providers can also own accounts. Refer to the Business Network manual for further information.
CRM.COM Wallet
Each Contact has a digital CRM.COM Wallet with three pockets:
Cash Pocket - Contains the contact’s personal funds. Money can be added to this pocket through financial transactions using the CRM.COM Wallet gateway.
There are two pockets per Business that the contact has registered with:
Business Pocket - Funds in this pocket can be spent at the business or at selective businesses within the same (B2B) network.
Commerce Pocket - This pocket is typically credited through reward offers. The credited amount is generally tied to spending conditions that state when/how the amount can be spent to pay for a purchase.
Refer to the Wallets manual for further information about the Wallet.
Payment Methods
Payment methods are the registered payment instruments of the Contact, such as a card or a bank account. Payment methods are used to fund the Account for various debits created, typically as a result of purchases or subscription invoicing. They are also used to fund the CRM.COM Wallet.
Refer to the Payment Methods manual for more information.
Accounting Period
An accounting period is the duration of time within which financial transactions can be posted. At the end of each accounting period (e.g. calendar month), the transactions are totalised, and the account closing balance becomes the opening balance for the next accounting period.
The latest accounting period for which the opening balance was calculated for the Account is visible when the Financials section is expanded on the contact screen.
Accounting closing periods are configurable via Settings.
Ageing Analysis
The ageing analysis allows the Business to view which contacts are in debt and for how long. An Invoice starts ageing from the moment it's issued, and its aged balance (i.e. its outstanding amount) progresses through ageing buckets of 30-day intervals for as long as it's unpaid. The aged balance (in 5 30-day interval buckets) is available:
On Contact's Statements
Via the Debtor's report
On the Finance dashboard
Getting Started
This manual covers the different types of financial transactions affecting the contact account and how to manage the Account from the back-end system. Wallet-related transactions and managing the Wallet are not within the scope of this manual, so please refer to the Wallets manual for wallet specifics.
The Contact screen displays the Contact's financial state, and this is also where a back-end user can create various financial actions for the Contact. To view the contact screen, and thus the Contact's financial information, navigate to CRM > My Contacts > select a contact > Financials.
Once the Financials tab is selected, you will see a summary of the Contact's financial information. The area on the left refers to the account information, whilst wallet information is displayed on the right.
Managing Financials
Account States
The type of actions which can be carried out against an account are determined by the account state.
Active - The Account is in operational mode; financial transactions can be created against the Account. New accounts are automatically set to Active.
Suspended - This state can only be set manually through a dedicated action only if the account state is Active. Financial transactions cannot be created against suspended accounts, with the exception of those which credit the Account, and the accounts cannot be used in new account-based actions (e.g. to fund a new subscription service). Suspended accounts can manually be set to Active once they have been settled.
Terminated - This state can only be set manually through a dedicated action and permitted only if there are no account-based entities which are still Effective (e.g. a subscription service). No financial transactions can be created against Terminated accounts. Accounts assuming this state cannot be modified, and their state cannot be reverted.
Refer to Account Actions for a list of actions which can be performed against the Account and how these affect the account state.
Financial Actions
CRM.COM allows users to carry out financial actions using the back-end system. Remember that financial actions carried out on behalf of the Contact will affect their account and/or wallet balances.
Access Financial Actions by clicking on options (…) under your logged-in user name in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Create Account
If the Contact performs any type of financial transaction, then an account must exist. A contact account will normally be created upon contact creation (the currency is set based on the Contact's country of agreement). Still, it's also possible to create new accounts for the Contact in other currencies.
Select one of the Contact's defined addresses as the account Billing Address; this address will be used to communicate account-related financial information to the Contact and, more importantly, apply taxes based on the Contact's location.
The billing address of an account can be amended by navigating to the Account in question, hovering, and then clicking on the Billing Address edit option.
Charge the Contact
Manually create an invoice to charge the Contact using products defined in the Product Catalogue.
Credit the Contact
Issue a credit note for specific products.
