- 12 LEADS
This is a list of our current and planned features. We are constantly improving and enhancing our software, so check this list regularly to keep up-to-date with new features and enhancements.
Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Fix versions |
V5-1432 | Ability to top-up wallet with fresh money |
| Improvement | |
V5-1390 | Financial events back office feature | Ability to view all Financial events for all Contacts on a summary screen using filtering criteria. | New Feature | |
V5-1389 | New API for financial events | Create a new Financial API List Journals to retrieve all account and wallet journals for all contacts. API is used in such processes as Contact statement and Financial events summary feeds | New Feature | |
V5-1275 | Implement payment retries | Implement payment retries | Improvement | |
V5-1080 | Front End Payment Payment Flow to support 3D Secure checks and Pre-order payment | The order processing flow needs to be amended to accommodate the potential for a 3D Secure redirect from a hosting bank, or in general front end payment capture. A number of front end and back end flows will need to be modified. | Improvement | |
V5-1053 | Purchase Events & Refund Enhancements | Ability to credit merchant (organisation) account when a refund is posted due to spend via JCC Merchant services | Improvement | |
V5-764 | Create Batch Purchase Events | Create a batch of purchase Events that can later be monitored. | Improvement | |
V5-328 | Ageing Feature | Ability to calculate ageing of an account or group of accounts. During the accounting closing period, the overdue amount per account is calculated in time periods (0-30 days overdue, 30-60 days overdue, 60+ days overdue). | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-327 | Account Groups | An Account Group represents a group of accounts that have a single parent and multiple member accounts, whereby the parent account funds/sponsors (i.e. is billed and pays for) one or more services of its members. Account Members Funding Scope
Member funded products (product id/type/family) | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-326 | Account Devices | Account devices are the physical goods owned by the contact. Devices can be purchased through the company or brought by the contact as a ‘use your own device’. Devices can be returned back to the company or can be transferred to another account owner. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-324 | Multi Currency | CRM.COM supports multiple currencies, whilst a default base currency is defined for the business. A different account is setup for every currency. Exchange rates can be set against the base currency in order to facilitate conversion when financial transactions are posted between accounts of different currencies. | Story |
V5-323 | Credit Management | Define the default Credit Limit and Credit Period rules that are applied on all accounts and optionally create additional rules that can be applied on conditions. A proximity range can also be specified which allows the users to manually adjust the credit for specific accounts. Default Credit Limit - The maximum amount of credit that can be provided for an account, or in other words the maximum balance that an account can ever reach. Credit Period - The time granted to the account owner to settle an invoice. | Story | |
V5-322 | Tax Management | Tax Rates Tax Code
Supply Method
| Story | |
V5-321 | Create and Maintain Financial Transactions | Financial transaction type classifications define the nature of a transaction, including its notation in the double-entry accounting system (debit or credit). Financial transaction type classifications are predefined in the system and cannot be overridden. Map your own business financial transactions against the supported classifications:
| Story | |
V5-320 | Accounts Classifications | Setup business classifications to define the nature of account owners. Account classifications can be used during rule creation to form the conditions for subscriptions, rewards and digital money rules. | Story | |
V5-319 | Period Closing | The accounting period settings define the allowed open periods (between 1 and 6 months). The accounts closing period is always performed on the 5th day of each period. At the end of each accounting period, all transactions posted within that period are collected and their aggregated amount is calculated to provide each account's opening balance for the next accounting period. The opening balance per accounting period is essential since each account's running balance depends on it. | Story | |
V5-318 | Accounts Credit Allocations | Allocations are used to allocate the amount of a credit transaction against a debit transaction, in order to settle an amount due. Allocations are applied automatically by the system based on the allocation principle of the system which can either 'FIFO' or 'FIFO and Against Item'. FIFO (First In First Out)- The oldest credit transaction is allocated against the oldest debit transaction. Against Item & FIFO - Allocations are always performed against item when the credit transaction is referring to one or more specific debit transactions (of an invoice). If there are other transactions which are already allocated against an debit transaction, using the FIFO principle, then they are de-allocated and allocated again based on the same principle. | Story | |
V5-317 | Create and Manage Accounts | Create, update and view a contact's accounts with related wallets and financial transactions. A contact can have multiple accounts in multiple currencies. An account can be either active, suspended (contact cannot purchase additional services) or terminated. If the contact has multiple accounts then one is designated as primary, where it defaults for payments and purchases. Each account maintains a balance and an overdue amount (amount that has exceeded its due date for payment). It can be optionally classified so that it is treated differently in subscriptions, reward and digital money rules and has one of the contact addresses designated as the account billing address. Journal entries are performed against an account and only journals can debit or credit the account. They are used to calculate the balance of the account, close accounting periods and perform allocations. A debit or credit journal entry is created whenever a Financial Transaction, Top-up or Transfer is executed against an account. | Story | |
V5-82 | Accounts and Payment Methods for Organisations | Ability to define an account receivable and payment methods for organisations and process payment with PCI compliance via payment gateways such as Stripe, PayEasy, PayPal, JCC. | Story | |
V5-1728 | Drill down for Financial Events | Ability to view a drill down of a transaction from the Financial Events summary screen | Improvement | |
V5-1656 | Wallet Transactions History Overview | Ability to retrieve wallet transactions with details on each transaction that show how and why they were generated on a single self-service Web API | Improvement | |
V5-2451 | Ability to update or remove a payment method | Update or remove a contact's payment method | Improvement | |
V5-2440 | Have the ability to define credit period per customer | Ability to set up and use Payment Terms
| New Feature | |
V5-2092 | Ability to select statement period & export the Contact's account statement |
2. Ability to export the statement
| Improvement | |
V5-1652 | Ability to keep the opening and closing balance per account/per accounting period | Ability to keep the opening and closing balance per account and per accounting period. Opening and closing balance per period should also be supported for Wallet Balances. | Improvement | |
V5-2939 | Invoice traceability |
| Improvement | |
V5-2918 | Ability for a Business to set up their payment methods | Ability for a business to add a card as a payment method for paying their purchased SaaS services | Improvement | |
V5-2937 | Ability to set up an Automation for failed payments | Ability to set up an Automation for failed payments to handle both these cases:
| Improvement | |
V5-2674 | Ability to create manual debit and credit journals | New financial action Manual Journal (available via the Contact screen) whose purpose is to create a manual debit or credit journal entries for a contact's wallet or account. Balance is adjusted immediately. | Story | |
V5-3594 | Ability to retrieve enough funds to pay off an account's balance | Ability to set up a behaviour for payments-on-file during the billing run. By default, the billing run tries to retrieve enough money in order to pay off the invoice to be generated. This behaviour can be overridden by enhanced Financial Rules according to which, on each billing run, the process requests the bill amount plus the overdue amount of the account that is being billed. | Improvement | |
V5-3612 | Introduce new payment method type: Electronic Transfer | Introduce a new payment method type called 'Electronic Transfer' that will be used to post offline payments such as Bank Transfers and POS payments | Improvement | |
V5-328 | Ageing Feature | Ability to perform an analysis of aged debt of contacts The Ageing analysis is the process that identifies unsettled Invoices and classifies them as Aged Invoices. An Invoice's age denotes how long the invoice has been due for (i.e. how long it is aged since its posted date). | Story | |
V5-3584 | Payment Method (SEPA) Enhancements | Enhance Account Debit payment methods (and overarching APIs) to support SEPA sequence type (first, recurring, final, one-off) | Improvement | |
V5-3471 | Ability to modify and communicate a financial transaction's notes | Provide the ability to users to modify a financial transaction's notes even after it's Posted. Additionally, a financial transaction's notes should also be supported as Communication Tags | Improvement | |
V5-4119 | Ability to set up a tax rate's validity period | Ability to set up the date from which a tax rate will be applied through the UI. Currently the date is automatically set based on system date. The date can be set in the future or in the past. | Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1483 | Create and Manage Activities | Ability to create and manage Activities relevant to the type of activity that the request represents. The activity is progressed through statuses and linked to various entities. | New Feature | |
V5-2534 | Ability to add custom fields on Activities | Ability to add custom fields on Activities | Improvement | |
V5-2046 | Activities created from Orders | Ability to create an activity from an order | Improvement | |
V5-2819 | Ability for Merchants/Service Providers to access their Activities | Ability for Merchants/Service Providers to create and access their Activities in the backend | New Feature | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1066 | Reporting and visibility on expired awards or to be expired awards | Have the ability to report on already expired awards or to be expired in X period. | New Feature | Candidate Features |
V5-941 | Analyse data with ready made reports | Ready made reports that can be emailed to designated users | Story | |
V5-919 | Enhance Segment refresh frequency configuration | Set how often a segment should be refreshed allowing for daily, weekly, monthly settings. | Improvement | |
V5-822 | Merchants / Venue Report | Report to show Merchant / Venue performance. Merchant / Venues Rewards Analysis - View a list of merchants and venues awards with an analysis of their performance for a period of time. | Improvement |
V5-802 | Product Data in Events | Ability to specify Product Data in Insight Analytics Filters and Breakdowns | Improvement | |
V5-773 | Segmentation Country of Agreement Enhancement | Ability to segment contacts based on their country of agreement | Improvement | |
V5-458 | Insight Analytics | Ability to construct queries on the CRM.COM embedded BI Ability to visualise data in pie chards, bar charts | Story | |
V5-430 | Contacts Rewards and Orders Analysis Reports | Contacts Rewards and Orders Analysis report provides an analysis on the contacts reward and ordering behaviour. | Story | |
V5-200 | Contacts summary report | Contacts summary report, ability to report on all contacts including their financial data | New Feature |
V5-2514 | Settlement Report for Merchants / Service Providers | Report that provides analysis of settlement and fees applied for a period of time | New Feature | |
V5-2302 | New Contacts Wallet Transactions Report | New report available showing contact wallet transactions by Merchant/Venue. | Improvement | |
V5-2219 | Enhanced Financial Events Analytics |
| Improvement | |
V5-2140 | Reports and Analytic Exports to be sent with Service Owner SMTP integration if Business SMTP integration not configured | Reports and Analytic Exports to be sent with Service Owner SMTP integration if Business SMTP integration not configured | Improvement | |
V5-2102 | Rewards Analytics Enhancements | Ability to retrieve analytics for achievement customer events and filter based on purchase classification | Improvement | |
V5-2044 | New Report: Contact Financial Analysis | Analysis of financials by contact for a period of time | New Feature | |
V5-2043 | Enhanced Customer Events reports | Reposition reports on Rewards. | Improvement | |
V5-2012 | Report Scheduling Enhancements | Ability to schedule reports to run on a pre-defined frequency and to be sent to multiple recipients (as long as they have an authorised email) | Improvement | |
V5-1893 | Enhanced Dashboard to include Rewards and Subscription dashboard components | Enhanced Dashboard to cover basic dashboard components for both Rewards and Subscription dashboard components | Improvement | |
V5-1715 | Subscriptions Report | List of subscriptions along with their services and devices (if any) | New Feature | |
V5-1669 | Ability to export Insights results | Ability to export insights results in an CSV format (tabular) via a communication sent to the user that requested such export | Improvement | |
V5-1646 | Report: Reward Offers Performance | New Report: Reward Offers Performance | New Feature | |
V5-2398 | Insights: Invoices | New Insights for Invoices to support reporting such as:
Insights export to include all amounts (total, net, tax, discount) | New Feature | |
V5-2402 | Report: Stock | Stock Report in Inventory group of reports:
| New Feature | |
V5-2558 | Insights: Payments | Ability to run insight for payments based on
| New Feature | |
V5-2940 | Include custom fields in Contacts Financial Analysis report | Include Contacts custom fields in Contacts Financial Analysis report | Improvement | |
