Rewards Core Features
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1436 | Ability to upload images for reward tiers | Business users should be able to upload one marketing image for each reward tier | Improvement | |
V5-1392 | Rewards events back office feature | Ability to view all rewards events (purchase, referral, signup, achievement, just money, lottery, profile completion) and how each event performed and processed (its awards, any spends, any cancellations. | New Feature | |
V5-1391 | New APIs for rewards events | New reward events APIs to be used by back office roles and functions to reconcile and audit reward activity. | New Feature | |
V5-1286 | The default configuration for enabling reward tiers | Enable Reward tiering by default upon the creation of a new business | Improvement | |
V5-1188 | Ability to have additional recurring options on reward achievement offer types | Ability to have additional recurring options on reward achievement offer types, i.e. run every 1 hour | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1105 | Default Automatic Spend Conditions | Ability to configure (per Business) default contact automatic spend conditions and set them to each newly registered contacts | New Feature | Candidate Features |
V5-1056 | Back-End Reduction on the default payment method | The ability for back-end reduction to refund first on the payment method of the purchase, otherwise on the primary payment method (if allows a refund) | Improvement | |
V5-1047 | Wallet Fee Core Behaviour Enhancements | Wallet fees should be applied prior to spending calculation (reward offer resolution), where fees are applied before spending, and spend is applied for award amount or wallet balance, whatever is less | Improvement | |
V5-975 | Spending Preferences Enhancements | Ability to set and retrieve additional auto-spend preferences that will enhance the contact's experience via applications | Improvement | |
V5-958 | Reward Offer Evaluation Enhancements | Rewards core behaviour should be enhanced to exclude performance offers from best offer restrictions. In addition (based on user setup), the reward offer evaluation should be enhanced to support no awarding events that contacts used commerce wallet balance (excluding instant discounts) | Improvement | |
V5-954 | Auto Reward Schemes Sign-Up Enhancement | Ability to sign up existing contacts to new auto signup reward schemes via a back-end process | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-887 | Ability to award and spend at the time of ordering | Contacts will have the ability to use their wallet credit (open and commerce) plus a payment method for the remaining amount (cash or card) during ordering, and at the same time (via automation) to be awarded and spent (automatic/instant) via back-end reduction. | Improvement | |
V5-808 | Ability to retrieve organisation tags from reward offers APIs | New organisation tag(s) attribute on list reward offers APIs | Improvement | |
V5-664 | Back-End Reduction & Refunds | Ability to refund contacts for back-end spends | New Feature | |
V5-660 | Ability to generate purchase events from a financial transaction and award them | Ability via automation to post a purchase event when an invoice is posted and post a credit note when a purchase customer event is voided | Story | |
V5-45 | Rewards Tiers | A tiering system can be configured whereby contacts can be classified based on their purchase behaviour. During a tiered review, a contact can advance to the next level, remain at the same level or revert to the previous tier level based on their purchases within the specified period. | Story | |
V5-44 | Reward Resolution | Reward resolution allows a business to configure how its contacts will be awarded in cases where they may be eligible to be awarded from more than one offer. Available options are - to award the contact from: All matched offers The best offer The best offer from each scheme | Story | |
V5-43 | Spend Reduction Method | The reduction Method defines how the amount requested to be spent by the contact during a purchase event will be deducted from the total amount to be paid. There are two reduction methods: Front-end Reduction is made by a front-end system (e.g. POS) by instantly applying the reduction to the total amount to be paid by the contact. Hence the customer pays the reduced amount. Back-end Reduction is made by a back-end system (e.g. PayPal) where the contact pays the full amount, and they are credited through a payment gateway system or by generating a refund voucher. In the context of Rewards (single Merchant and multi-merchant environment), the reduction method may vary per Merchant depending on the integration and the API used to post-purchase customer events. | Story | |
V5-42 | Rewards Settlement | Ability to define merchant agreements and perform a reward settlement process
Merchant agreements allow the business to define the schemes its merchants can participate in and their corresponding contributions. In addition, the business can define whether settlement takes place for its merchants on the award or on the spend. The settlement process charges participating organisations (typically merchants) the cost of awards. The settlement creates financial transactions either in real-time or in set frequencies, such as daily. | Story | |
