What does this section cover?
Wallet Transactions created by the system
As previously explained wallet transactions can be either created manually or automatically. In order for transactions to be created automatically then this should be explicitly defined in the Wallet Definitions.
Read on to see what are the available options that can be set in the definitions for each of the transaction types and what will the result of each automatic action be
Crediting Wallets
There are 2 cases that may be defined as causes for automatically creating a Credit Wallet Transaction.
- On Payments posting
- Whenever a payment is posted, and the payment type is included in the cause's payment types, then a wallet credit transaction will be created having the same amount as the posted payment.
- If the payment is related with a voucher, and the voucher includes an extra added value, then the wallet credit transaction extra added amount will be set and the wallet credit transaction amount will become equal to the payment amount + the extra added amount. Wallet allotment will also be set, if voucher products exists.
- The following log information will be set:
- Process name: "Payment Posting"
- Entity name: "Payment"
- Entity value: The NO of the payment
- Process name: "Payment Posting"
- On Credit Note posting
- Whenever a credit note is posted, and the credit note type is included in the cause's credit note types, then a wallet credit transaction will be created having the same amount as the credit note.
- The following log information is also set:
- Process name: "Credit Note Posting"
- Entity name: "Credit Note"
- Entity value: The NO of the credit note
- Process name: "Credit Note Posting"
Debiting Wallets
There is a single case that may be defined as a cause for automatically creating a Debit Wallet Transaction.
- During Prepaid Billing Run
- A wallet debit transaction will be created with the amount that was consumed by subscription services, as calculated by the prepaid billing run.
- The following log information is also set:
- Process name: "Prepaid Billing Run"
- Entity name: "Billing Run"
- Entity value: The NO of the billing run
- Process name: "Prepaid Billing Run"
Reimbursing Wallets
There are 2 cases that may be defined as causes for automatically creating a Reimburse Wallet Transaction.
- On Cancelling a Wallet
- A wallet reimburse transaction will be created each time a wallet is cancelled, for the whole wallet balance amount (considering that is greater than zero), including any extra added amounts .
- Wallet transaction allotments are also set, for each product having available consumption amount greater than zero.
- The following log information is also set:
- Process name: "Wallet Cancellation"
- Entity name: "Wallet"
- Entity value: The NO of the wallet
- Process name: "Wallet Cancellation"
- On Changing a Prepaid Subscription Accounts Receivable
- A wallet reimburse transaction will be created each time an accounts receivable (related with wallet) owning a subscription is changed, for the whole wallet balance amount (considering that is greater than zero), including any extra added amounts .
- Wallet transaction allotments are also set, for each product having available consumption amount greater than zero.
- The following log information is also set:
- Process name: "Change Subscriber Accounts "
- Entity name: "Subscription Action"
- Entity value: The NO of the subscription action
- Process name: "Change Subscriber Accounts "
Voiding Wallets
There is a single case that may be defined as a cause for automatically creating a Void Wallet Transaction.
- On Cancelling a Payment
- Whenever a payment that caused the creation of a credit wallet transaction is cancelled, and the payment cancellation type is included in the cause's payment cancellation types, then the wallet credit transaction related with the payment will be voided.
- Wallet transaction allotments and extra added amount are also set, if the payment is related with a voucher.
- The following log information is also set:
- Process name: "Payment Cancellation"
- Entity name: "Payment Cancellation"
- Entity value: The NO of the payment cancellation
- Process name: "Payment Cancellation"
Related Areas
Creating Wallets - R5&R6 — Learn how to manually or automatically create a Wallet used in Prepaid Subscriptions
Modifying Wallets - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet and learn how to update and cancel an existing Wallet.
Creating Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how Wallet Transactions can be created
Creating Automatic Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how to Automatic (created by the system with no user intervention) Wallet Transactions are created
Creating Manual Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how to create Wallet Transactions manually
Configuring Wallet Definitions - R5&R6 — Learn how you can configure Wallet Definitions.
Configuring Wallet Transaction Types - R5&R6 — Learn how you can configure Wallet Transaction Types.
Viewing Wallets - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallets and view existing Wallets.
Modifying Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet Transaction and learn how to Void a Wallet Transaction
Viewing Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet Transactions and view existing Wallet Transactions
Working with Wallet Transaction Allotments - R5&R6 — Find out what are Wallet Transaction Allotments and how they work in CRM.COM.
Calculating Wallet Estimated Consumption - R5&R6 — Find out how consumption related values are being calculated.
Calculating Wallet Balance - R5&R6 — Find out how wallet balance and wallet allotment balance is calculated.
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