V5-3191 | Include custom fields in any Report that returns a list/summary of entities | Include custom fields in Orders details and Service Requests Summary reports. Custom fields are included in the list of available columns to be added in the report | Improvement | |
V5-2403 | New Report: Accounting Analysis | Accounting Analysis report shows total amount amongst all transactions performed by all contacts
In all cases, includes total amounts (in business' base currency, any other amounts are converted) and total number of transactions | New Feature | |
V5-2402 | New Report: Stock | New Stock Report in Inventory group of reports:
| New Feature | |
V5-2557 | New Report: Debtors | View a list of contacts with an outstanding debt to the business. The report includes the total outstanding amount per account owner as well as for how long the debt is due, separated into 5 ageing buckets of 30 days each. Ageing analysis is performed using the transactions' posted date | New Feature | |
V5-3899 | Ability to run Debtors report with an 'as of' date in the past | Ability to run Debtors report with an 'as of' date in the past. This date should be the first day of a month. | Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1386 | Consumer ordering model | Applications configuration - the consumer ordering model is set based on the Business model and configuration. Core behaviour - If a Merchant of a Business owns at least one product, then the ordering model is set to MARKETPLACE, otherwise it’s set to SINGLE BUSINESS | Improvement | |
V5-1242 | Ability to set Contact as Demo Contact for application review | Ability to activate a demo contact for app review purposes | New Feature | |
V5-1203 | Ability to set Product Availability from the UI | Business or Merchant user should have the ability to set per merchant/venue which products are not available for delivery/pickup/direct sale. If a product normally being sold by a merchant/venue is not available for sale for some reason (e.g. out of stock) then it must be identified as such. Consumers will be able to see the product in the product catalogue, but won’t be able to select it for ordering. | Improvement | |
V5-864 | Enhancement to Applications configuration to include country of agreement |
| Improvement | |
V5-833 | Integrations for Businesses for the multi-business app |
| Improvement | |
V5-2512 | Ability to configure Applications to support multiple Homepage UI layouts. | Choose from four different homepage layouts for contact app configuration | New Feature | |
V5-2177 | Application enhancement to support Direct Sale | Release consumer app/portal to support direct sales for subscription services. | Improvement | |
V5-2176 | Release consumer app/portal enhancements - Redeem Pass, view Wallet Journals, Wallet top-up | Release app/portal enhanced to allow:
| Improvement | |
V5-2162 | Application Enhancements to handle additional branding on Apps | Ability to upload additional images of specific usage types to be mapped and used in front-end applications (e.g. delivery image, pick-up image, wallet image etc.) | Improvement | |
V5-2014 | Ability to filter applications based on platform app identifier | Ability to filter applications on summary screen based on platform app identifier | Improvement | |
V5-1999 | Ability to enable Service Requests and configure embedded browser URLs in Applications configuration. These are to be handled by front-end systems like mobile apps and portals | Back-end enhancements:
Release app enhancements:
| New Feature | |
V5-1842 | Application Wallet Top-Up Enhancements | Ability to specify in Applications configuration whether Wallet top-up feature will be available (consumer app or consumer portal) | Improvement | |
V5-1793 | Applications Enhancements for refer-a-friend communication | Ability to specify in Applications configuration whether Refer a Friend communication will be sent via Email or SMS | Improvement | |
V5-2409 | New portal type to support a captive portal scenario | Ability to register within a captive portal flow; and then login and carry out self service processes | New Feature | |
V5-2446 | Retrieve Partner creatives in applicable Business Applications | GET /applications API to retrieve Partner logos for mobile apps defined for the business (by the Service Owner). Partner logos are displayed when See More > About the App is selected. | Improvement | |
V5-1976 | Enhance Order Estimates API to consider if account in credit and apply amount to order amount due. |
| Improvement | |
V5-3108 | Spend Core Behaviour Enhancements | Ability to handle front-end payment spends with consumer OTP spend requests. Improvements include changes to app configuration settings to permit or not, and a consumer to specify the required spend amount Spend core behaviour is changing as follows:
| Improvement | |
V5-2735 | Applications Creatives Enhancements | Ability to support a new creative type for applications to cater for in-app carousel images. The new type 'Carousel' should allow multiple images upload, and images will be displayed on home screen of app or portal. | Task | |
V5-754 | Support Web based Portals | Allow a cloud name to be set when creating an application configuration of type 'Web'. A web based application shares all the same configuration properties of the native application, with the exception of the identification using a DNS approach. | Improvement | |
V5-3263 | Apps & Portals - Applications configuration colour setting improvements | 1) Six new colours are being introduced for applications colour mapping configuration, however, for backward compatibility purposes, we are also temporarily keeping the existing 3 old colours (in Legacy Settings tab) until all apps have been updated and rebuilt to comply with the new colour settings. The new colour configuration settings: a. Landing page
b. Screens
2) A new special property (advanced colour mapping) is being introduced to allow CRMI the flexibility of adding a JSON script for advanced colour mapping purposes. This will be managed by CRMI and will not be visible on the back-end UI. 3) Improved labels to clearly define which elements of the app will be affected by the colour settings | Improvement | |
V5-1597 | Enhance Applications settings to support merchant app configuration and ability to submit a spend request |
| Improvement | |
V5-3345 | Apps & Portals - Ability to configure shortcuts |
| Improvement | Coming soon |
| Application configuration
V5-2567 | Release App - Add credentials to existing contact amendments | When contact selects to register from from app/portal, they have the option to register as an existing loyalty member or a new member. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.2 |
V5-2544 | Release Portal enhancements - Refresh token | When user logs into the s netwPortal, closes the browser, and re-opens the portal he should be automatically logged in with access token/refresh token | Improvement | Release App 5.1.2 |
V5-2420 | Release App/Portal enhancements - Partner Creatives | Ability to display partner logos on mobile app/portal | New Feature | Release App 5.1.1 |
V5-2315 | Release App enhancements - Order Services | Ability to order a subscription service from a consumer app/portal and display contact subscriptions/services and billing information. | New Feature | Release App 5.1.1 |
V5-2210 | Release App/Portal - Ability to play lottie file in splash page | Lottie file for splash screen. Not configurable from the back-end, must be sent to CRMI to embed in app build. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.1 |
V5-2110 | Release app - Enhancement to Cart when order will be paid with account balance & amount due = zero | If order Amount Due is zero, either because consumer used wallet funds or because order will be paid with account balance, then when user places the order do not follow 3D secure payment, instead place order immediately. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |
V5-2041 | Facebook SDK as custom feature | Custom feature for a customer, not implemented for release | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |
V5-2022 | Enhancement to payment method selection in Cart Release App | In Cart, if there are more than one payment methods (Cash and Card), if user has added a card then CARD option is preselected. If no Card added then Cash is preselected. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |
V5-2006 | Release App/Portal - Ability to handle multiple Order Catalogues | If multiple ACTIVE order catalogues exist at the time of ordering, allow the user to select which order catalogue to choose from. User can choose products from any catalogue or from different catalogues, so user can go back and forth from product catalogue to order catalogue page. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |
V5-1991 | Add a Card via Release Portal (same as with 3D secure payment flow) | When adding a card via the portal it should follow the same 3D secure payment flow as for the mobile app. | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |
V5-1843 | Release App - Top-up Wallet feature configurable | Show/Hide Top Up Wallet button in Shortcuts depending on Applications configuration. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1801 | Release App - Top-up Wallet enhancement for 3D secure payment | Top-up Wallet flow to support 3D secure checks. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1794 | Release App - Enhancement to Refer a friend | Show/hide Refer-a-Friend button in Shortcuts and sidebar menu option depending on Application configuration. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1789 | Release App - Amendment to minimum order amount and placing order | Don't allow order to be placed unless minimum order amount is met. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1775 | Release App - Apply secure storage for iOS and Android | Apply secure storage of sensitive information (e.g. personal information) for iOS and Android | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1772 | Release App - Product images/mapping enhancement | Use height of media image that is close to requirement (size of image placeholder) and place centre of gravity in the middle. Select and use image that is best for aspect. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1762 | Release App - Enhancement to selecting/deselecting component options and removal of None option | Enhancement to selecting/deselecting component options and removal of None option | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1733 | Release App - UI revamp (JCC/Service Owner implementation) | XD has been updated with new UI for Service Owner implementation (multi-tenant app) | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1681 | Release App - Validate whether wallet funds amount should cover the full basket amount | Optional Application configuration allowing user to proceed with order only if the wallet funds amount covers the full Cart amount. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1663 | Release App - Enhance Order to show Pickup location Phone and Address | Show Address and Phone of Pickup location on Order screen | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1566 | Release App - Enhancement to Profile. Ability for contact to select country for phone | Ability for contact to select country for phone number from a list | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1558 | Release App - Amendment to payment method types for Delivery/Pick-Up | Retrieve and allow payment according to the payment methods configured by the specific organisation | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1551 | Release App - Set default Variant | If Product has variants then when Product Detail page opens have the first product returned by API selected by default. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1550 | Release App - Ability to top-up wallet with registered card | Ability to top-up wallet with money from user’s registered card. | New Feature | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1431 | Release App - Ability to re-order from existing order | User can re-order the same products as a previous order by navigating to Orders screen or Order History screen. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1427 | Release App - Ability to support Email/OTP registration & authentication | Release App - Ability to support Email/OTP registration & authentication | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1424 | Release App - Ability to handle Order Catalogues | Ability to order products using order catalogues, if not defined then use normal product catalogue for ordering. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1369 | Release App - Enhancement to setting contact name day | Allow contact to edit and select a name day. Name day can only be set once, after setting name day, field becomes locked. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1364 | Release App - Do not show Categories/Sub-Category if no products exist for that category | Do not show Categories/Sub-Category in Product Catalogue if no products exist under that category. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1363 | Release App - Ability to select Merchant for Ordering (Pickup & Delivery) enhancements | Based on business network ordering model - allow user to select merchant for ordering prior to selecting products. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1349 | Release App - Add check-box to agree terms & conditions during registration | User must agree to T&C by selecting check box in order to proceed with registration procedure. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1346 | Release App - Enhancement to product catalogue to show products as not available for ordering | Products not available for ordering appear greyed-out. | New Feature | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1333 | Release App - Ability to resend verification email | Add option to Resend verification email from the following screens:
| Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1257 | Release App - show organisation contact details on Order Checkout | Show organisation contact details on Order Checkout | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1241 | Release App - Preferred language enhancement | Ability to set contact's preferred language from the app. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1216 | Release App - Handle exception that store cannot fulfill order | Display a meaningful message in cases when order cannot be fulfilled. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1176 | Release App - Show Upsell products in the Product details page and Cross sell products in Cart | Ability to display upsell/cross sell products during ordering. | New Feature | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1175 | Release App - Scan QR/Bar Code to get awarded | Ability to claim a purchase by scanning a QR Code or Bar Code and get awarded. | New Feature | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1161 | Release App - Capture address information as part of Profile | Move Address Book section under Profile > My Profile. To be visible always, not only when ordering is enabled. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1122 | Release APP - Promotions in Orders, Promotion Discount in Cart & Cart UI enhancements | Ability to display Promotions in Orders section and applied promotion discount in Cart. Enhance ordering flow to allow contact to select payment method at the Cart so that it can be considered if such Promotion condition is configured. Enhancements to Cart UI/UX | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-2196 | Contact Address enhancements on Release App/Portal | Implement short name for address allowing it to be easily recognised in a list | Improvement | Release App 5.1.1 |
V5-1306 | Release App - Display contacts referral code in mobile app | Display contacts referral code in mobile app on Refer a friend screen. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1444 | Release app - Ability to define amount to spend from wallet funds | Based on Application configuration - on the Cart screen allow user to insert the amount he wishes to use from the available wallet funds. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-3195 | Ability for a registered contact to unregister from an organisation | New ‘Unregister’ option on release app/portal Settings screen. If a contact unregisters and wishes to re-register then they must follow the ‘existing participant’ flow to identify themselves and add credentials to their account. | New Feature | APP |
V5-3849 | New 'Purchase Event Analysis' option & 'Wallet Analysis' improvement |
| New Feature | Coming soon |
V5-3797 | Consumers to provide a consent for receiving in-app notifications | During the registration process, provide the ability for a contact to explicitly give their consent to receive in-app notifications. This feature is available to both the native front-end systems (Android and iOS not the portal) and provides full compliance to GDPR regulations. | Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3586 | Contact code can be represented by either a barcode or a QR code | Currently the contact code is represented by a bar code on apps & portals, allow either a bar code or a QR code based on configuration | Improvement | APP. |
V5-3567 | Ability to support contact communities | Ability for a contact to
Each actions performed from a contact member to a (parent) contact should comply to the contact permissions that are part of the authentication token and restrict the ability to perform actions on a parent (company) contact | Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3658 | Apply colour mapping changes to merchant app & captive portal | Apply new colour mapping changes to merchant app & captive portal (as for release portal). | Improvement | APP. |
V5-3425 | Ability for a contact to reclaim a purchase using a human readable code | Currently, a contact can reclaim a purchase by scanning a QR code from a receipt (using the consumer app), this process is being enhanced to support reclaims based on a transaction code printed on a receipt too. | Improvement | APP. |
V5-3207 | Release app/portal - accommodate carousel images | ‘Carousel’ type images defined in app/portal configuration (Settings > Applications > Appearance > Creatives) will appear on the home page of the front-end device as auto rotating images. | Improvement | APP. |
V5-2749 | Release App & Portal - Subscriptions & Devices | Ability to order and view subscriptions New: Ability to view devices on which the service is enabled on/could be enabled on | New Feature | APP. |
V5-3185 | Ability to manage subscription services via a front end device | Ability to manage subscription services via the front end
| Improvement | APP. |
V5-3118 | App/portal - OTP Spend enhancements | Currently when a consumer generates an OTP using their app device to spend an amount from their wallet funds, they are able to specify the amount to be spent, or leave the amount blank to spend as much as possible. This has been enhanced, so according to back-end app configuration the user may or may not be permitted to specify the amount to be spent when generating an OTP. | Improvement | APP. |
V5-3016 | Ability to apply strong password policy | Applications should be able to handle strong password policy exceptions and inform contacts about strong password conditions violation during contact registration of password change Such change should be made across release applications (mobile, portals, captive portals) and any custom applications | Task | APP. |
V5-2883 | Release app - Ability to display progress of Lottery | UI enhancement on app & portal to support lottery offers. Ability to track the progress of lottery offers via the app by displaying the contact's accumulated number of entries for each lottery. | New Feature | APP. |
V5-2655 | Improvements to consumer multi-tenant app | Multi-tenant app - allow signing-up to a business by:
| Improvement | APP. |
V5-2572 | Enhanced re-ordering flow to manage un-available products | Enhancements to the re-ordering flow as follows: Order estimation enhanced so as to provide an estimation as to whether the ordered items can indeed be delivered. A product cannot be included in the order if:
Any products that cannot be induced in the new order are:
| Improvement | APP1.1.1.0 |
V5-2564 | Release App/Portal - Ability to upload images in Service Requests | Release app - Allow the user to take a photo or select a photo from their device and attach it to the service request before being submitted. Release portal - Allow the user to attach a file to the Service Request from their device | Improvement | Release App 5.1.2 |
V5-2047 | Embed Facebook SDK in Release Apps to capture events | Embed Facebook SDK in Release Apps to capture events | New Feature |
V5-1078 | Applications configuration enhanced to include wallet funds setting | Order settings in Applications configuration now includes toggle to support payment using wallet funds | Task | |
V5-493 | Enhancements in Applications | Ability to configure whether Ordering will support Delivery and/or Pick-up | Task | |
V5-3739 | Release app/portal: Ability to support OTP spend request validations | Ability to support OTP spend request validations - issue a meaningful message when a contact requests an OTP to spend for an amount that is greater than the wallet balance | Improvement | APP1.1.1.0 |
V5-2785 | Release App & Portal - Account & Wallet Analysis |
| Improvement | APP1.1.1.0 |
| Consumer app colour settings enhancements | Appearance
| Contact registration flow | Registration
| Home Screen attributes | Home Screen
| Offers Screen | Offers Screen
| Contact cards | Cards
| Contact reward schemes | Participating Schemes
V5-3674 | Release app/portal: Ability to support contact identity management | Ability for contacts to
| Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3870 | Apps & Portal - Version number for app and portal | Display the version number on the app and portal under See More > About the App/Portal option | Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3869 | Release App Embed Google firebase Crashlytics and Analytics | Embed Crashlytics and Analytics Firebase features as a standard service for Release app. | Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3867 | Apps & Portal - Ability to define only main categories for product catalogue and product multi-pricing issue |
| Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3796 | Enhance release consumer app to force update |
| Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3546 | Apps & Portal - enhance app settings to include the 'order queue' | The enhancement involves specifically stating the order queue to be used in the Applications settings for the relevant configuration. Any orders placed through the app or portal will be channelled through that queue. | Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3127 | App - ability to mark all notifications as 'read' | Ability to mark all push notifications as ‘read’ via the app | Task | Coming soon |
V5-2250 | Release Merchant App - Ability to identify contact with pass code as a CIM and submit purchase | Submitting a purchase event via the merchant app using the pass code as identification of the contact | Improvement | Release App 5.1.0 |
| Merchant app colour settings based on configuration settings |
V5-1625 | Merchant App - Enhance app to support submitting spend requests and display awards/spends | Application configuration to allow spending using merchant app. | Improvement | Release App 5.0.0 |
V5-1994 | Merchant app enhancements |
| Improvement |
V5-3868 | Merchant App improvements | Improvements to the merchant app to allow sign-in of Merchant level users and transaction screen | Improvement | Coming soon |
V5-3827 | Merchant App needs to take organisation 'state' into consideration when submitting purchase events | If a business or a merchant has a state of ‘Inactive’ (or ‘Suspended’?) they should not be allowed to submit purchase customer events via the merchant app (or any other integrator for that matter). | Task | Coming soon |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1475 | Filter Organisation Tags by multiple Industries and Industry Sectors |
| Improvement | |
V5-1450 | Business Network Assignable Records | Ability to support assigned to attribute on records, such as leads, service requests, as core behaviour | Improvement | |
V5-1383 | Ability for Merchants to create fulfilment policies for themselves and their Venues | Ability for Merchants to create fulfilment policies for themselves and their Venues Ability for Merchant to create automation regarding its own venue coverage | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1378 | Ability to filter Locations by organisation name |
| Improvement | |
V5-1324 | Ability to define a short name for Addresses | Ability to define a short name for Addresses | Improvement | |
V5-1300 | Ability to access Pricing Policy during Business sign-up | Ability to setup Pricing Policy URL in White Label Settings and be accessible during Business Sign Ups | Improvement | |
V5-1202 | Enhancement to Organisations Address UI- Show Google Place ID field | Show Google Places ID field on Business/Merchant/Venue Address section. Field is populated when address from google is selected and is editable. | Improvement | |
V5-1110 | Addition of email confirmation on business registration | Ability to support email confirmation in the business registration page and validate it against the first entered email | Improvement | |
V5-959 | Organisation Status Enhancement | Addition of status (active, inactive) on organisations and core behaviour (purchases, list merchants) should comply to that attribute | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-794 | Filter organisational tags based on Industry and Industry Sector | Ability to retrieve Organizational tags based on Industry and Industry Sector. | Improvement | |
V5-749 | Create DNS when a new service owner is created | A DNS record should be created as part of the service owner creation | Improvement | |
V5-741 | Controlled based Data Records | Introduce Controlled based Data Records (e.g. segments). Such records can be given access to use through a specific definition of organisations allowed to use at segment level | Improvement | |
V5-725 | Core Organisation Processes | Introduce core definition of processes per organisation | New Feature | |
V5-724 | Data Access | Introduce core definitions and behaviour of data access (and permissions) | New Feature | |
V5-723 | Data Records and Ownership | Introduce core definitions and behaviour or data records and ownership | New Feature | |
V5-573 | Ability to Setup Contact Registry on Service Owner | Contacts can be owned by a business or in a multi-tenant environment a contact registry can be supported on the service owner level. Such contacts are owned by the service provider, with KYC details to be defined and owned by each business that they register to | Story | |
V5-566 | Ability to Setup Transaction Processor | Transaction Processor Organisation with the ability to monitor, view and submit purchase customer events to multiple service providers | Story | |
V5-562 | Ability to Setup Service Provider and Service Points | Service Provider and Service Points Based on selection at sign up for Subscriptions and not Rewards / Digital Money | Story | |
V5-550 | Switch and Masquerade User Role Permissions | Enhancement on user roles to support different permissions for switch and masquerade between organisations | Story | |
V5-379 | User Teams | A group of users that belong to the and optionally have access to all or some subsidiaries | Story | |
V5-331 | Reward Offer Restrictions for Organisations | Ability to restrict which reward offer types and what spend method can be used by organisations (can be configured on service owner or business level) | Story | |
V5-248 | Google Places Integration | Integration with Google Places. Specify the lat/lon of an organisation and contact. | Story | |
V5-2284 | Settlement Improvements | Ability to define the payout and payment rules in the settlement process. | New Feature | |
V5-562 | Ability to Setup Service Provider and Service Points | Service Provider and Service Points (for subscriptions) | Story | |
V5-1450 | Business Network Assignable Records | Ability to support assigned to attribute on records, such as leads, service requests and activities. As core behaviour single users or a team can be assigned on such entities | Improvement | |
V5-1904 | Enhancements to the CRM.COM sign up process | Enhanced business sign up process to CRM.COM when a business signs up for a SaaS plan. The business is also created as a Contact in the Service Owner's Billing Business in order to be billed for their subscription plans | New Feature | |
V5-1906 | Ability of the business tenant to manage its CRM.COM subscription for SaaS | A business signed-up to CRM.COM is able to manage their subscription plan. The following three areas are addressed:
| New Feature | |
V5-1931 | Update to generic settings for SaaS | Update to service owner generic settings for SaaS.