Journal Entry
Create a manual journal entry to debit or credit a contact's account/wallet.
The contact's Business Pocket balance is affected if the journal entry is performed against a contact’s wallet and no Commerce Pool conditions are specified. Alternatively, the Business Commerce Pocket balance with the accompanying conditions is credited or debited.
Record Payment
Create a payment for a contact either against an invoice generated via CRM.COM or an external invoice (External Financial References), in which case the external reference number should be provided.
Record Payout
A Payout returns money back to the contact but only if their account or CRM.COM Wallet is in credit. A Payout (unlike a Refund) is not related to any other financial transaction such as a Payment.
Refund the Contact
A full or partial refund is issued against a contact payment. The refund transaction returns money back to the Contact through four different refund methods (Cash, Card, Wallet, and Account Debit). Refunds can be issued to customers who are not satisfied with their purchase or in cases where an order cannot be fully or partially delivered to the Contact.
Top-up Money
Top-up the Contact's Account or Wallet with money from one of the Contact's payment methods. Optionally select a Commerce Pool if the wallet is being credited with money that should include spend restrictions.
Transfer Money
Transfer a sum of money from a contact's Account/Wallet to another of the Contact's own Account/Wallet, or a different contact's Account/Wallet. If the Wallet is being used as the source, then only the Business Pocket amount is available for transfer. Optionally select a Commerce Pool if the wallet is being credited with money that should include spend restrictions.
View the journal entries performed against the Contact's Account and CRM.COM Wallet for a selected period of time. The statement can be exported in PDF or CSV format and emailed to the signed-in system user, or emailed directly to the Contact.
Save as Draft
If a financial action is Saved, it will be Posted against the Contact's Account and consequently affect the balance. Alternatively, any actions Saved as Draft will not be posted, thus not affecting the balance (yet).
To Post a Draft financial action, it must first be retrieved from the Activity Feed > select options (…) > Post.
Account Actions
To access the Account actions click on the options button (…) in the Financials tab area.
Account actions will directly affect the Contact's Account, so caution should be exercised in this case.
Set as Primary
This option is only available for Accounts that are not set as the Primary Account. A Primary Account is the Contact's main Account; this is the Account that will be selected as the default Account for payments and the Account that will be credited in cases where the Contact is due any money.
Modify Classification
Account classifications are used to group similar types of accounts for pricing, billing or subscription purposes. Account Classifications can be configured via Settings.
Accounts can be temporarily Suspended in case of a dispute or while running a credit check. Financial transactions can still be created against a Suspended Account, but no new Subscriptions or Service Requests can be related to the Account. The Account can be reactivated once the issue is settled or the check is successful.
Reactivate a Suspended Account (making it Active). This option is only visible if an Account has been Suspended.
Terminated Accounts are no longer operational, and the state cannot be reversed. An Account can't be Terminated if it's been used to fund a Subscription that is still Active or if there are any financial transactions that are still in the Draft state.
There are three options to choose from when terminating an Account, and this will determine how the terminating Account's balance will be handled:
Instantly - Terminate the Account (any money in the Business Commerce Pocket will be lost)
Transfer to same contact account - Terminate the Account and transfer any balances to another Account of the same Contact
Transfer to other contact account - Terminate the Account and transfer the balances to an Account of another contact. This option can also be used in cases where there are duplicate Accounts for the same Contact
Change Credit Limit
Credit limit is the maximum balance that the customer can possibly owe to the Business. If the Businesst limit is not set, then the default credit limit defined in Settings > Financials > Financials > Credit Terms applies. However, it's possible to apply a different credit limit for each Account; the new credit limit must be less than the default credit limit set in system Settings.
Change Payment Terms
Payment Terms define the account owner's credit period, i.e. the period of time that an Invoice will be due after its posting date. If Payment Terms are not set, then the default Payment Terms defined in Settings > Financials > Financials > Credit Terms apply. It's possible to set up different Payment Terms as long as one of the allowed ones is selected.
