Wallet Features
WALLET | ||||
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-2209 | Move the expiration functionality to the condition group | Ability to define a new condition group outside a reward offer | Improvement | |
V5-291 | Top-ups and Transfers to have Spend Conditions for Products | Ability to transfer money to another wallet with conditions (assign a spend condition group). | Story | |
V5-291 | Top-ups and Transfers to have Spend Conditions for Products | Ability to transfer money to another wallet with conditions (assign a spend condition group). | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-286 | Global Wallet Fees | Wallet fees are executed either to charge the Contact a fee per transaction or a fee over a period of time (i.e. for maintenance purposes). The fee can either be a fixed amount or a percentage of the transaction. Multiple rules can be set up for global wallet fees.
| Story | |
V5-105 | Wallet Limits | Global wallet limit rules can be defined by the business in order to restrict the number of transactions or the maximum total amount allowed for transactions within a given time frame. Back-office users can override the global wallet limits by specifying separate (lower) limits for individual contacts. | Story | |
V5-104 | Wallet Top-up Rules | A contract can define the minimum acceptable wallet balance to be maintained. An automatic process is responsible for checking if a wallet balance is less than the balance threshold, and if so, it creates an auto top-up transaction to transfer funds from one of the Contact's payment methods. | Story | |
V5-103 | Wallet Balance Expiration Process | Awards can be subject to expiry conditions, i.e. if they are not consumed by a specified date, then they are voided. This process identifies any awarded amounts of the 'commerce' wallet which have expired and debits the wallet balance accordingly. | Story | |
V5-102 | Spend Wallet Amount | This is the process whereby a contact consumes part or all of their 'commerce' wallet balance during a purchase transaction and may or may not be subject to spending conditions. | Story | |
V5-101 | Wallet Spend Conditions | Wallet spend conditions are the restrictions on how the Wallet's 'commerce' balance can be consumed (can be viewed via the balance breakdown). The restrictions are set based on award conditions and can apply to products, places and times that the amount can be consumed. Spend conditions apply solely to the commerce balance, the open balance never has conditions. | Story | |
V5-100 | Transfer Money to/from a Wallet | A money transfer can be performed between two accounts, two wallets or an account and a wallet. The transfer debits one entity and credits the other, the result of which is recorded as a wallet and/or account journal entry. | Story | |
V5-99 | Top-up a Wallet | Topping up a wallet is the process of adding money to a wallet through external means (e.g. cash, credit card, direct debit, PayPal etc.). | Story | |
V5-98 | Activate Wallet | Activate a terminated wallet so that it can be used once again; both ‘open’ and 'commerce' balances will commence at zero. | Story | |
V5-97 | Terminate Wallet | A wallet can be terminated, therefore halting its use. The 'open' balance will be transferred back to the account of the Contact, and the 'commerce' balance will be set to zero (i.e. any awarded unspent amounts will be lost). | Story | |
V5-96 | Wallet Balance Breakdown | View the breakdown of the Wallet's balance and, more specifically, view the 'commerce' balance with conditions in regard to:
| Story | |
V5-95 | Wallet Commerce Balance | The commerce balance is added to the Wallet through a rewards process (e.g. awards, voucher use etc.) and may or may not be conditional. This balance is the aggregation of the non-expired awards and can only be spent as part of a purchase event. When a contact is awarded by an offer, the Wallet of the primary account is always credited. | Story | |
V5-94 | Wallet Open Balance | The open balance is the result of a top-up or a transfer from an internal or external "fresh money" Account and has no spending conditions. This balance can be used to transfer money to a bank account, pay an external debit, or spend at merchants. | Story | |
V5-93 | Wallet Balance | Wallet balance is the aggregated amount of posted debits and credits allocated against the Wallet as of a specific date. The wallet balance is the total of the 'open' balance and the 'commerce' balance. | Story | |
V5-92 | Wallet Periods | Wallet periods are calendar month based and maintained through an automatic process performed on the 5th of each month. Once a period is closed, its balance and spending conditions are carried forward to the new open period, and no other wallet transactions can be executed against the closed period. | Story | |
V5-2700 | The ability for a contact to transfer money from one Wallet to another | The ability for a contact to transfer money through a mobile app/portal.
| Improvement | |
V5-2665 | Introduce Wallet automatic top-up when it's being used as a payment method | Automatically top-up the CRM wallet when using it as a payment method. Use the Contact's primary Card to retrieve funds to pay off the purchase. Automatic top-up in such cases is performed only if the feature is enabled in Wallet settings. | Improvement | |
V5-2589 | Enhanced Wallet and CRM.COM Wallet payment method types | Introducing CRM.COM Wallet as a new Payment method type, whereas Wallet can be used for payment methods represented as Wallet such as PayPal Solution overview:
| Improvement | |
V5-2520 | New Generation Wallet |
a. Top-ups
| New Feature | |
V5-3737 | Spend requests should not be accepted if a consumer asks for more funds than the available wallet funds. | Spend requests should not be accepted if a consumer asks for more funds than the available wallet funds. Web API (self-service POST /contacts/{id}/tokens) to return an error code if the requested amount is more than the available amount. | Improvement | |
V5-3153 | Ability to award contacts on their wallet creation and not on the registration | Ability to award contacts on their wallet creation and not on the registration | Task | |
V5-3708 | Ability to display expiry dates on journals of Wallet Analysis | Display expiration details on Wallet journals (self-service) | Improvement | |
V5-3905 | Settlement Fees Enhancements | A spend settlement fee should be created when contacts request a front-end spend or payout due to redeem | Improvement | |
V5-3904 | Rewards Payout Enhancements | Auto-payout due to reward redemption should take into consideration the purchase amount as well, and payout the minimum amount between the available wallet balance (including redeem) and purchase amount | Improvement | |
V5-3903 | Wallet Payout Enhancements | Auto-payout due to redemption should not be performed when an eligible payment method is not in place | Improvement | |
V5-2521 | B2B Spend | The ability for businesses to enable the CRM.COM Wallet (gateway), therefore, providing the possibility for their contacts to spend their wallet money at other businesses, which has also enabled such a gateway | New Feature | |
V5-4046 | Promote & Join | Promote & Join' model provides the ability for businesses registered with CRM.COM to collaborate by promoting commerce pools, while others can join and award their contacts' purchases with such commerce money. Any awards provided against such pools can be spent on the promoted business | New Feature | |
V5-4045 | CRM.COM Wallet Enhancements | Introduce CRM.COM Wallet (integration) across business organisations with financial and rewards support | New Feature |
V5-4405 | Communities - CRM.COM Wallet Consumption Enhancements | Ability to view a community member’s remaining amount of wallet funds that can be consumed during a month | Improvement | |
V5-5278 | Automatic wallet Top Up Improvements | Enhancement: Auto Top Up should take into account only open balances below the threshold amount. Additionally:
| Improvement | |