| New Feature | |
V5-1152 | Retrieve Organisations based on Country | Ability to retrieve organisations, filtered by country | Improvement | |
V5-1128 | Enable Business Payment Method | Provide the ability for a business to define a JCC Merchant related payment method for charging | Improvement | |
V5-2736 | Settlement Enhancements | Settle organisations where contacts perform spends, in cases where the amount was accumulated from other organisations
| Improvement | |
V5-959 | Organisation State Enhancement | New 'state' (active, inactive) attribute added to organisations, and core behaviour (purchases, list merchants) should comply to that attribute | Improvement | |
V5-1450 | Business Network Assignable Records | Ability to support 'assigned to' attribute on records, such as leads, service requests and activities. As core behaviour, single users or a team can be assigned on such entities | Improvement | |
V5-3561 | Ability to get an organisation statement and financial analysis |
| New Feature | |
V5-3764 | Business Network Improvements for ‘admin’ user creation | Ability to optionally define an 'admin' user when (manually) creating a service owner, business or merchant/service provider via the back-end | Improvement | |
V5-3981 | Automation Enhancements | Ability to apply validations from automations when creating/updating a merchant/service provider | Improvement | |
V5-3993 | Default Configuration set up on Business sign-up | Enhanced default configuration when signing up a new business.
| Improvement | |
V5-4196 | Enhanced Registration of an Organisation | The process of registering an organisation has been changed to accept additional information for the Business signing-up, such as the currency in which the Business will be billed by the Service Owner. | Improvement | |
V5-4247 | Ability to communicate a subscriber's upcoming bill | Introduce a new communication tag that returns a contact's upcoming bill. The tag will be used in communication plans templates. Communication plan runs on a daily basis and notifies contacts whose upcoming bill is due in an X number of days. | Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1245 | Ability to create rich push notifications | In-App push notifications enhanced to support images. | Improvement | |
V5-1232 | Create default Automation upon Merchant registration | Upon Merchant registration a default, inactive (to be enabled by the Merchant) Automation will be automatically created. The Automation trigger point will be Contact Registration whereby a push notification will be sent to the Contact welcoming them and informing them that they must enable and set their spending preferences. | Improvement | |
V5-1167 | Shared Communication Integrations between Service Owner and Business | Service Owner communication integrations (and not Business) will be used only for contact registry auth communications and user creation and email verification resend during business registration | Improvement | |
V5-1147 | Disabled Integrations and communications/automations | When an integration has been enabled and then disabled, do not display it as on option to select in Communications and Automations. | Improvement | |
V5-1115 | New Communication tag #contact.email | New Communication tag contact.email representing a contact’s email address. | Improvement | |
V5-1103 | Ability for contact to unsubscribe from receiving communications (emails/sms) | Ability for contact to unsubscribe from receiving communications (emails/sms) | New Feature | |
V5-1068 | Prevent deletion of a segment that is used by an offer | Prevent deletion of a segment that is used by an offer | Improvement | |
V5-1046 | Communication plan enhancement | Ability for the system to not send the same communication plan to contacts of a segment that have already received it. E.G. If a Communication Plan has been scheduled and posted to Contacts in a segment, if the same Communication Plan is rescheduled to be posted, those Contacts who have already received the communication should not receive it again. | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-841 | Ability to notify 'fulfilled by' merchant on order creation | Ability to notify ‘fulfilled by’ merchant on order creation through an Automation - either email or SMS. | New Feature | |
V5-828 | New contacts.phone_number tag in Communication Plans | New contacts.phone_number tag in Communication Plans | Improvement | |
V5-796 | HTML for Email Communications | Ability to embed html in email communications. Applicable for Communication Plans and Automations. Make sure we do not use the word notifications / use only communications. We do not need rich text for in app. | Improvement | |
V5-791 | New contact.balances tag |
| Improvement | |
V5-734 | Save Communication plan as draft without setting scheduler settings | Have the option to save a communication plan as ‘Draft’ without the need to set the scheduler settings. | Improvement | |
V5-733 | Restrict number of times a contact receives a communication plan message | Have the option to not send the same email to contact's that have already received this communication plan the last X days | New Feature | Candidate Features |
V5-661 | Ability to ignore opt-in/opt-out settings for all communications | When configuring communication plans and communications with automations there should be an option to override the contact's opt-in/opt-out settings in order to force communications. | Improvement | |
V5-22 | Event-Based Communications | Ability to define a message with optional tags for personalisation that is sent when an event takes place, such as an award, a spend or a payment. | Story | |
V5-21 | Integrations | Marketing
| Story | |
V5-20 | Communication Templates | Templates are used to define a pre-formatted message (subject and content) that allows a business to quickly and easily create communication plans. The content of a communication template can be dynamically customisable for each recipient by including communication tags that will replaced by contact-specific information. | Story | |
V5-19 | Tracking a Link (for email only) | Identifies when a link in an email has been visited. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-18 | Communication Viewed (for email only) | Identifies when an email has been viewed. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-17 | Communication Tags | Communication Tags allow an organisation to create personalised communications for their contacts quickly and easily. | Story | |
V5-16 | Communication Plans | Communication Plans provide a means for the organisation to re-engage it's contacts (e.g. announce new reward offers). They can be scheduled to run once at a set date and time or repeatedly within a date range. The recipients are defined using segments. | Story | |
V5-14 | Create, Update, View Communications | Create, update and view a communication in multiple languages. Available channels are Email, SMS, in-app, and device. | Story | |
V5-2321 | Ability to create communication templates for Orders | Ability to create a communication template for Orders using existing tags. | New Feature | |
V5-2265 | Ability to use editor templates to email documents or print | 1 ) Create communication templates from Settings instead of via a communication plan or an automation communication. 2 ) Communication templates can be used to: a) Email a document (e.g. an Invoice) to a contact's email address 3 ) Ability to update and delete a communications template 4 ) New communication tags. | New Feature | |
V5-2144 | Ability to include Service Requests charges/Order Items table in communications | A new communication tag #service_request.charges_table to allow for Service Request charges to be displayed as they appear on the Service Request screen. | Improvement | |
V5-2841 | New rich text editor implemented | CKEditor to be integrated as CRM.COM's rich text editor, replacing existing editor | Task | |
V5-2596 | Have the ability to setup communication templates for financial transactions | Provide the ability to configure communication templates for Payments, Refunds, Credit Notes and Payouts that can be used for printout and email actions | Improvement | |
V5-3003 | Ability to include custom fields in communication templates | Ability to include custom fields in communication templates. The feature includes contact custom fields (the contact of each event) as well as the custom fields of the entity as such (e.g. Orders) | Improvement | |
V5-2595 | Ability to setup communication templates for Service Requests | Provide the ability to configure communication templates for Service Requests that can be used for printout and email actions | Improvement |
V5-3621 | Ability to define whether to communicate the contact statement per month or year | Ability to define whether to communicate the contact statement per month or year. In the first case, which remains as the default option, the contact receives the statement of the current month. Otherwise the contact receives the statement of the current year. | Improvement | |
V5-3809 | Include a contact's primary address in communications | Implement #contact.primary_address communication tag to be used when setting up communication templates for an entity (e.g. Orders) and in Automations | Improvement | |
V5-2370 | Communications improvements for Service Requests |
| Improvement | |
V5-733 | Restrict number of times a contact receives a communication plan message | Have the option to not send the same email to contacts who have already received a specific communication plan during the last X days | New Feature | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1456 | Ability to segment contacts based on nameday/birthday in exactly x days |
| Improvement | |
V5-1412 | Enhance security and validations of Self-Service Contact APIs | Enhance security and validations of Self-Service Contact APIs to not allow arbitrary values such as HTML tags and JavaScript code | Improvement | |
V5-1310 | Contact Phone enhancements - trigger phone verification | Ability to set whether contact phone requires verification in order to trigger phone verification process (send otp) and also display if it has been verified | Improvement | |
V5-1306 | Release App - Display contacts referral code in mobile app | Display contacts referral code in mobile app | Improvement | Pending Release (App) |
V5-1236 | Contact Registration Enhancements | Ability to sign-up/sign-in using email and OTP verification | Improvement | |
V5-1233 | Contact Enhancements - New Webhooks for Create Contact & Update Contact | Create two new webhook triggering points: 1) upon Create Contact & 2) Update Contact | Improvement | |
V5-1160 | View Contact's preferred store on Contact page | Have the ability to view contact's preferred store from the back-end on the contact page. Pending UI | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1159 | Enhancement to segment conditions - contact verification status | Create new condition to allow user to create segment to retrieve contacts based on the verification status | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1123 | Manage Multiple Phone Numbers on Contact | At the moment it is only possible to manage / Display a single Phone number on Contact. UI needs to be improved to allow multiple. Example add + New Phone action to allow another phone number to be added. | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1119 | Preferred Communication Language - enhancements | Addition of Preferred Communication Language as a Contact Registry Attribute Addition of Preferred Language on Contact page Core behaviour: the system sends communication in the language of the Contact' preferred language. If not configured then use default. | Improvement | |
V5-1114 | Contact enhancements - Backoffice operations & Activity Feed | Enhance backend system to provide summary screens for financial and reward transactions. Enhance Contact Activity Feed module with UI / UX improvements | Improvement | |
V5-1085 | Segment Enhancements |
| Improvement | |
V5-1062 | Enhancement to Contacts - Add Google Place ID field | Show Google Places ID field on Contacts -> Address section. Field is populated when address from google is selected and is editable. | Improvement | |
V5-1016 | Allow Upload of Avatar from Self Service. | Images to be used for avatar do not require the overhead of the complex flow required including media_groups and multiple scaling. The signature will allow a single file upload with any server to server communication if using cloudinary ignored. The Mobile Client should use a image scaling component and upload a single file that can the update the contact table with a single URL. | Improvement | |
