Payment Methods Business Features

Payment Methods Business Features

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process


Payment Method

Payment methods are the acceptable means by which a business can collect money from its contacts to pay for products or services purchased from the business.

Payment Method Types

It is classified as offline and online. In the first case, the business manually receives payments from its contacts, whereas in the latter case, money is collected using a Payment Gateway service.


  • Cash

  • Electronic Transfer

  • Cheque


  • Card: debit and credit bank cards

  • Account Debit: contacts state their bank account details (e.g. IBAN, account number etc.)

  • Wallet: any wallet-based payment method such as PayPal

  • Account-to-Account (A2A): direct transfer from the contact’s bank account to the business’s bank account

  • The CRM.COM Wallet


CRM.COM Wallet as a payment method

The CRM.COM Wallet is considered as contact’s primary method of payment.

  • Contacts can select this payment method type on placing orders, topping up their account, or funding subscription services.

CRM.COM Wallet has its own payment methods, e.g. a Card, that fund it via automatic top-ups when used as a payment method. A payment method is classified as the CRM.COM Wallet’s payment source only when the business uses the CRM.COM Wallet Gateway. When a business uses another local or global payment gateway, then the payment method is classified as the contact’s payment method for that business only.

  • Auto top-up rules on the CRM.COM wallet are triggered on placing an order, so if there are not enough funds in the wallet to pay off, then the remaining amount is automatically retrieved from the designated CRM.COM wallet payment method.

  • Termed top-up rules also use the CRM.COM Wallet payment methods

CRM.COM Payment Gateway service

The platform operator (CRM.COM) sets up its own Payment Gateway service, which businesses can use within the business network.

  • Businesses signing up can enable the CRM.COM Wallet Gateway.

  • Any payment method tokenised by the CRM.COM Wallet Gateway is considered as the CRM.COM Wallet’s funding source and can be used to add money to the Cash Pocket.

  • Any payment method tokenised by any other PGw service is considered a contact payment method (and can be used for purchase within the business only) and can be used to fund the Business Pocket only (or Commerce Pocket if Top-up includes a Commerce Pool).

Payment Gateways

A payment gateway is a service provided by a third-party system that tokenises payment methods information. Subsequently, it authorises online payment processing and accepting refunds and payouts in various currencies.

Payment Gateways manage various.

  • Types of payment methods, i.e. cards, account debits, wallet

  • Types of financial transactions, i.e. Payments, Refunds, Payouts

Payment Gateway Integrations include information on the types of financial transactions supported, for example, payment but not payout.

CRM.COM has several release Payment Gateway Integrations:

  • JCC

  • Stripe

  • Paypal

  • Revolut


  • Cardlink

  • Solidgate

Primary Payment Methods

  • Only one payment method can be marked as the primary one. Is the one used by default in automated payments.

  • The primary payment method can be removed. If more payment methods exist, another one must be marked as the primary before proceeding with the removal. On removing the payment method, CRM.COM no longer hold any information for the payment method.

Subscription Payment Method

One of the contact’s payment methods will automatically collect money for recurring billing purposes. This payment method might not be the contact’s primary one.

Payment Method “owners”

Payment methods are registered by

  • Contacts who want to buy services and physical goods

  • Organisations (Merchants/Service Providers) who also want to buy services and physical goods from the business.

Businesses also have another payment method used for Settlement purposes called “Settlement Account.”

Hashed cards were also added as payment methods for authenticating the contact and not for purchases/orders.

Manage Payment Methods

Contacts are responsible for adding, updating and removing their payment methods through a front-end system. Front-end systems are responsible for the process of payment methods capturing process, integrating directly with the PGw service and passing changes to CRM.COM using its self-service Web APIs

Merchant-Initiated Transactions vs Customer-Initiated Transactions

Merchant-initiated transactions (MIT) are initiated by the CRM.COM system, typically for subscription or wallet auto top-up flows.

Customer-initiated transactions are transactions where a consumer initiates at a front end the purchase using the card on file (stored in CRM.COM)


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