Merchant/Service Provider Go Live Checklist

Merchant/Service Provider Go Live Checklist

The various Organisations within a Business Network are called Merchants or Service Providers depending on your Business Network mode. Follow this checklist to ensure you have configured CRM.COM correctly.

Getting Started With CRM.COM

As a Merchant/Service Provider, you will be able to configure some areas of the platform according to your own needs. However, the majority of the settings and possibly some areas of configuration will have already been completed by the Business itself.

A Business user can configure the basics for organisations within the Business Network by masquerading as one of them. Detailed information can be specified by merchant users themselves.


(click on the logged-in user’s name at the top-right-hand-corner of the screen > My Business)

Complete your company information, add your logo, and define your operational details (if applicable). Optionally, define any Transaction Acquiring Points (e.g. POSs) for the Merchant location; this will help identify where purchase transactions are being posted from (for cases where the actual Merchant will be executing payments for goods or services). The Merchant definition information mostly caters to the needs of customer-facing apps/portals in order to provide an overall quality user experience.


This is not a complete list of settings, but the recommended system settings that could be considered before proceeding with other configurations; for a complete list of settings, refer to the relevant user manual.

As a Merchant, you will have limited access (as far as configuration is concerned) to certain areas of the system. Therefore, some system options referred to in the user manuals may not be accessible to you.


(Settings > Security)

User Roles
Define user roles (for your users) and specify permissions for all areas of the system.

Users are members of your team to whom you wish to grant access to CRM.COM (typically a backend user); users perform specific tasks subject to their user role. You can invite users to the system using their email; a user must accept the invitation to gain access to CRM.COM.


Most of the setup you'll complete will affect the system's behaviour and, consequently, any customer-facing app/portal, so ensure that these configurations are correct.

(Navigate to these options using the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen)



Venues are your outlets or selling locations. If you have outlets that will be fulfilling orders, then you will need to define these along with their address information and opening hours.



Define your reward offers (if applicable), providing incentives to improve customer engagement. Every offer type has its own conditions that affect how and when an award will be provided and/or spent. Upload images for your offers to attract consumer attention. Refer to the user manual Reward Schemes & Reward Offers for further information.



Create your product catalogue – the physical goods and services that you will be selling. Ensure that an image is uploaded for your products, and that an order catalogue is configured for those products that will be available for ordering. Refer to the Commerce user manuals to configure your products and create order catalogues.



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