Passes Features

Passes Features


Issue Key



Issue Type



Create a filter in automation to differentiate between Top-up and Gift passes.

Ability to create automation based on pass type (Gift or Top-up). At the moment, the filtering options in Automation don't allow this.



Encryption of passcodes

Generated passcodes should not be visible from the back end; they should be encrypted throughout their life cycle.


Candidate Features


Passes Enhancements  

Changes to the way pass are configured and generated. 



Redeem a Pass

Redeeming a pass is the process whereby a contact uses their pass either to get a discount at the time of purchase or to top-up their wallet with the value of the pass. Only passes in the 'Active' state can be redeemed. If OTP validation is required, the user can instantly generate an OTP for verification.  



Managing Passes

It's possible to manage a whole pass plan or just an individual pass.

Activate generated passes
Electronic passes are automatically activated when delivered to the contact. However, printed passes have a 'Draft' state when generated and must be activated through a manual process once they have been cross-checked. Activating a pass plan will change the state of all the passes in the lot from 'Draft' to 'Active', ready to be used.

Pass cancellation
Cancel all the passes generated by a pass plan or an individual pass. Only passes in the 'Draft' or 'Active' state can be cancelled; once cancelled, a pass can longer be used.

Change pass expiration
Change the expiration date of a single pass, e.g. to extend it's validity.  



View a Pass Lot

Viewing a lot displays all passes generated by the specific lot, their current state, recipient details, usage and expiry information, and method of communication. 



Create a Pass Plan

The only way to generate one or more passes is to create a pass plan for a specific pass type.

Setup includes:

  • Number of passes to generate.

  • Electronic or printed passes: For printed passes, a webhook is triggered for the printing house (if enabled); for electronic passes, the passcode is sent to the contact via event-based communications (e.g. SMS, email etc.).



Pass Product Conditions (for Gift & Top-up Passes)

A list of product SKUs or product families that the value of the pass can be consumed on. 



Passes / Top-up Pass

A top-up pass is used to top up an existing contact's wallet with an additional amount of money. 

Choose from three options for setting the pass validity duration.
Never - The pass never expires.
Period - The pass expiration date is calculated based on the date of redemption, e.g. a top-up pass value is valid for consumption for one year from the date of topping-up
Date - The pass expiration date is a specific date

Generic settings:

  • Value - The value of the pass can either be a fixed value (e.g. €50) or a variable value (e.g. EUR10 - EUR200). For passes with variable values, the exact value will be specified at the time of purchase and must be within the given range.

  • Usage - A passcode can be used just once (single) or more than once (multiple) times up to the maximum specified times.

  • Enable OTP verification - If OTP verification is required to use the pass, then a code can be sent to the contact's phone during redemption for verification purposes. 

Passes format:
Multiple unique passcodes are generated for Top-up passes. Select from the alphanumeric or numeric format the length, prefix and/or suffix of the passcodes. 



Passes / Gift Pass

A gift pass provides an amount of money to the contact either to be redeemed for their own benefit, therefore crediting their own wallet (for registered contact) or for use as a gift card loaded with funds (for non-registered contacts).

Choose from three options for setting the pass validity duration:
Never - The pass never expires.
Period - The pass expiration date is calculated based on the date of redemption, e.g. a gift pass is valid for consumption for three months from the date that the wallet is credited with the pass value.
Date - The pass expiration date is a specific date.

Generic settings:

  • Value - the value of the pass can either be a fixed value (e.g. €50) or a variable value (e.g. EUR10 - EUR200). For passes with variable values, the exact value will be specified at the time of purchase and must be within the given range.

  • Usage - A passcode can be used just once (single) or more than once (multiple) times up to the maximum specified times.

  • Enable OTP verification - If OTP verification is required to use the pass, a code will be sent to the contact's phone during redemption for verification purposes. 

Passes format:
Multiple unique passcodes are generated for Gift passes. Select from the alphanumeric or numeric format the length, prefix and/or suffix of the passcodes. 



Create and Maintain Pass Types and Passes 

Create a pass type of a specific classification; choose from PROMOTION, GIFT and TOP-UP.
Pass types must exist in order to create lots that will generate the passes.

Passes, once created, can have one of four life cycle states:
DRAFT: The pass has been generated but is not yet ready to be redeemed; this is the initial status of printed passes. 
ACTIVATED: The pass is ready to be redeemed.
CANCELLED: The pass has been cancelled and cannot be used. Only DRAFT and ACTIVATED passes can be cancelled.
REDEEMED: The pass has been redeemed (either the promotion/reward offer was redeemed or the value of the pass has been loaded into the contact's wallet).



Passes / Promotion Pass

As the name implies, these passes are issued as part of a promotion campaign, or rewards offer and target (in the form of criteria) products, services and contact segments.

Specify the pass's expiration date by selecting a specific date.

Generic settings:

  • Associate the passes to be generated to a defined promotion or rewards offer.

  • Distribution - Choose whether to generate all the passes with the same (single) passcode or use multiple unique passcodes.

  • Usage - A passcode can be used just once (single) or more than once (multiple) times up to the maximum specified times.

Passcodes format:
Specify the format of the passcodes to be generated. If a single passcode is to be used for all the passes, then set the passcode. If multiple unique passcodes are to be used, then choose between alphanumeric or numeric format, the length, prefix and/or suffix of the passcodes.

For Promotion passes, the value (amount/percentage) that the contract will benefit from is specified in the promotion or rewards offer definition.



Ability to re-use same pass plan prefix

Allow a configuration of a second pass plan using the same passcode prefix as another pass plan definition.
The system validates the uniqueness of passcodes across the business and not per pass plan.



Hashing of Passes

  1. Setting to enable the use of the hashing feature for passes

  2. Passcodes in any format and any type can be stored in a hashed format

  3. API calls can use either the real passcode or the hashed passcode

  4. Hashed passcode to be stored as CIM



Enhancements to Passes to handle lost Gift pass scenario 

Changes to Passes to accommodate the case of a lost Gift pass for a registered Contact (i.e. with identification details).



Ability to specify custom fields for Passes

  • Ability to add custom fields for Passes

  • Passes custom fields will be available when setting up a new Pass Plan.

  • The passes generated based on that pass plan will inherit the custom field values (if any were set)

  • Ability to add custom field values to individual passes using the Update Pass API 

New Feature


Ability to copy Pass Plans

Ability to copy Pass Plans through the back-end.



Ability to set up Pass Plans and generate Passes in multiple currencies

Ability to set up Pass Plans and generate Passes in multiple currencies



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