Service Owners

Service Owners

A Service Owner is an organisation entity within the CRM.COM Business Network hierarchy. It owns the service whereby Businesses can register through a self-sign manner.



Firstly, let’s examine some basic terms used in CRM.COM regarding the Service Owner.


In CRM.COM, an organisation can be of type Service Owner, Business, Merchant/Service Provider, or Venue/Service Point. This manual specifically focuses on the capabilities of the Service Owner. For more information about the other organisations, please refer to the Business Network manual.

Contact Registry

The Service Owner has the capacity to own a contact registry. This holds the personal details of Contacts registered in CRM.COM. The contact registry can be enabled and maintained at the Service Owner or Business level. Refer to the Contacts manual for further details about the Contact Registry.


The Service Owner’s partners (associates) can be defined in CRM.COM and linked to specific Businesses. Partners are included solely to recognise their collaboration with the Service Owner in securing a business proposition. Their only purpose in the system is to have their logo displayed at the bottom of the sidebar menu in the system, and in the Contact app (if a business owns one).


Allows a user signed in as a Service Owner to temporarily act as a user of a child organisation based on the Business Network hierarchical structure. For example, a user logged in as a Service Owner can masquerade as one of the Businesses and then as a Merchant/Service Provider of the Business.

Service Owner Operations

The Cloud Operator creates the Service Owner in CRM.COM. You will receive an email invitation to sign in as the Service Owner.

Since the Service Owner owns the service, the Cloud Operator will create a landing page and share the URL with you so that businesses can sign up and use your services. Alternatively, the Service Owner user can manually create Businesses and invite the owners by email.

Complete Your Service Owner Details

When you are signed in to CRM.COM, click on your signed-in user name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select My Business.

Complete your phone, email and address information and finally, upload your logo. Make sure that you select Save before leaving this screen.

Create a Business

A Business can self-sign up to a Service Owner, or a Service Owner user can create the business through the back-end and invite the Business user using an email address.

To manually create a business - select Business Network > Businesses. The Businesses summary screen is displayed, and you can manually create a new business from here by selecting Create Business.

Business Configuration

Set the Business details, note that the Business user can also access and complete this screen once they have been invited to the business.

  • Name - The name of the business

  • Country of Agreement - Select the country that the business operates in.

  • Phone - The business’s phone number.

  • Email - The business’s contact email address.

  • Address - If Google Places is configured, search and select the Business address and Google Place id.

  • Contact Registry - If the Service Owner supports a Contact registry, then the Business will have the option of using it too, if disabled, then the Business maintains its own Contact Registry.

  • Create a business owner user - When creating a new Business via the back-end system, it’s also possible to create and invite an Admin user on-the-fly. Simply enable the respective toggle, and invite the User by completing their personal information in the area below. This action can also be performed by masquearading to the business and navigating to Settings > Security > User Roles & Users > Users > Invite User.

When creating a new Business using the back-end system, you can specify the operating country through Settings > Platform > Generic > Countries. Selecting a country (of agreement) automatically sets the currency for that country. A Business Admin user can modify both the country of agreement and currency.

When the business has been created, you can edit it to add the partners. But first, they must be configured in the System Settings.


To masquerade as a Business, navigate to the Business Network > Businesses option from the sidebar menu, select the masquerade icon from the Business, and then from there, you can masquerade as a Merchant or service Provider if you need to.

To switch back to the Organisation from where you masqueraded - select your login name (top right-hand corner of the screen) > Switch to ….


It’s recommended that a Service Owner configures as many integrations as possible. In some cases, Businesses can use the following integrations from their Service Owner if they are not configured at the Business level.

  • Address Registry

    • Google Places

  • Communications

    • SMTP

    • SMPP

    • Twilio

    • WhatsApp

    • Firebase

Communication integrations will be used ONLY for the following operational messages.

  • Contact

    • Register Contact

    • Forgot Password

    • Request OTP

    • Refer a Friend

      • Only SMTP (email)

  • Back-end User

    • Invite (Create) User

    • Resend Email Verification

    • Forgot Password

    • 2FA Communications

    • Reports

    • Insight Exports


Business Network Settings

A Service Owner system user can configure the following Business Network-related system settings:

Billing Business

This setting is only relevant for Service Owners selling SaaS subscriptions to Businesses. Set the Business responsible for billing the subscription plans and select the default plan for new businesses signing-up. If this setting is not configured, then new businesses signing-up to the Service Owner won’t be billed.

To configure, navigate to Settings > Business Network > Billing & Subscriptions > Billing Business.


To configure partners and upload their logos, navigate to Settings > Platform > Partnerships > Partners.

To add a partner to a Business, navigate to Business Network > Businesses > locate and Edit the Business in question > click in Partners and select one or more partners from the drop-down list.

As a result, the partner’s logo will appear at the bottom of the sidebar menu when a user of the Business or child organisation of the Business is logged in to the back-end system.

Reference Material

You may also find it helpful to refer to the following manuals for further reading.

Business Network

Business Network





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