Rewards and Digital Offers Business Features

Rewards and Digital Offers Business Features

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process



Rewards within CRM.COM apply digital offers against a customer event or a CRM.COM-initiated process such as subscription maturity. Rewards award contacts a commerce credit in the CRM.COM wallet.

Another key process of Rewards is the Redeem, which evaluates the purchase event against the existing commerce balance and converts it to an open balance.

Reward Schemes

A Reward Scheme is a marketing theme of common offers, such as student or teacher schemes.

Its purpose is to focus on specific market segments and, through an exclusive group of offers, always fulfil the segments' needs based on their behaviour.

CRM.COM reward schemes have the following sign-up options:

  • Open Loop Schemes: open to all Contacts without any restrictions.

    • Auto Sign-Up: Contacts will be automatically signed up upon registration to the business

    • Self Sign-Up: Contacts can optionally sign-up for the scheme

  • Closed Loop Schemes: controlled sign-up.

    • Closed Loop Sign Up - Restrict the Contacts who can sign-up by specific email domains (e.g. @crm.com)

    • Sign Up using unique codes - The business uses Import Data utility to import unique codes generated to enable signing up to a closed loop scheme. These codes are manually distributed to contacts who can use them to sign up to the scheme. Each code can be used just once.

An auto sign-up reward scheme is automatically created on every new business sign-up.

Reward Offers & Goals

Reward Offers are incentives to get cash back in the CRM.COM Wallet.

Each offer consists of a set of goals that contacts must achieve in order to win an award.

Specific rules govern the conditions for award redemption/spend.

A Reward Offer can have two possible states :

  • Active - The reward offer is in use, and Contacts can be awarded

  • Inactive - The reward offer is not in use, and Contacts will not be awarded

Reward Offers are categorised into four different goal groups.

  • Reward Achievement

    Contacts are awarded when they accomplish a goal :

    • Lottery: Set up a lottery for one or more winners. This can be configured to run either as a one-off or on a repeated basis

    • Thank You Gift - ad-hoc award to thank contacts for their behaviour/habits.

    • Subscription Maturity: Award contacts for keeping an uninterrupted subscription based on the subscription activation date.

    • Achievement: Award Contacts for their accomplishment (e.g. cumulative achievements - time - liking a social media post, monetary achievement amount - wallet top-ups)

  • Increase Spend

    Contacts are awarded for their actual purchases :

    • Monetary Discount: an instant discount based on the overall purchase amount.

    • Products Discount: it's an instant discount based on selected products purchased(family, brand, type, SKU)

  • Improve Memberships

    Contacts are awarded to promote the Business :

    • Sign-ups: Award Contacts upon registration

    • Referrals: Award Contacts for introducing a new Contact

    • Profile Completion: Award Contacts for completing details of their profile

  • Increase Visits: Contacts are awarded based on their purchase time limitations.

    • Happy hour: Award purchases based on specific locations/times.

Rewards Resolution

Reward resolution is a CRM.COM process that defines how multiple awards will be offered to the contact when it's eligible for multi offers awarding.

  • All matched offers: Contact will be awarded from all valid reward offers from all eligible reward schemes

  • The best offer: Contact will be awarded from only the "best" offer across all eligible reward schemes (one from all schemes)

  • The best offer from each scheme - Contact will be awarded the only "best" offer from every eligible reward scheme (one from each scheme)

Reward Tiers

CRM.COM Contacts can be classified into different tiers (e.g. Silver, Gold, Platinum) based on their purchasing behaviour/value for the organization.

Contact tiers have two main attributes.

  • Period Value Units: value units earned from purchases during the current interval

  • Lifetime Value Units: total value units earned from purchases from the contact's sign-up date

A contact

  • advances (automatically) to the next tier based on the period value units earned at a configurable interval. The business can enable the advance of a contact to the next tier as soon as the contact reaches the next tier's period value units

  • downgrades to a lower tier based on the period value units earned at the defined interval


The award is the amount of commerce money that will be credited to the wallet when an offer is applied.