Wallet Actions
Wallet actions directly impact the Contact's Wallet; refer to the Wallet manual for a list of possible actions.
The Activity Feed
The activity feed keeps a log of all financial transactions against the Account and Wallet in ascending chronological order, along with all communications sent to the Contact.
Use the filter to narrow down the results, and then select a financial transaction from the Activity Feed to see its full details.
Payment Methods
Contact payment methods are the funding methods authorised by the Contact to pay for their purchases. The Contact can choose from the acceptable payment methods set up by the organisation.
A primary payment method (identified with a P) can be optionally specified by the Contact; this is the default payment method which will be used for online (automatic) payments.
Integrations with payment gateways will also need to be configured in order to be able to use online payment methods.
A Business can configure their acceptable payment methods via Settings > Financials > Financials > Payment Methods.
Financial Events
The Financial Events screen displays a consolidated list of finance-related events generated by CRM.COM, against all contacts accounts and wallets.
To view such events, navigate to Finance> Financial Events from the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Use the filter to narrow down your search, and click on an event to see more information.
Finance Settings
Configuration of finance related settings (subject to user permissions) is possible by navigating to the Settings > Financials > Generic.
These are Account specific settings; for Wallet-related settings, please see the Wallet manual.
Account Name Display
Select how the Business Account name would be displayed throughout the software. Choose from the Account number alone, or a combination of the Account number and Contact name.
Allocation Settings
Select the default allocation principle to be used when allocating credit transactions against debit transactions. The following are supported:
FIFO - Credit is allocated against the oldest (non-allocated) debit
FIFO and against item - Credit is allocated against a designated debit ,and the remaining amount is allocated using FIFO
Accounting Period Closing
Define the duration of the Business' accounting periods. This setting is configured to be monthly by default, and the accounting period closes once a month, but a Business might decide to keep more than one accounting periods open.
The accounting period closing process is performed on the 5th day of each month and is not configurable.
Let’s use the screenshot below to explain the accounting period closing setting. In this example, a Business has selected to automatically close the third accounting period prior to the current (running) accounting period. The current accounting period is March 2023, therefore on 5th March 2023 accounting period December 2022 was closed. Next month (5th April 2023), accounting period January 2023 will be closed and so on.
Account Classifications
Account classifications allow you to characterise and manage your Contact's Accounts closely by applying a combination of business rules, such as defining:
Credit Terms - Bypass the default account credit and payment terms by creating a rule applicable for a specific account classification (Settings > Finance > Credit Terms),
Subscription Service Restrictions - Impose restrictions on the maximum number of subscription services a contact can own based on the Contact's account classification (Settings > Subscriptions > Service Restrictions).
Financial Transaction Types
Financial Transaction Types have a classification defining each transaction's operational characteristics. User-definable types can be created to distinguish between financial transactions of the same classification (e.g. Invoice, Payment, Refund), which determine its notation in the contacts Accounts - i.e. whether it will be recorded as a credit or a debit.
Multiple types can be created for each classification, such as an Invoice type for 'Order invoice' and Payment type for 'Cash payment'; the most suitable type can be selected when the relevant financial transaction is being created.
Once financial transaction types are configured, set the system's default types by selecting the Default checkbox.
The financial transaction types can be queried using Insights filters and can also be set on Order and Subscriptions financial settings.
Numbering Schemes
Setup how the system should automatically generate Account, Invoice and Credit Note numbers.
Further financial settings can be configured via Settings > Financials > Financials.
Taxes apply whenever a service or a physical good is sold to a contact and when issuing the financial transaction.
A tax rate has three major characteristics; a percentage rate which is valid for a specific period of time, a set of products (defined by SKU or Family) to which the rate applies, and a set of location conditions.
Tax Exempt defines a status whereby a tax rate of 0% is applied when invoicing an account owner who is not eligible to pay taxes.
A contact can be marked as Tax Exempt from the Contact screen.
Credit Terms
Credit Terms represent an ag