Apps & Portal Features
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1386 | Consumer ordering model | Applications configuration - the consumer ordering model is set based on the Business model and configuration. Core behaviour - If a Merchant of a Business owns at least one product, then the ordering model is set to MARKETPLACE. Otherwise, it's set to SINGLE BUSINESS. | Improvement | |
V5-1242 | Ability to set Contact as Demo Contact for application review | Ability to activate a demo contact for app review purposes | New Feature | |
V5-1203 | Ability to set Product Availability from the UI | Business or Merchant users should have the ability to set per merchant/venue which products are not available for delivery/pickup/direct sale. If a product normally being sold by a merchant/venue is unavailable for sale for some reason (e.g. out of stock), then it must be identified as such. Consumers will be able to see the product in the product catalogue but won't be able to select it for ordering. | Improvement | |
V5-864 | Enhancement to Applications configuration to include country of agreement |
| Improvement | |
V5-833 | Integrations for Businesses for the multi-business app |
| Improvement | |
V5-2512 | Ability to configure Applications to support multiple Homepage UI layouts. | Choose from four different homepage layouts for contact app configuration | New Feature | |
V5-2177 | Application enhancement to support Direct Sale | Release consumer app/portal to support direct sales for subscription services. | Improvement | |
V5-2176 | Release consumer app/portal enhancements - Redeem Pass, view Wallet Journals, Wallet top-up. | Release app/portal enhanced to allow:
| Improvement | |
V5-2162 | Application Enhancements to handle additional branding on Apps | Ability to upload additional images of specific usage types to be mapped and used in front-end applications (e.g. delivery image, pickup image, wallet image etc.) | Improvement | |
V5-2014 | Ability to filter applications based on platform app identifier | Ability to filter applications on the summary screen based on platform app identifier | Improvement | |
V5-1999 | Ability to enable Service Requests and configure embedded browser URLs in Applications configuration. These are to be handled by front-end systems like mobile apps and portals | Back-end enhancements:
Release app enhancements:
| New Feature | |
V5-1842 | Application Wallet Top-Up Enhancements | Ability to specify in Applications configuration whether Wallet top-up feature will be available (consumer app or consumer portal) | Improvement | |
V5-1793 | Applications Enhancements for refer-a-friend communication | Ability to specify in Applications configuration whether Refer a Friend communication will be sent via Email or SMS | Improvement | |
V5-2409 | New portal type to support a captive portal scenario | Ability to register within a captive portal flow; and then log in and carry out self-service processes | New Feature | |
V5-2446 | Retrieve Partner creatives in applicable Business Applications | GET /applications API to retrieve Partner logos for mobile apps defined for the business (by the Service Owner). Partner logos are displayed when See More > About the App is selected. | Improvement | |
V5-1976 | Enhance Order Estimates API to consider if the account is credited and apply the amount to the order amount due. |
| Improvement | |
V5-3108 | Spend Core Behaviour Enhancements | Ability to handle front-end payment spends with consumer OTP spend requests. Improvements include changes to app configuration settings to permit or not, and a consumer to specify the required spend amount Spend core behaviour is changing as follows:
| Improvement | |
V5-2735 | Applications Creatives Enhancements | Ability to support a new creative type for applications to cater for in-app carousel images. The new type 'Carousel' should allow multiple images to upload, and images will be displayed on the home screen of the app or portal. | Task | |
V5-754 | Support Web-based Portals | Allow a cloud name to be set when creating an application configuration of type 'Web'. A web-based application shares all the same configuration properties of the native application, with the exception of the identification using a DNS approach. | Improvement | |
V5-3263 | Apps & Portals - Applications configuration colour setting improvements |
a. Landing page
b. Screens
| Improvement | |
V5-1597 | Enhance Applications settings to support merchant app configuration and the ability to submit a spending request. |
| Improvement | |
V5-3345 | Apps & Portals - Ability to configure shortcuts |
| Improvement |
| Application configuration
V5-2885 | Application & Payment Method Enhancements | App configuration should allow:
a) selected integrations will drive which payment method types (Card, account debit, wallet) will be supported in the app (portal/mobile) Self-Service API v2 Integrations should allow:
Self-Service API V2 Payment Methods should return whether a payment method is only used for rewards purposes, without being able to be used on financial transactions | New Feature | |
V5-4384 | Application settings - configurable subscription/service actions | Ability for a back-end system user to configure the permitted subscription actions, and service actions for contacts using a front-end device (app/portal). 1 ) subscription actions - supported subscription actions a) change billing day 2 ) subscription after actions - supported actions after a subscription action has taken place a) cancel 3 ) service - supported service actions a) activate | Improvement | |
V5-3546 | Application settings - enhance app settings to include 'order queue' | Ability to specify order queues for front-end applications for ‘native contact app' and 'web - contact portal’ types. For the purpose of ordering from the app - at the moment, there can only be one order queue defined for a business, and when an order is placed, it’s chanelled to that queue. If there's more than one queue defined then ordering fails when ordering via front-end. The enhancement involves specifically stating the order queue to be used in the Applications settings for the relevant configuration for pick-up/delivery/direct sale supply methods. | Improvement | |
V5-4607 | Applications settings - Ability to configure whether Account funds can be used to pay for an order placed using the front-end | Within the Application settings for the contact app and portal, a system user has the ability to configure whether contacts can utilise their account funds to pay for an order placed through the app or portal. | Improvement | |
V5-4569 | New self-service APIs to allow uploading/deleting an image for contact profile | Ability to upload/delete a contact profile image using customer-facing applications. | New Feature | |
V5-4496 | Applications related improvements for images |
| Improvement | |
V5-4377 | Application Settings improvements | Enhanced application settings:
| Improvement | |
V5-2567 | Release App - Add credentials to existing contact amendments | When a contact selects to register from the app/portal, they have the option to register as an existing loyalty member or a new member. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.2 |
V5-2544 | Release Portal enhancements - Refresh token | When a user logs into the s netwPortal, closes the browser, and re-opens the portal, he should be automatically logged in with an access token/refresh token. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.2 |
V5-2420 | Release App/Portal enhancements - Partner Creatives | Ability to display partner logos on mobile app/portal | New Feature | Release App 5.1.1 |
V5-2315 | Release App enhancements - Order Services | Ability to order a subscription service from a consumer app/portal and display contact subscriptions/services and billing information. | New Feature | Release App 5.1.1 |
V5-2210 | Release App/Portal - Ability to play Lottie file in the splash page | Lottie file for splash screen. Not configurable from the back-end, must be sent to CRMI to embed in app build. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.1 |
V5-2110 | Release app - Enhancement to Cart when an order will be paid with account balance & amount due = zero | If the order Amount Due is zero, either because the consumer used wallet funds or because the order will be paid with account balance, then when the user places the order, do not follow 3D secure payment; instead, place an order immediately. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |
V5-2041 | Facebook SDK as a custom feature | Custom feature for a customer, not implemented for release | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |