Configuring Access Token Classifications

Configuring Access Token Classifications

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What are Access Token Classifications?

Access Token Classifications are used to define the behaviour of each Access Token and the business settings and restrictions that will be applied while creating, maintaining or using therm.  You can define settings related to the creation and formatting of the Identifier, Pass Code and Authentication Code. You can define whether Access Tokens can be created without an Identifier and Pass Code or deactivated when their last entity association (Rewards Participant or Accounts Receivable) is removed.

If no Classification is specified when creating an Access Token, then the settings defined in the 'Active' Access Token Definition will be applied.

  • Navigate to Access Token Classifications and explore existing records via the Summary page
  • Click on the link (name or number) of the record of your interest to enter the Data Entry page to see more detail. 
  • Use the Actions Menu to create a NEW Classification, modify (EDIT), or DELETE an existing one.  

  • Use BACK to return to the Summary page and CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Classification. 

Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Access Token Classifications, including each Action's related validations and additional information.  View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of Access Token Classifications fields.


Validations & Restrictions Table

ActionValidationsAdditional Information 
  • Not Applicable
  • If an Access Token Classification is created and specified when the token is created, only the business settings in the Access Token Classification are enforced by the system.
  • If an Access Token Classification is not specified then, the business settings specified in the 'Active' Access Token Definition "Settings for Access Tokens with No Classification" are enforced by the system. 
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique
  • Not Applicable
  • Mandatory Fields must be defined
  • Name and Alternative Code must be unique
  • Not Applicable
  • Access Token Classifications can be deleted only if they are not used by any Access Tokens which are 'Effective' or 'Pending Verification'.
  • Deleted Access Token Classifications are still visible on Tokens created using those Classifications.

Attributes Table 

An * indicates a field is mandatory



Main Information
Name*The name of the Classification
Alternative Code*An alternative code for the Access Token Classification
DescriptionA description of the Classification
Settings: The settings related to the Access Tokens
Identifier Settings
Automatic Creation Method

Defines whether Identifiers should be created automatically and the method that will be used to create them. The following options can be selected:

  • None: The Identifiers will not be created automatically.
  • Unique Auto Generated Number: The Identifiers will be created automatically, using their sequence number.
  • Unique Auto Generated Id: The Identifiers will be created automatically as an auto-generated Id.


Determines how the Identifiers are formatted.  The options are:

  • as Email Address(es)
  • as Number(s) 
  • as Free Text with no restrictions on their format

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None'.

Minimum Length

The minimum required number of characters (alphabetical, numerical, or special) of the Identifier.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None'.

Minimum Number Of Alphabetical Characters (a-z)

The minimum number of alphabetical characters from 'a' to 'z' that should be included in the Identifier.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None' and the Format is set to 'Free Text' or 'Email Address'

Minimum Number Of Integers (0-9)

The minimum number of integers from '0' to '9' that should be included in the Identifier.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None' and the Format is set to 'Free Text' or 'Email Address'. 

Minimum Number Of Other Special Characters

The minimum number of special characters that should be included in the Identifier.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None' and the Format is set to 'Free Text' or 'Email Address'.

Pass Code Settings
Automatic Creation Method

Determines whether Pass Codes should be created automatically and the method used to create them. The following options can be selected:

  • None: The Pass Codes will not be created automatically
  • Unique Auto Generated Number: The Pass Codes will be created automatically, using their sequence number.
  • Unique Auto Generated Id: The Pass Codes will be created automatically as an auto-generated Id
Minimum Length

The minimum required number of characters (alphabetical, numerical, or special) of the Pass Code.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None'.

Minimum Number Of Alphabetical Characters (a-z)

The minimum number of alphabetical characters from 'a' to 'z' that should be included in the Pass Code.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None'.

Minimum Number Of Integers (0-9)

The minimum number of integers from '0' to '9' that should be included in the Pass Code.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None'.

Minimum Number Of Other Special Characters

The minimum number of special characters that should be included in the Pass Code.

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None'.

Authentication Code Settings
Automatic Creation Method

Determines whether Authentication Codes should be created automatically and the method used to create them. The following options can be selected:

  • None: The Authentication Codes will not be created automatically.
  • Unique Auto Generated Number: The Authentication Codes will be created automatically, using their sequence number.
  • Unique Auto Generated Id: The Authentication Codes will be created automatically as an auto generated Id.

Determines how the Authentication Codes are formatted.  The options are:

  • as Email Address(es)
  • as Number(s) 
  • as Free Text with no restrictions on their format

Applicable only if the Automatic Creation Method is set to 'None'.

Minimum Length

The minimum required number of characters (alphabetical, numerical, or special) of the Authentication Code.

Applicable only if the automatic creation is set to 'None'.

Minimum Number Of Alphabetical Characters (a-z)

The minimum number of alphabetical characters from 'a' to 'z' that should be included in the Authentication Code.

Applicable only if the automatic creation is set to 'None' and the Format is set to 'Free Text' or 'Email Address'

Minimum Number Of Integers (0-9)

The minimum number of integers from '0' to '9' that should be included in the Authentication Code.

Applicable only if the automatic creation is set to 'None' and the Format is set to 'Free Text' or 'Email Address'. 

Minimum Number Of Other Special Characters

The minimum number of special characters that should be included in the Authentication Code.

Applicable only if the automatic creation is set to 'None' and the Format is set to 'Free Text' or 'Email Address'.

Automation Settings
Allow Creating Access Tokens with No Identifier and Pass CodeIf checked, one can create Access Tokens without specifying an Identifier and Pass Code.
Set Access Tokens as 'Not Effective' on Removing the Last Entity AssociationIf checked, an Access Token will be set a 'Not Effective' if it is no longer associated with an entity.
Delete Access Tokens on Removing the Last Entity Association AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R12.0.0If checked, Access Tokens of this classification will be deleted if they are no longer associated with an entity, i.e. when the Access Token is no longer related to neither an Accounts Receivable or a Rewards Participant.
Log Information

Log Information

The standard set of Log Details information available in all entities 

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