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For a description of the Normal Subscription Activation Process for releases before CRM.COM R11.0.0 refer to Using Activate Settled Subscriptions Run Definitions
For a description of the Execution of Scheduled Actions for releases before CRM.COM R11.0.0 refer to Using Execute Scheduled Subscription Actions Run Definitions
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Navigating to Subscription Maintenance Utilities Definitions
What are Subscription Maintenance Utilities Definition?
The Subscription Maintenance Utilities Definition provide a set of utility batch processes that can be used to maintain Subscriptions.
- Activate Settled Subscriptions
Activates 'Not Effective' Normal Subscriptions of Accounts Receivable(s) that have not exceeded their Credit Limit and that had changes in their Balance within a specified time-frame. - Execute Scheduled Actions
Executes all Scheduled Subscription Actions whose Scheduled Execution Date is equal to or before the current date.
Only one instance of the Subscription Maintenance Utilities Definition can exist in the System, so it is not possible to create a New Definition or Delete an existing one.
- Navigate to Subscription Maintenance Utilities Definitions and modify (EDIT) the Definition as required.
Use CANCEL to revert any unwanted changes made to the Definition.
- Use VIEW PROCESS RUNS available in the section of each process to view all the Runs executed for the specific Process
Check the Validations & Restrictions Table below for a list of available Actions when working with Subscription Maintenance Utilities, including each Action's related validations, restrictions, additional information and a description of its system process. View the Attributes Table for a comprehensive description of the 'Subscription Maintenance Utilities' fields.
Validations & Restrictions
Action | Validations | Restrictions | Additional Information | System Processing |
Create |
Edit |
Delete |
Process Settled Subscriptions |
Process Subscriptions with Scheduled Processes |
An * indicates a field is mandatory
Name | Description |
Process Settled Subscriptions Settings Defines the settings that will be applied while processing settled Subscriptions | |
Activate Normal Subscriptions The Settings that are used to activate 'Not Effective' Normal Subscriptions which are already settled | |
Enabled* | Determines whether or not the process is 'Enabled'. If disabled and already submitted, the process is executed and not resubmitted to the Scheduler. |
Frequency* | Defines the recurrence of the process measured in Seconds, Minutes, Hours or Days. |
Hours Since Latest Accounts Receivable Balance Change | Applies an additional filter on the retrieved Subscriptions so that only Subscriptions owned by an Accounts Receivable having Financial Transactions posted within the last X hours are retrieved. Only Integer numbers are accepted. |
Subscription Action Type | The Action Type that will be used to classify each applied Activate Subscription Action. If no Subscription Action Types or Sub-Action Types are configured in the System for Activate Subscription, then nothing needs to be to defined. |
Subscription Sub-Action Type | The Sub-Action Type that will be used to classify each applied Activate Subscription Action. If no Subscription Action Types or Sub-Action Types are configured in the System for Activate Subscription, then nothing needs to be to defined. |
View Process Runs | Displays the Runs that were executed for the specific Definition. Each Run includes the Subscriptions that were activated. In case of an error, the error code and description is displayed. |
Process Subscriptions with Scheduled Changes Defines the settings that will be applied while processing Subscriptions having scheduled changes | |
Execute Scheduled Subscription Actions The settings that are used while performing the Execute Scheduled Subscription Actions Runs | |
Enabled | Determines whether or not the process is 'Enabled'. If disabled and already submitted, the process is executed and not resubmitted to the Scheduler. |
Frequency* | Defines the recurrence of the process measured in Seconds, Minutes, Hours or Days. |
View Process Runs | Displays the Runs that were executed for the specific Definition. Each Run includes the Subscription Actions that were processed. In case of an error, the error code and description is displayed. |
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