What does this section cover?
Find out how to create a new Wallet
CRM.COM Software allows you to create Wallets either manually or automatically. Wallets can be created manually via the Wallets Summary or Detail page. However they can also be created automatically in the following 2 instances:
- On creating New Accounts Receivable
- On using an Accounts Receivable on a Prepaid Subscription
In order for the system to automatically create Wallets, it will need to be defined in Wallets Definitions module. If an active Wallet Definition does not exist in the system then no wallets can be created at all.
Wallets are directly related to an Accounts Receivable. Even though an Accounts Receivable may be directly related with more than one wallets, only one Effective wallet (Life Cycle State) can be related to an Accounts Receivable at any given time.
Creating a Wallet manually
- Login using your username and password
- Navigate to Finance Application > Wallets
- Click on Manage Wallets
The Wallets Summary page is displayed
- From the top menu click on the New
The Detail Page of the Wallets is displayed in Edit Mode
- Next to Account Receivable search for the Accounts Receivable by entering the Account receivable No and pressing Enter
OR - Alternatively you can click on the Find button.
A modal Search window will open with various search options.- Enter values according to the search field you would like to use
- Enter values according to the search field you would like to use
Click on Save
The Wallet will be created with Life Cycle State: Effective
If the selected account already has an Effective Wallet then a system error will be given informing you that you are not allowed to create a new wallet unless all the existing ones have Life Cycle State set to Cancelled
Click on the Log Information tab
Created by Process is set to : "Manually"
Creating a Wallet on creating a new Accounts Receivable
As stated above, via the Wallet Definitions the system can be configured to automatically create a wallet when creating a new Accounts Receivable. If the option is selected, then every time a new accounts receivable is created (by any process, i.e. via Accounts Receivable page or via Subscriptions page) then a Wallet will also be created.
The following validations are applied :
- There exists an Active Wallet definition
- The account is not related with an effective wallet
When the new wallet is created the following information will also be logged in the system:
- Process name: "Create Accounts Receivable"
- Entity name: "Accounts Receivable"
- Entity value: The ID/No of the accounts receivable
Creating a Wallet on using an Accounts Receivable on Prepaid Subscription
Via the Wallet Definitions the system can also be configured to automatically create a wallet when an accounts receivable is used (new or existing) during the creation of a prepaid subscription or as the "to accounts receivable" during the execution of the change subscriber account action.
The following validations are applied :
- There exists an Active Wallet definition
- The account is not related with an effective wallet
When the new wallet is created the following information will also be logged in the system:
- Process name:
- "Become Subscriber"
or - "Change Subscriber Account "
- "Become Subscriber"
- Entity name: "Subscription Action"
- Entity value: The Subscription Action Number
Related Areas
Creating Wallets - R5&R6 — Learn how to manually or automatically create a Wallet used in Prepaid Subscriptions
Modifying Wallets - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet and learn how to update and cancel an existing Wallet.
Creating Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how Wallet Transactions can be created
Creating Automatic Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how to Automatic (created by the system with no user intervention) Wallet Transactions are created
Creating Manual Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Learn how to create Wallet Transactions manually
Configuring Wallet Definitions - R5&R6 — Learn how you can configure Wallet Definitions.
Configuring Wallet Transaction Types - R5&R6 — Learn how you can configure Wallet Transaction Types.
Viewing Wallets - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallets and view existing Wallets.
Modifying Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet Transaction and learn how to Void a Wallet Transaction
Viewing Wallet Transactions - R5&R6 — Navigate to Wallet Transactions and view existing Wallet Transactions
Working with Wallet Transaction Allotments - R5&R6 — Find out what are Wallet Transaction Allotments and how they work in CRM.COM.
Calculating Wallet Estimated Consumption - R5&R6 — Find out how consumption related values are being calculated.
Calculating Wallet Balance - R5&R6 — Find out how wallet balance and wallet allotment balance is calculated.
Popular Labels
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- billing-application
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- communication-centre
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- finance-application
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- subscription-actions-r7
- subscriptions
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- wallets
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- wallets-advanced
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- workflows-r7
- zapier-basics-r7
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