V5-41 | Rewards Merchant Commercial Terms | Merchant commercial terms are the agreements between the business and the individual merchants who will be participating in the reward schemes. Terms include the agreed commercial terms for the Merchant: a) The reward schemes that the Merchant will contribute towards the contact's awards or spends. b) The contribution fee that the Merchant will be debited for on an award/spend (calculated based on a percentage of the award/spend, defaults to 100%). c) The management fee that the Merchant will be debited for, for the use of service (calculated based on a percentage of the awarded amount, defaults to 0%). d) The date that the agreement was made and its termination date (if any). Blocking a merchant denotes that the Merchant can no longer award contacts, nor can contacts redeem their awards at that Merchant. | Story |
V5-40 | Financial KPI Customer Event | Financial KPI events are used to measure a contact's monthly financial status and performance against the business' KPIs. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-39 | Achievement Customer Event | Achievement events indicate a contact's accomplishment (e.g. a Facebook like or completing their personal information). | Story | |
V5-33 | Purchase Customer Event | A purchase event represents a sale (e.g. via a POS) of purchased items. CRM.COM behaves solely as a target system, calculating only the total net, tax and gross amounts for the purchased items. In the context of Subscription & Billing, posting an Invoice (financial transaction) can trigger the creation of a purchase customer event having as purchased items the subscribed products. | Story | |
V5-32 | Customer Events | Customer events capture financial and marketing transactions for analytical and reward purposes. The classification of the event determines how CRM.COM will process and award the event. | Story | |
V5-31 | Reward Schemes | A business can have one or more schemes to market and differentiate its marketing loyalty activities. Each scheme has one of the following three signup options for contacts to register to Open loop schemes
Closed loop schemes
| Story | |
V5-2212 | Settlement Enhancements | Ability to settle all spends made against any wallet allocation and apply a settlement fee on award/spend transaction | Improvement | |
V5-1698 | Purchase Event Estimates | Ability to get an estimate of awards/spends of a purchase event prior to submitting it as a purchase event Ability to submit the purchase event with an estimate id (recalculation will take place) | New Feature | |
V5-1588 | Customer Identification Medium entity to store the first six and last four digits of the card on CIM (if type = card) | Ability to keep on CIM (of type card) the first six and last four digits of the card | Improvement | |
V5-3139 | Payout on Redeem Enhancements | Ability to define a minimum (payout) amount that should be supported on automatic redeem payouts | Improvement | |
V5-3052 | Payout on Redeem | Ability to perform a payout on auto-redeem against the contact's preferred payment method or to a specific payment gateway (provided that it supports payouts) | New Feature |
V5-3002 | Rewards Free Product | Ability to award contacts a free product (SKU, family, type, brand) and on redemption, the amount of such purchased product (or the cheapest one) to be credited to the contact's open balance | Improvement | |
V5-2956 | Redeem Enhancement | The ability for a business to enable manual redemption. In this mode, redemption is not automatic but is performed only if a spend is requested. | Improvement | |
V5-2842 | Rewards Lottery Enhancements | Ability to draw a winner based on the number of entries for specific contact events | Improvement | |
V5-3557 | Ability to support front-end reduction at the Transaction Processor level | If a Transaction Processor submits purchase events with a spending request, then
| New Feature | |
V5-4289 | Delegate Offers | The ability for a B2B Merchant to set up a delegate (proxy) offer
| Improvement | |
V5-4265 | Ability to sign up to reward schemes using codes | Ability to sign up to reward schemes using codes | New Feature | |
V5-4116 | B2B Connect | The ability for a business (the peer) to be a B2B merchant of another business (the scheme owner). The two businesses have a mutual agreement whereby they will apply promotions and rewards to contacts registered on the scheme owner business. The agreement, as such, defines the common identification method that will be used between the two businesses to identify the contact on the (scheme owner) business, who purchased from the (peer) business. | New Feature | 5..6.0.0 |
V5-4761 | Ability to specify the organisation that applies offers in a B2B scenario | In a B2B scenario where a business is a B2B Merchant of another business, allow each business to specify if their offers apply. | Improvement | |
V5-4985 | Ability for consumers to make donations to an organisation | Donations is the business process where a contact selects from a defined list organisations and donates an amount, either per transaction (purchase event) or at a set interval. | New Feature | |