V5-949 | Consumer - Ability to sign-up with Google | Ability to sign-up with Google | Improvement |
V5-859 | Cash as a payment method is optional | Ability to disable cash as a payment method / Investigate to do with no config Add configurability on backend to specify allowed payment methods at level of business. Add section under finance configuration and call it Payment settings. For now specify only allowed payment methods Amend core behaviour of list payment methods to return the specific cards or accounts of contact plus the option of cash if cash is enabled Amend app and portal to display cash only if returned in list payment | Improvement | |
V5-847 | Preferred Merchant new feature | Ability to configure whether contact can select a preferred merchant for ordering and a preferred merchant for rewards and customer care. | Improvement | |
V5-772 | Contact's Country of Agreement | Ability to support multiregional contact registry, where contacts can register against a country | New Feature | |
V5-727 | Ability to search by Contact Email Address | Include Email address in search criteria for a Contact | Improvement | |
V5-716 | Contact Enhancements | Ability to display (UI) whether contact email has been verified | Improvement | |
V5-697 | Enhance Payment methods to have JCC as an option for refunds | Ability for cardholder to provide a card for card linked rewards that is hashed and can be refunded | Improvement | |
V5-694 | Terminate account enhancement | Ability to merge accounts and the wallet balance | Improvement | |
V5-552 | Import industries and industry sectors | Ability to import pre-defined industries and industry sectors. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-551 | Ability to activate pre-defined name days | Ability to load default name days of the system with option to add more. | New Feature | |
V5-375 | Contacts Financial Actions | Financial actions available for Contacts. Create new account - Create a new account for the current contact. | Story | |
V5-325 | Payment Methods and Refund Methods | A payment method represents the way a contact can credit their account or wallet. Payment methods are defined at the level of the Contact and it is mandatory to define at least one payment method per contact. A pre-defined list of payment methods is supported which includes: A contact can have multiple payment methods registered in CRM.COM. A ‘primary’ payment method can exist and an optional ‘backup’ payment method can also be specified. The primary payment method is used by default in online (automatic) payments and if the payment fails, then the backup method is used. Payment methods can be added, updated and removed at any time. Primary payment method Opt-in for purchases and subscriptions | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-109 | Contact Identification based on Loyalty Card Enhancement | Loyalty identifiers provide the ability to external systems (e.g. POS) to identify contact that participate on a business reward scheme in usually a face to face (over the counter) manner | Story | |
V5-81 | Payment Methods for Contacts | Ability to define payment methods for contacts and process payment with PCI compliance via payment gateways such as Stripe, PayEasy, PayPal, JCC. | Story | |
V5-10 | One Time Password (OTP) | Generate and send OTPs to contacts via SMS and email in order to authenticate a contact. | Story | |
V5-9 | Customer Identification medium (CIM) | A customer identification medium is a set of fingerprints (card numbers, mobile phone number, email, pass code) that enable applications (i.e. external systems) to submit transactions for contacts using the contact CIM as a contact identifier. A customer identification medium should not be confused with an authentication service, as it's sole purpose is to provide an alternative means of identifying a customer from an already established (authorised) external system. | Story | |
V5-8 | Categorisation | Categorise contacts into generic groups based on specific similar attributes that they share. | Story | |
V5-7 | Managing and controlling data protection regulations including GDPR. | As part of data protection the following actions and processes are available: Contact Consent, Anonymizing Contacts and Deleting Contacts. | Story | |
V5-6 | Marketing Authorisations | Contact authorisation settings are used to define how to manage contact in relation to internal or external activities of the company. More specifically, each contact has the ability to specify (opt in) whether he/she wants to receive emails or sms. | Story | |
V5-2 | Create/Update/View Contact | Create, update and view contacts and their details. Create and update a contact following the rules setup for mandatory data to be captured. | Story | |
V5-77 | Pre-configured Segments | A list of pre-defined segments ready for use. These include segments for Rewards, Subscriptions, Contact Accounts. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-76 | Segmentation Integrations | Integration to Mixpanel - an analytics software that tracks user interactions with web and mobile apps. | Story | |
V5-75 | Export the Results of a Segment to Mailchimp | Export the results of a segment to Mailchimp marketing platform. | Story | |
V5-74 | Import Contacts for a Segment | The user can add contacts to a segment using the import process as opposed to defining conditions. The imported contacts are considered the result of the segment. | Story | |
V5-73 | Preview a Segment | Preview a segment to see the results, i.e. the list of contacts meeting the segments conditions. | Story | |
V5-72 | Refresh a Segment | A time interval can be set whereby each segment will be refreshed automatically therefore recreating the segment. However, it's also possible to refresh a segment manually. | Story | |
V5-71 | Segment Groups | A segment's conditions can be separated into groups and can be combined or not using the AND/OR operators. | Story | |
V5-70 | Segment Conditions | A segment's conditions determine how and which contacts will be retrieved, multiple conditions can be specified by the user. | Story | |
V5-69 | Create, Update, View Segment | Create and maintain a segment and it's conditions. | Story | |
V5-2406 | Ability for a back office user to request and validate one-time-password and sign up a contact to a business | Ability to request a one-time-password for a specific contact. The request sends an OTP to the contact’s email address or primary phone number that can be used to verify the contact. | New Feature | |
V5-2227 | Add an existing person contact for People section | Ability to select an existing person contact for the People section for a company contact. | Improvement | |
V5-2205 | Enhance segment to be able to segment based on Account classification | Account classification filter for segmentation. | Improvement | |
V5-1990 | Enhancement to inputting and storing phones in front-end systems and back-end | Backend enhancements Release app enhancements | Improvement | |
V5-1908 | Ability to create and update payment methods for contacts with a back office API | Ability to add/update a payment method for a contact (person or business) with a back office API | New Feature | |
V5-1792 | Communications and Integrations core behaviour | Refer a friend email communication to be sent with Service Owner integration. SMS communication to remain at Business level. | Improvement | |
V5-1786 | Ability for a Business to set default spend preferences | Ability for a Businesses to setup Automatic Spend Preferences for their contacts, these will be enabled by default upon registering, and also set default values for automatic spend. | New Feature | |
V5-1418 | Concurrent Session Policy | Ability to configure maximum allowed number of concurrent sessions for contact and users. | Improvement | |
V5-1393 | Contact Activity Feed enhancements | Improve activity feed to show the most relevant information on 2 lines without the need to expand/collapse rows. | Improvement | |
V5-1125 | Ability to register a Contact with a gift card and no KYC | Ability to register a Contact with a gift card and no KYC | Improvement | |
V5-867 | Ability to delete primary payment method |
a. If there is a back-up payment method then that automatically becomes the primary payment method | Improvement | |
V5-325 | Payment Methods and Payouts | A payment method represents the way a contact can credit their account or wallet. Payment methods are defined at the level of the Contact and it is mandatory to define at least one payment method per contact. A pre-defined list of payment methods is supported which includes: A contact can have multiple payment methods registered in CRM.COM. A 'primary' payment method can exist and an optional 'back-up' payment method can also be specified. The primary payment method is used by default in online (automatic) payments and if the payment fails, then the backup method is used. Payment methods can be added, updated and removed at any time. Primary payment method Opt-in for purchases and subscriptions | Story | |
V5-1312 | Ability to resend email for email verification | Resend email for verification purposees. | Improvement | |
V5-2105 | Contact Approvals for Orders | Ability for a contact to approve/reject an order's progression using default communication sent via CRM.COM Approval on Order Status Change automation | Improvement | |
V5-1922 | Anonymise Contact and Delete Contact | Ability to perform admin and operational actions, such as delete contact (and all data) and anonymise contact | Improvement | |
V5-2899 | Ability to upload attachments for Contacts | Ability to upload attachments for Contacts. Documents to be uploaded using back-office and self-service Web APIs | Improvement | |
V5-3095 | Ability to send a contact's statement through a Communication Plan | Communication plans can be configured to send contact statements
A new dedicated communication tag is used to implement the above behaviour. | Improvement | |
V5-2902 | Contacts Enhancements | Ability to search for a contact using their account number (as a search value) | Improvement | |
V5-3050 | Devices Usability Enhancements | Ability to register a device for a contact and update a contact's device characteristics from the back-end | Improvement | |
V5-2435 | Include Spend cancellation entry in Contact Activity Feed | When cancelling a purchase transaction that had a spend, a purchase cancellation is logged. Include an entry for cancellation of spend under both the 'Activity Feed' and 'Financial Events'. | Improvement | |
V5-3455 | Ability to segment subscribers based on their services' quantities | Ability to segment subscribers based on their services' quantities - Include each service's quantity in contact profiles and modify it on quantity change | Improvement | |
V5-3380 | Ability to search for a contact using the full phone number | Ability to search for a contact using the full phone number, i.e. combining the country code and the phone number (e.g. 35799778866). | Improvement | |
V5-3206 | Active Contacts Metric | Implement Active Contacts metric for Contacts Dashboard | Task | |
V5-4179 | Communities CRM.COM Wallet & Usage Consumption Enhancements | Ability to set up Communities where members have access to consuming usage and use CRM.COM wallet | New Feature | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1496 | Ability to support self-submit purchases | Ability to support self-service purchase for reward purposes | New Feature | |
V5-1343 | Aggregate same product SKU with same unit price in multiple lines in same purchase event | Aggregate same product on multiple lines in same purchase event as one line with aggregated quantity | Improvement |
V5-422 | Consumer Self-Service Purchase Customer Events | Ability to identify and process purchase customer events through consumer self-service process | Story | |
V5-118 | Enhancement of TAP to support IP Address | Ability to set IP Address on organisation TAPs to handle ESC/POS integrations | Story | |
V5-111 | Customer Event Classifications | Ability to categorise customer events (e.g. purchase) based on similar characteristics using customer event classifications | Story | |
V5-38 | Referral Customer Event | Referral events are created when an existing customer introduces a friend to the business, resulting in new customers signing-up to one of the available reward schemes. | Story | |
V5-2392 | Customer Events Engine | Processes customer events from external systems in their native format and creates CRM.COM customer events (purchase event and achievement event) | New Feature | |
V5-1644 | Ability to create purchase event from the backend | Ability for back-end users to create purchase customer events in order to perform correction actions on customers purchase activity | New Feature | |