Awards are subject to award validity (i.e. period, date).


Redeem is the process that matches a contact purchase event against the contact wallet commerce balance and finally converts it to an open balance (debit Commerce Pocket and credit Business Pocket).

The open balance of the Business Pocket can be spent on the next purchase or even optionally paid out.

Awards generated by instantly redeemable offers will be automatically redeemed and can be spent on the current purchase.


Spend is the action of using money from the Contact's Business Pocket to partially or fully pay for a purchase.

The process is triggered when a contact requests to pay a purchase event using available wallet funds.

Each spends action debit contact wallet with purchasing amount .

Spending is permitted only if the Contact is not blocked from spending.

Contacts request for a spend by providing either:

  • a 6-digits OTP, that includes the requested amount to spend and is valid for a period of time or

  • a 16-digit auto-generated CRM.COM Wallet code (provided in front-ends either a barcode/QR-code and in text mode)

Both the OTP and the auto-generated wallet code available in CRM.COM apps.


Payout is valid only for auto-redeemed reward offers.

In this case, any Commerce Pocket money is redeemed into Business Pocket money and paid out to the Contact:

  • Payout to the contacts bank account or

  • Payout to Cash Pocket

Reward Commercial Terms

Reward commercial terms are the agreement framework between Businesses & merchants that define their collaboration rules.

In CRM.COM, Merchants (its under Businesses according to CRM.COM Business Network structure) can define their own Reward Offers and subsequently submit purchase events.

Business defines Commercial Terms and include :

  • The reward schemes that the merchant can participate in

  • The method by which settlements between the Business & Merchant will be applied (settle on award/redeem or settle on spend)

  • The contribution fee that the merchant will be debited for upon an award being provided (calculated based on a percentage of the awarded amount, defaults to 100%) Contribution fee can be in total awards from all active offers or per award/active offer.

Rewards relevant processes

Activate and use the following default offers

  • €5 Registration Offer: Awarded upon successful registration of a contact (register contact from CRM.COM back-end)

  • 20% Birthday Offer: Valid only on the day of the Contact's birthday; this is an instant discount offer and applies only to the Contact's first purchase on their birthday (use the birthday current day and make a purchase manually from the contact screen)

  • 5% Cashback on all Purchases: Awarded when purchasing any product at any location; this is a cashback offer (make a purchase manually from the contact screen)

  • €1 Referral Cashback Cashback is awarded to the Contact if the referred person registers using the Contact's referral code and makes an initial purchase (use portal functionality)

Other important related processes:

  • Transaction processor

  • Commerce Pool - a wallet commerce pool of specific conditions that the offer will award to


Reward Offer Tags

Tags can be pre-created and then used for easy classification of Reward Offers, enabling in-depth Analytics.


Contacts can opt-in and manage their donations to a charity or cause using front-end applications.

Donations are configured using the “Donations” offer goal and one of the four “Donation offer types”. These four types can be configured:

  • One-off Donation - Contacts make a one-off donation to a charitable organisation. The donated amount can be a fixed amount set by the business or variable where contacts decide how much money to donate.

  • Recurring Donation - Contacts make a donation to a charitable organisation on a recurring basis, usually monthly or annually. Contacts either donate a fixed amount or they specify how much to donated. Donations are automatically processed at the set time according to the donation offer.

  • Purchase Donation - Contacts donate to a charitable organisation whenever they make a purchase. The donation can be a fixed amount or spare change based on the donation offer configuration.

  • Product Donation - Contacts donate to a charitable organisation whenever they purchase selected products. The donation can be a fixed amount or spare change based on the donation offer configuration.


  • Dashboards

    • View summarised Reward Offer statistics from the following dashboards:

      • Home (Rewards)

      • Rewards Overview (Rewards & Donations)

  • Reports

    • Generate or schedule Rewards reports to run regularly according to selected criteria.

      • Reward Offers Performance

      • Donations Performance

  • Insights

    • Set up insights for Rewards/Donations using customisable criteria and filtering options using events:

      • Award

      • Spend

      • Donation


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