Passes Business Features

Passes Business Features

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process



A Pass unlocks a gift, top-up or promotion for a contact.

When a pass is redeemed (unlocked), it will credit money into the CRM.COM Wallet and more specifically it credits either the Commerce or the Business Pocket of the contact depending on whether the pass is associated with a Commerce Pool or not.

A pass can be either printed or in electronic format (distribution methods).

Pass Plans

Configured in the CRM.COM back-end, where the key business user defines the characteristics of the passes to be generated (validity, format settings) that define how and when they are created, distributed and eventually redeemed by contacts.

There are three types of passes: Gift, Top-up and Promotional.

A pass plan can be associated with a Commerce Pool, defining thus which Pocket will be credited.

A Pass Plan can be related to a single Currency indicating the currency of the passes to be issued. Therefore, each Pass can only be redeemed by a contact having a CRM.COM Wallet in the same currency.

A pass plan can be created by copying another pass plan.

A pass plans with at least one pass created cannot be modified.

Create Passes

The system generates all the passes upon plan activation for a printed pass plan.

For an electronic plan, the system generates a single pass for the contact upon request.

Update passes

Update the state, the expiration date, the initial value or the pin of a single pass (only through API).

Promotion Pass

This is only in electronic format.

It is generated and activated by a purchase (customer) event via a unique or universal code, activating a reward offer.

These passes are used in promotions and targets (pass plan criteria) products, services and contact segments.

Promotion passes require an accompanying communication plan to notify the relevant contact segments of the promotion details.

Gift pass

This can be electronic (sms, email) or printed (available in a store) format.

A Gift pass would normally be purchased and loaded with money before being offered to the beneficiary as a gift.

Finally, the gift pass is redeemed using the registered contact’s CRM.COM Wallet OR a newly created nameless CRM.COM Wallet with the option to register in the future.

Electronic gift passes are generated on demand using CRM.COM’s Landing Pages (designed for securely purchasing an eGift) or Web APIs.

Electronic gift passes can be manually re-sent to beneficiaries via the back-end.

Top-up Pass

These passes can be purchased electronically (sms, email) or in a physical store (printed).

Top-up passes are purchased to credit the wallet of an existing contact and finally use its wallet to pay for the following purchases.

Electronic top-up passes are generated on buyer request.

Redeem a Pass

Redeeming a Gift or Top-up pass is the process where the contact’s CRM.COM Wallet is credited with the value of the pass so that the contact can spend the wallet funds.

For the promotion passes, redemption results in unblocking a reward offer for the contact, therefore contact is awarded with a cashback which can be spent in a purchase.

Passes codes & PIN

Gift and top-up passes can optionally use the PIN functionality for increased security reasons. The PIN, together with the pass code, must be provided by the contact to redeem and consequently spend the pass funds.

PINs are not applicable for promotion passes.

Passes relevant processes

  • Electronic passes work well as a process with landing pages and mobile pass cards.

    • Customers can purchase a gift pass via a landing page and send it to a beneficiary. A beneficiary can register through a landing page, redeem the pass and then upload a mobile pass to view the balance and spending.

    • A landing page designed for purchasing Gift passes can be set up so as to perform the purchase using either the CRM.COM Wallet Gateway, JCC or Cardlink payment gateway services.

Custom Fields

If you require additional information for Passes not supported by CRM.COM, you can create custom fields of various formats to meet your specific needs. Any Custom Fields added to the Pass Plan will be inherited by the Passes when created and can then be edited for each pass.


  • Dashboards

    • View summarised Passes information from the following dashboards:

      • Home

      • Finance Overview

  • Reports

    • Passes Analysis - An Analysis of when and where Passes were redeemed by Contacts within the Business Network.

    • Passes Summary - A comprehensive list of passes issued by the business, detailing their current status, including redemption by contacts, available balance, and expiration date.


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