V5-3213 | Customer Events Reclaim Enhancements | Ability to reclaim a purchase customer event using a human readable code | Improvement | |
V5-3912 | Purchase Quantity Enhancements | Ability to support decimal based quantities on purchase events | Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-290 | Integration with Bank Accounts | Ability to integrate with banking institutions via the PSD2 SEPA Instant Transfer; a consumer can transfer money in real time from their bank account to their CRM.COM wallet. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-289 | Currency Exchange | Retrieve a live exchange rate via third-party integration whenever a transaction involving two currencies is performed. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-288 | AML (Anti Money Laundering) Verification | Verifying the AML (Anti Money Laundering) status of a contact (based on transaction information) can be achieved via third-party system integration. The contact's account can be automatically blocked in case of suspected fraud. AML verification is triggered when any if the following are performed:
| Story | Candidate Features |
V5-287 | KYC Profiles & Verification | KYC Profiles are set up and applied to Contacts based on conditions. They contain a set of fields (either custom or pre-existing) to include all information needed to communicate to the third party external system that will validate the KYC of the contact (e.g. iSpiral). The KYC profile can be applicable to Accounts of selected classifications, or to Contacts of certain categories. A Contact will have a PENDING status until it has been VERIFIED. | Story | Candidate Features |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-943 | Device Management | Create and manage devices and their ownership; handle contact own devices, transfer or ownership and rental. | Story | |
V5-942 | Setup a warehouse and track inventory | Create a warehouse and perform warehouse transactions to manage traceable and non traceable goods | Story | |
V5-2938 | Enhanced Stock Management process | Enhancements to stock management process
| Improvement | |
V5-3603 | Ability to set the date that the device was first activated on a subscription | Set the date that the device was first activated on a subscription, and the initial user that performed the activation. This should not change at any point in the future. | Improvement | |
V5-3433 | Stock Management and Traceability Enhancements | Provide the ability to view 1) Additional stock balance information during the ordering process a) In stock/out of stock, stock balance, number of items reserved per stockable item in products list 2) Access products detail screen in a new tab where detailed stock balance information is displayed 3) Stock Information section on screen to also provide the ability to view in which Orders/Service Requests the items are reserved | Improvement | |
V5-2659 | Ability to keep track of stock balance for non-traceable physical goods | Ability to keep track of stock balance for non-traceable physical goods | Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1549 | Ability to provision mobile pass card | A mobile pass card can be designed by a system user for contacts to access and use in cases where a mobile app is not available. The requirement is to allow provisioning of a mobile pass card to a contact once they have enrolled via a landing page. | New Feature | |
V5-1935 | Updates to Mobile Passes - Landing Pages |
| New Feature | |
V5-3485 | Ability to redeem a pass during contact registration from a landing page | Enhance landing page configuration for Contact Registration to allow redeeming a pass. When a consumer registers through the landing page and also provides a pass code, the new contact will be created as normal, and in addition the 'redeem pass' process will also be performed. If successful, then the new contact's wallet will be credited with the value of the pass. | Improvement | |
LEADS | ||||
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1394 | Bulk edit Leads and merge two Leads into one | Enhance Leads to provide two new options: a) Ability to select multiple Leads and apply a bulk edit b) Merge two separate Leads into one retaining the relevant details | Improvement |
V5-1290 | Bulk Update for Leads | Ability to select a number of Leads from List View and perform a bulk update to change one or more details: pipeline stage, owner, expected close date. | New Feature | Candidate Features |
V5-1289 | Merge Leads Feature | Ability to merge two Leads into one. | New Feature | Candidate Features |
V5-1231 | Leads API enhancements | Leads APIs have been revised and amended | Improvement | |
V5-955 | Create and Manage Leads | When a Lead is created it is assigned to an Owner (user) and a Pipeline relevant to the type of business it represents. The Lead is progressed through the pipeline until it reaches the final stage where it becomes either a Won or a Lost lead. | Story |
V5-904 | Merge Leads | This process merges two leads into one, choose the lead to be retained and any details (not already specified) will be transferred from the unwanted lead before it is deleted. | Story |
V5-903 | Bulk Edit Leads | Select and update multiple leads in one go, choose to update one or more of the following values:
| Story |
V5-902 | Create and Manage Lead Settings | When a Lead is created it is assigned to an Owner (user) and a Pipeline relevant to the type of business it represents. The Lead is progressed through the pipeline until it reaches the final stage where it becomes either a Won or a Lost lead. | Story | |
V5-2437 | Enhancements to Leads |
a) Filter options: lead state (New, In Progress, Won, Lost) queue, queue stage, owner, closing date range, tags 4. Contact screen - ability to view the contact's leads from the activity feed | Improvement |
V5-2263 | V2 APIs - Leads to use queues and stages | Align Leads with Orders so that they use queues instead of pipelines Currently Leads use:
Change to:
| Improvement | |
ORDERS | ||||
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1449 | Include operational details in Order fulfilment Web API | Include operational details of an organisation's opening hours in Order fulfilment Web API | Improvement |
V5-1448 | Include creatives in Get Order Web API | Include product creatives in Get Order Web API for the ordered items | Improvement |
V5-1434 | Ability to specify different payment methods for each supply method |
| Improvement | |
V5-1401 | Coverage with map coordinates | Ability to define delivery coverage via coordinates on a map (define map area) | New Feature | |
V5-1388 | Ability to retrieve product dependencies during ordering | Ability to retrieve product dependencies on purchasing a termed service. Any required services or physical goods are provided so as to also be included in the order prior checkout | Improvement | |
V5-1384 | Exclude expense and usage services from orders | Usage and Expense services must be excluded from the ordering process since they cannot be purchased. Expenses are applied based on business rules, whereas Usage service is consumed through one-time/termed services | Improvement | |
V5-1334 | Filter Promotions based on organisations | Filter Promotions based on organisations | Improvement | |
V5-1305 | Ability to specify the amount to be used from wallet funds | Ability to specify the amount to be used from wallet funds | Improvement | |
V5-1304 | Enhance Order details report to support multiple payment methods | Order details report should be enhanced to support multiple payment methods when multiple payment methods are applied on an order purchase | Improvement | |
V5-1295 | Products / Orders |
| Improvement | |
V5-1285 | Ability to re-print order ticket | Orders will be marked as printed if printing was successful. icon in summary screens will show which orders were printed | Improvement | |
V5-1268 | Enhance /estimates/orders Self-Service and Back-Office APIs according to spec | Enhance /estimates/orders Self-Service and Back-Office APIs according to spec | Improvement | |
V5-1254 | Orders display mode configuration | User should have the ability to set display mode on the orders page once and each time user visits the page to have the mode of their preference. | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1228 | Ability to auto refresh Orders summary page | Ability to auto refresh Orders summary page | Improvement | |
V5-1221 | Enhance /estimates/orders apis to consider selected payment method for promotions | Enhance /estimates/orders APIs to consider selected payment method to apply promotions | Improvement | |
V5-1204 | Enhance Self-Service POST /orders API to re-calculate estimated delivery/pick-up time | Enhance Self-Service POST /orders API to re-calculate estimated delivery/pick-up time. | Improvement | |
V5-1117 | Ability to accept contact's current location (address, coordinates) and display in Orders | Enhancement to Self-Service /estimates/orders and /orders/\{id} APIs | Improvement | |
V5-1021 | Enhancements on order taking to handle product characteristics | Handle API and UI. Characteristics are billing period, trial period, termed period | Improvement | |
V5-826 | Fulfilment Policy Enhancements - Expiration of Orders |
| Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-778 | Improved UI for Orders | Enhancements to backend UI for Orders | Improvement | |
V5-760 | Automatically update Orders to Complete status | Ability to configure to automatically set order status to Completed when X time (minutes, hours, days) has passed after Ordering average completion time. | Improvement | |
V5-713 | Ability to set preferred venue/merchant for order delivery |
| Improvement | |
V5-673 | Enhancements to the Order screen |
| Improvement | |
V5-672 | Add Notes to the bottom of the printed Order ticket | Add Notes to the bottom of the printed Order ticket under Total Items. | Improvement | |
V5-481 | Activities for Orders | Activities that need to be scheduled to complete an order (e.g. installation). | Story |
V5-480 | Clone an Order | Orders can be cloned, i.e. used as a template for creating additional orders with similar items for a different contact. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-476 | Setup your Order Milestones | Setup multiple milestones based on payments which are expected to be made to pay off an order in instalments based on the fulfilment policy. When a milestone due date is reached the billing process will generate an invoice for the necessary payment and identify the milestone as paid when the payment has been received. Point of no return Prior to reaching the Point of no Return (date), all items, including those that may have already been delivered can be returned to the company, the contact will not be billed, and the order will be cancelled. On the other hand, if the Point of no Return has been reached, then any items that have been delivered cannot be returned - they will be billed and paid for, while any undelivered items will not be delivered nor billed and the remaining order will be cancelled. The Point of no return applies while the order is in progress, i.e. once delivery of items begins. | Story | |
V5-475 | Orders Fulfilment Policies | A fulfilment policy is set up for an organisation and is by default inherited by all of the organisation's members (merchants, subsidiaries, venues etc.) unless a separate policy is set up for a specific member. A separate fulfilment policy can be setup for delivery, pick-up and on-site (dine-in). Users can set the minimum cost for an order to be accepted, define how and when orders can be fulfilled as well as which products can be ordered based on their availability. Charges per supply method can also be defined (e.g. a delivery charge). Completion Rules Venues Operational Hours | Story | |
V5-474 | Create and Amend Orders | Orders can be placed by contacts (using an app) or by users of the system. In either case an order progresses through the various life cycle states until it is either Completed or Cancelled. An estimated completion date/time is calculated for each order and the payment is processed according to the customer's payment method. Any overdue orders can also be identified by the system. If an order is amended prior to reaching the completed or cancelled states, then the total amount will be recalculated. | Story | |
V5-359 | Product Catalogue for Subscriptions | Product Catalogue includes service products that can be purchased by subscribers, as well as expenses which are applied to subscribers in the form of penalties or fees. Product catalogue includes business rules that define how these products should be purchased: Dependencies between products.
