Business Network and B2B Business Features

Business Network and B2B Business Features

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process


Business Network

The CRM.COM organisation topology, with Platform Owner, Service Owner, Transaction Processor, Business, Merchants and Venues.


Platform Owner: CRM.COM runs the SaaS platform, provides the multi-tenant wallet as WaaS (Wallet as a Service), carries out B2B settlement and manages purchase events as the core platform business transaction

Service Owner: Runs the service and bills the businesses. Can optionally setup a Contact Registry (see Contacts)

Transaction Processor: Routes purchase events to multiple Service Owners and Businesses (see Purchase Events)

Business: The main Organisation running enterprise membership for their contacts. Owns the contacts. Each Business owns a CRM.COM Wallet.

Merchant: An organisation managed by the business with its own users and optionally own products. Merchants can have an Account and place orders/become subscribers of the Business.

Venue: A retail point where contacts transact. Venues can be set up by the business or the merchant.


B2B Connect

A business becomes a peer of another business through an invite. Have businesses become your B2B Merchants and join them as their B2B Merchant.

B2B Invitation: Sent by a business to any other business registered in the CRM.COM platform to connect and start B2B collaborations.

B2B Merchant: The business that accepts a B2B Invitation, became the B2B Merchant

B2B Peer: The business that sends the B2B Invitation.


Owned by (ownership) means the organisation that owns and controls the resource.

The business always owns contacts.

Explicit ownership is defined specifically. Applies to Activities, Communication Plans, Order Catalogues, Organisation Groups, Products and Reward Offers.

Segmentation can be given an “allowed to use” to other organisations.


Assignable entities are Activities, Leads and Service Requests. Explicit assign to is carried out for each one. Each assignable entity can be assign to a User and/or a Team.

Fulfilled by

The organisation fulfilling the process, applies to Orders.

Data Access

An organisation or user can access data that is owned by, is assigned to, or is fulfilled/serviced by the organisation.

Organisation Groups

Groups merchants into a single addressable unit


Groups users as a specialised functional area within an organisation for easy assignment and access

B2B Marketplace

Business allows their B2B Merchants to share their products into the business’s Product Catalogue (product aggregation). The Business takes orders for shared, B2B products, invoice them and gets paid for them. A separate order is created, one for each B2B merchant responsible for fulfilling them. A Charge is created within the B2B Merchant’s business for its peer business through which the B2B Merchant invoices the Peer business for the products sold by their business.

B2B Commerce Pools

Publish and sell your idle capacity. Promote your commerce pool and let other businesses join and use it in their rewards and wallet top-ups.

B2B Spend

Contacts can spend their Business Pocket balance across the Business Network when B2B Spend is enabled. The Business allows contacts of other businesses to spend their Business Pocket at their business, as well as allows its own contacts to spend their business balance to other businesses.


Tags can be assigned to a Business, Merchant, or Venue and can be used as a filtering option on summary screens and reports.

Custom Fields

If you require additional information not supported by CRM.COM, you can create custom fields of various formats to meet your specific needs.

Custom fields can be configured either at the Service Owner level and used for Businesses or at the Business level and used for Merchants and Venues.

Custom Forms

Configure your own custom data screens for Merchants and Venues.

This is an external implementation designed using CRM.COM’s Back-Office APIs and hosted outside of CRM.COM, which can be loaded and used via the back-end system.


A Business can make use of the following analytics tools to monitor their business network:

  • Dashboards

    • View the number of Merchants and Venues from the following dashboards:

      • Home

      • Business Network Overview

  • Reports

    • Generate or schedule Organisation reports to run regularly according to selected criteria:

      • Organisations Financial Analysis - A financial performance summary of Organisations primary accounts.

      • Organisations Purchase Events Analysis - A report with consolidated information relating to purchases performed per organisation, details include number of visiting Contacts, number of purchases, purchase amounts, award and spending information.

      • B2B Spend Analysis - A report with consolidated information relating to spends performed on B2B Peer Organisations, details include number of visiting Contacts, number of spend amount and spends.

      • Organisations Purchases Statement - View a list of Contact purchases (including cancellations) performed across Organisations, along with ad hoc returns, event totals, award and/or spend information.


Automations can be created for each orgnaisation type within the Business Network topology:

  • Automations at Service Owner level allows service owner users to communicate and manage effectively with signed up businesses.

  • Automations at Business level again allows business users to communicate and manage effectively Merchants signing up


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