Tiering of products
Services Pricing
| Story | |
V5-2084 | Ability to dispatch items for an order | Order items are dispatched against an order and result in a stockout transaction. | Improvement | |
V5-2365 | Display Total before discount on order ticket. | Enhance Order ticket to include: | Improvement | |
V5-2268 | Backend Ordering enhancement, display modifiers section AFTER a variant product is selected | Display modifiers section AFTER a variant product is selected and based on modifiers of selected variant product | Improvement | |
V5-2086 | New view options for Orders summary screen | Updates required to Orders list view/Kanban view. New Kanban view linked to queue types. New detailed order summary page. | Improvement | |
V5-2085 | Ad hoc discounting | Ad hoc discounts for Service Requests and Orders. | Improvement | |
V5-2083 | Point of No return | Implement the point of no return for orders. | Improvement | |
V5-2082 | Updates to Orders | Ability to change certain details of an order once an order is created and change order statuses. | Improvement | |
V5-1986 | Include conditions in Order Fulfilment policy expenses | Provide the ability to set up conditions on when an expense will be applied during ordering. Currently the supply method is already a condition. The order's amount should be added (order amount before the discount) | Improvement | |
V5-1981 | Include Product Notes in Order ticket | Notes for orders | Improvement | |
V5-1797 | Enhancement to provide detailed promotion information in invoicing | Include promotion information when invoicing | Improvement | |
V5-1701 | Enhance Self-Service Order fulfilment response with estimated delivery/pickup time | Enhance Self-Service Order fulfilment response with estimated delivery/pickup time so that order fulfilment checks can be removed from order estimates. Required for mobile app ordering flow | Improvement | |
V5-1685 | Ability to create default fulfilment policy upon new Business sign-up. New Direct Sale supply method | A default fulfilment policy will be created when a new Business signs-up. | Improvement | |
V5-1602 | Enhance order to include whether order paid in full or partially with wallet funds | Order enhancement to include amount partially paid using wallet funds and amount partially paid using another payment method | Improvement | |
V5-479 | Ability to have Separate Queues for your Orders | Ability to setup different order queues with each queue having its own workflow of states. Setup the business characteristics of orders to be fulfilled by each queue, for example B2B orders assigned to 'Wholesale' queue, and B2C orders assigned to 'Retail' queue. | Story | |
V5-477 | Orders Quotation | A Quotation provides a formal estimation of an order's cost that includes all physical goods, expenses and services that the contact is interested in buying. In other words, the quotation is a preliminary form of the order's invoice | Story | |
V5-476 | Orders milestone and progress based invoicing | Support for invoicing based on preset milestones or based on progress of delivered services and products. | Story | |
V5-2274 | Ability to define on front-end systems whether to allow purchases only if requested spend amount is fully covered with available wallet balance | Ability to define on front-end systems whether to allow purchases only if requested spend amount is fully covered from the available wallet balance.
| Improvement | |
V5-1405 | Purchases & Business Network | Posting purchase against an organisation should allow only purchases of organisations within the business network | Improvement | |
V5-2633 | Using Wallet funds on ordering improvement |
| Improvement | |
V5-2632 | Improved use of account funds on placing the order | Improved use of account/wallet funds on placing an order
| Improvement | |
V5-2105 | Contact and User approvals for orders | Ability for a contact and/or user to approve/reject an order's progression via CRM.COM Approval Request automations | Improvement | |
V5-2903 | Ability to set up automations on order stage change | Ability to set up automations which are triggered upon changing the stage of an order | Improvement | |
V5-3056 | Orders & milestones enhancement | Display Order milestones (whether invoiced or not) on Order screen | Improvement | |
V5-2438 | Order Attachments | Ability to add attachments on an order | Improvement | |
V5-480 | Clone an Order | Orders can be cloned, i.e. used as a template for creating additional orders with similar items for the same or a different contact. | Story | |
V5-480 | Clone an Order | Orders can be cloned, i.e. used as a template for creating additional orders with similar items for the same or a different contact. | Story | |
V5-3622 | Search for orders based on their address | Ability to search for an order using its delivery address. New 'Address' filter option added | Improvement | |
V5-3416 | Ability to change an Order's Delivery address | Ability to change an Order's Delivery address before its completion. Changing the delivery address is allowed only if no items have been sent out to the contact. Order fulfilment estimation should be triggered again to ensure that the order can still be fulfilled at the new delivery address | Improvement | |
V5-3606 | Improved Orders management | Ability to amend order items and milestones, provided a point of no return is not reached | Improvement | |
V5-4295 | Ability to set up and use Event-based Charges for Orders | Ability to set up and use Event-based Charges for Orders. In addition, introduce the ability to charge an extra expense on a delivery Order based on the distance | New Feature | |
V5-4287 | Product Ordering & Commerce Spend Restrictions | Ability to support (per product) the max wallet commerce amount that can be spent during ordering | Improvement | |
PASSES | ||||
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1453 | Create a filter in automations to differentiate between Top-up and Gift passes | Ability to create automations based on pass type (Gift or Top-up). At the moment the filtering options in Automations don't allow this. | Improvement | |
V5-1409 | Encryption of pass codes | Generated pass codes should not be visible from the back end, they should be encrypted throughout their life cycle. | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-884 | Passes Enhancements | Changes to the way passes are configured and generated. | Improvement | |
V5-172 | Redeem a Pass | Redeeming a pass is the process whereby a contact uses their pass either to get a discount at the time of purchase, or to top-up their wallet with the value of the pass. Only passes in 'Active' state can be redeemed. If OTP validation is required the user can instantly generate an OTP for verification. | Story | |
V5-171 | Managing Passes | It's possible to manage a whole pass plan or just an individual pass. Activate generated passes Pass cancellation Change pass expiration | Story | |
V5-170 | View a Pass Lot | Viewing a lot displays all passes generated by the specific lot, their current state, recipient details, usage and expiry information, and method of communication. | Story | |
V5-169 | Create a Pass Plan | The only way to generate one or more passes is to create a pass plan for a specific pass type. Setup includes:
| Story | |
V5-168 | Pass Product Conditions (for Gift & Top-up Passes) | A list of product SKUs or product families that the value of the pass can be consumed on. | Story | |
V5-167 | Passes / Top-up Pass | A top-up pass is used to top-up an existing contact’s wallet with an additional amount of money. Validity: Generic settings:
Passes format: | Story | |
V5-166 | Passes / Gift Pass | A gift pass provides an amount of money to the contact either to be redeemed for their own benefit, therefore crediting their own wallet (for registered contact), or for use as a gift card loaded with funds (for non-registered contacts). Validity Generic settings:
Passes format: | Story | |
V5-165 | Create and Maintain Pass Types and Passes | Create a pass type of a specific classification, choose from PROMOTION, GIFT and TOP-UP. Passes once created can have one of four life cycle states: | Story | |
V5-110 | Passes / Promotion Pass | As the name implies, these passes are issued as part of a promotion campaign or rewards offer and target (in the form of criteria) products, services and contact segments. Validity: Generic settings:
Pass codes format: For Promotion passes, the value (amount/percentage) that the contact will benefit from is specified in the promotion or rewards offer a definition. | Story | |
V5-2413 | Ability to re-use same pass plan prefix | Allow a configuration of a second pass plan using the same pass code prefix as another pass plan definition. | Improvement | |
V5-2088 | Hashing of Passes |
| Improvement | |
V5-1955 | Enhancements to Passes to handle lost Gift pass scenario | Changes to Passes to accommodate the case of a lost Gift pass for a registered Contact (i.e. with identification details). | Improvement | |
V5-2800 | Ability to specify custom fields for Passes |
| New Feature | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1499 | Payment gateway intents enhancements | Ability to return the URL endpoint for JCC Merchant intent | Improvement | |
V5-1445 | Ability to set time zone for an organisation | Ability to set and amend time zone for an organisation (business) | Improvement | |
V5-1438 | Ability to define background image and additional colours for use in front end systems (apps & portals) |
| Improvement | |
V5-1428 | Ability to narrow down google search results based on country of agreement |
| Improvement | |
V5-1417 | Improve caching - implement the ‘no-cache’ and ‘no-store’ directives |
| Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1374 | Support for SMPP over SSL/TLS | Support for SMPP over SSL/TLS | Improvement | |
V5-1301 | New Automation Financial Transactions Events | Ability to trigger an automation when a payment or refund financial transaction is created | Improvement | |
V5-1296 | Automations - Approvals | Ability to setup approvals for various processes such as new tenant using the system on live mode; and new reward offer being activated. | Improvement | |
V5-1293 | Set up payment gateway intents | Ability to request payment gateway intents via contact clients | Improvement | |
V5-1180 | Settle payment gateway, refund back amount not claimed | Refund back to participant spend amount that was not executed on Settle; participant does not download Settle | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1141 | Support Test/Live Mode | Ability to switch between test and live mode, while service owner users can approve business requests to go from test mode to live | Improvement | |
V5-1124 | Integrations - Ability to Test by sending Email or SMS | Be able to test an integration such as SMTP and SMS by sending a test email / sms. Add a test now Button. | Improvement |
V5-1108 | Custom Fields in APIs | Enhance APIs for modules Contacts, Orders & Organizations to retrieve/set and filter using any custom field created for the specific module | Improvement | |
V5-1089 | Purchase Events & Webhooks | Ability to create a webhook when a purchase customer event is created | Improvement | |
V5-1050 | JCC Loyalty Services Enhancements | Enhance the JCC Loyalty services to support merchant reconciliation, deletion of contact hash card numbers on deleting payment methods and provide business identification for organisation separation | Improvement | |
V5-1038 | Settle Integration | Introduce Settle payment integration | New Feature | |
V5-950 | Merchant Get Started Usability Improvement | Ability to differentiate the go live checklist between a merchant and a business | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-877 | Notify specific organisations | Ability to notify fulfilled by organisations via automations | Improvement |
V5-845 | Notify specific users when a new organisation is created | Ability to notify specific users (via Automations) when a new organisation is created | Improvement | |
V5-788 | Replay Web Hooks | Ability to setup automatic retries and delay between such retries, while replay any failed webhook | Improvement | |
V5-754 | Support Web based Portals | Ability to support web based portals using DNS names | Improvement |
V5-669 | Google places autocomplete postcodes and order coverage | Google places autocomplete does not return postcode. In addition check and finalise automations for post code coverage of orders | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-662 | Service Owner Applications | Enhance applications to support multi-tenant flows | Improvement | |
V5-635 | Twilio WhatsApp Integration | Ability to send communications via Twilio WhatsApp integration | Story | |
V5-557 | ESC/POS Printer Adaptor | Ability to print a confirmed order to an ESC/POS printer via CRM.COM Automations | Story | |
V5-252 | Custom Fields | Ability to configure custom fields and then use them on various entities via backend application and APIs | Story | |
V5-85 | File Upload | Ability to upload and store files in the system with support for multiple file types and multi-part sending for large sized files | Story |
V5-83 | Mobile and Web Applications | Ability to define and configure customer applications (native mobile applications and web based portals), including sign in methods and functionality areas | Story | |
V5-290 | Integration with Bank Accounts SEPA | Ability to integrate with banking institutions via the PSD2 SEPA and SEPA Instant Transfer; a contact can make a payment / refund / payout transfer from / to their bank account to their CRM.COM wallet / account | Story | |
V5-2602 | Aloha Order Integration Enhancement | Ability to support a different URL endpoint for each venue and provision orders to Aloha based on that. If such endpoint is not configured, order provisioning will default to the integration URL endpoint | Improvement | |
V5-2442 | Increase or change validation of too many requests | Amend the core behaviour of the system to limit the allowed number of purchases for the same contact and same merchant/venue to 5 per hour | Improvement | |
V5-2352 | JCC Merchant Settlement Enhancements | Ability to parameterise the JCC Merchant settlement services for different merchants | Improvement | |
V5-2236 | Additional custom fields |
| Improvement | |
V5-2225 | Ability to set up and use custom fields for Orders | Ability to set up ad use custom fields for Orders | Improvement | |
V5-2217 | JCC SEPA Integration | JCC SEPA Payment Gateway Integration | New Feature | |
V5-2211 | Use web-hooks to integrate with third-party accounting systems |
| Improvement | |
V5-2168 | Setup and manage Partner logos | Ability to define partner logos at Service Owner level and assign them to a Business configuration. Partner logos will appear at the bottom of the menu bar on the left-hand side of the screen and on mobile apps | Improvement | |
V5-2062 | Upload Attachments on service requests and leads | Ability to upload files (attachments) on service requests and leads via the back-end. | Improvement | |
V5-1987 | New Contact Subscription Custom Form | Ability to activate contact subscriptions using a device serial number (via custom forms) | Improvement | |
V5-1978 | Integration with Nagravision SMSgw | Integration with Nagravision SMSgw | New Feature | |
V5-1971 | Custom Forms | Ability to support custom forms that can cover custom flows using external form integrations | New Feature | |
V5-1947 | Twinsoft Integration Open and Commerce Balance Split | Ability to split order's used wallet funds to open and commerce balance (Twinsoft integration) | Improvement | |
V5-1812 | PayPal Integration | Integration with PayPal | New Feature | |
V5-1760 | Automation Rewards Enhancement | Ability to define for which reward offer(s) and spend method the award automation will be triggered | Improvement | |
V5-1675 | Ability to import data | Ability to import data for Contacts, Devices, Products using files in CRM.COM | New Feature | |
V5-1613 | View and analysis of events and logs | Implement the ability to view events and the logs associated to an event on CRM.COM | New Feature | |
V5-1453 | New filter in automations to differentiate between pass types | Create a new filtering option Pass Classification to allow creation of automations according to pass plan type (Promotion, Gift, Top-up). | Improvement | |
V5-1108 | Custom Fields in APIs | Enhance APIs for modules Contacts, Orders & Organisations to retrieve/set and filter using any custom field created for the specific module | Improvement | |
V5-117 | Aloha Adaptor | Ability to submit or void an order from CRM.COM to Aloha POS via Automations | Story | |
V5-2505 | New Filter option in Automations - Order ticket not printed | New Filter option in Automations to accommodate cases where an order is not printed | Improvement | |
V5-2130 | Events Log | Ability to view events that have occurred on CRM.COM. | New Feature | |
V5-1977 | Integration with NDS T20 HBSS | Integration with NDS T20 HBSS | New Feature | |
V5-1515 | Backend system translation | Ability to translate backend system to preferred language of the user | New Feature | |
V5-1296 | Automations - Approvals | Ability to setup approvals for various processes such as new tenant using the system on live mode; and new reward offer being activated. | Improvement | |
V5-2264 | Service Requests Approvals | Provide the ability to enable approval requests for service requests for both: back-office users and contacts | New Feature | |
V5-2354 | Ability to support integration adaptors for WIFI | Support integration ID creation that allow the creation of adaptors / plug -ins Support WIFI as a TAP option | New Feature | |
V5-2355 | Unify plug-in for WIFI | Implementation for the Unify WIFI platform as a WIFI platform option | New Feature | |
V5-2358 | Ability to save user filters | Ability to save latest filter applied to summary pages by the user | Improvement | |
V5-1866 | Admin and Operational Utilities | Ability to perform admin and operational actions, such as copy and delete a business (and all data) - by Service Owner user only | Improvement | |
V5-2748 | Automations for specific events override Contact’s preferences | For Service Owner and Business Automations - communication events for
override the contact’s communication preference settings to send communication in any case | Improvement | |
V5-2697 | Support Google Pay for Mobile Passes | Support Google Pay for CRM.COM Mobile Passes. Add the ability to provision a Google Pay pass to Google wallet. | Improvement | |
V5-2598 | Enable automatic update of wallet passes and push notifications | Mobile pass improvements including:
| Improvement | |
V5-2358 | Ability to save user filters |
| Improvement | |
V5-1866 | Admin and Operational Utilities | Ability to perform admin and operational actions, such as copy and delete business (and all it's data) | Improvement | |
V5-2777 | Ability to include custom fields in automations | Ability to include custom fields (top-up, payment and contact based) in automations for top-ups and payments (new) events. In addition, the payment method has been added in the 'New Payment' event as a filter condition | Improvement | |
V5-2816 | Ability to access custom forms from contact data page | The enhancement provides the ability to access a custom form from the Contacts screen (currently, form can only be accessed through Contacts summary screen) | Improvement | |
V5-2955 | Ability to include Invoice custom fields in automations | Invoice custom fields can also be included in automations | Improvement | |
V5-3090 | Ability to set up Custom Fields of type 'Numbering Scheme' | Introducing a new type of custom field called 'Numbering scheme'
a) prefix
| New Feature | |
V5-3187 | Ability to maintain and apply default Currencies per Country of agreement | When setting up a multi-country (multi-regional environment) it should be possible to set up the allowed and the base Currency for each supported Country of Agreement. On contact registration, the contact's account will be in the same Currency as the Country at which the contact registers to. | Improvement | |
V5-1975 | Subscription Webhooks in Automations | Provide the ability to trigger webhooks for all subscription-related events. Currently webhooks are triggered only on activation/deactivation | Task | |
V5-3284 | Ability to trigger a Provisioning Provider's integration Web APIs on renewing a service | Ability to trigger a Provisioning Provider's integration Web APIs on renewing a service | Improvement | |
V5-2772 | Irdeto KMS Enhancements | Enhancements added to Irdeto KMS Web Services provider plugin:
| Improvement | |
V5-2622 | Content translation | Ability to set up translations for applications, reward schemes, reward offers, promotions, products content, and retrieve them from self-service APIs (front-end apps) based on contact's preferred language | New Feature | |
V5-3284 | Ability to trigger a Provisioning Provider's integration Web APIs on renewing a service | Ability to trigger a Provisioning Provider's integration Web APIs on renewing a service | Improvement | |
V5-3323 | Ability to keep last filter in all summary screens | The last filter used by a system user is saved and reapplied when the user revisits the same summary screen | Improvement | |
V5-3278 | Events History | Enhance events to handle an audit trail concept, where important business changes (e.g. SR stage change) will be tracked and displayed within the supported entities data pages (orders, leads, service requests, activities) | New Feature | |
V5-2694 | Plug in registration improvements and Square POS | Ability to select CRM.COM plug-ins from a list | Improvement | |
V5-2543 | Test/Live Mode Enhancements | Ability to support a test mode (mock sandbox environment) for provisioning providers, implement time travel - a simulation feature which imitates the key behavior and characteristics of rewards, billing & subscription configurations, rules and UI enhancements for test data across SPA | Improvement | |
V5-3176 | Support oAuth2 for CRM.COM plug ins | Support oAuth2 for CRM.COM plug ins | Improvement | |
V5-1660 | Authentication with OIDC | OIDC for authentication integration from-to 3rd party systems Self service and back office Initial support for Microsoft 365 | Story | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1452 | Products as Controllable Entity Enhancement | Support the ability for a business to allow its products to be used across business network (as controllable entity) | Improvement | |
V5-1396 | Ability to filter Product Categories on the organisation that owns the products | Ability to filter Product Categories on the organisation that owns the products | Improvement | |
V5-1381 | Ability to retrieve product tier rules | Ability to retrieve product tier rules when a contact requests for an upgrade or a downgrade of the subscribed services | Improvement | |
V5-1331 | Ability to restrict products for ordering based on organization that owns the product | Ability to restrict products for ordering based on organization that owns the product | Improvement | |
V5-1330 | List Product enhancement - Restrict products that are modifiers from product/order catalogue | List Product enhancement - Restrict products that are components from being selected for ordering | Improvement | Pending Release (Backend) |
V5-1299 | Ability to define more than one product family on products | Ability to define more than one product family on products | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1294 | Enhance Product catalogues to handle collections and supply role | Ability to group products into order catalogues and the organisations that have access to those order catalogues | Improvement | |
V5-1273 | Ability to differ a price by merchant / venue |
| Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1187 | Ability to search products using product family filter | Ability to search products using product family filter | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-910 | Check product pricing and taxes | Improvements on tax exclusive or inclusive and applying tax on a contact | Improvement | |
V5-897 | Product Promotions | Ability to configure Promotions to enable Products / Services to be discounted. | Improvement | |
V5-861 | Enhancements to Product Synchronisation settings modal | Enhancements to Product Synchronisation settings modal. | Improvement |
V5-857 | Product type 'classification' to be returned by self-service and back-office APIs | Amendment to self-service and back-office APIs to return the product classification. | Improvement |
V5-793 | Ranking for Product Components & Variants, define default variant | Ability to rank order of components, order of component options, order of variant attributes | New Feature | |
V5-471 | Product Type Enhancements | Ability to provision products Defines if products of a type are used for provisioning purposes by third party providers which are integrated with CRM.COM Software. Available for:
| Story | Candidate Features |
V5-470 | Product Tags | Define tags for products and promotions and use them to group products/promotions based on similar characteristics that enable tracking, managing and promoting the products/promotions (e.g. food, drinks, Base TV service). | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-469 | Product Promotions old | Promotions define discounts that can be automatically applied on product sales or during billing, given that a set of conditions are met. Promotions can be auto-applied if the conditions are met or presented to contacts or agents as (selectable) offers during a purchase or placing an order. | Story | |
V5-468 | Product Synchronisation | This process is responsible for synchronising (creating and updating) products between a third-party system and CRM.COM.. The process automatically s syncs products from the master system (third-party system, i.e. POS) to the destination system (CRM.COM). | Story | |
V5-467 | Product Pricing | Pricing determines how a product will be priced based on the various parameters that can affect the price. Multiple prices can be configured for products, based on the rate model (flat, tiered, volume), the tax model (tax inclusive or exclusive), whether the product is sold individually or as part of a bundle, the currency, the supply method (delivery, pick up, on-site/dine-in, the countries in which the price will be applied (based on the contact's billing location). | Story | |
V5-466 | Create and Maintain Products | Define the products that a business can sell or deliver to its contacts. Products can be sold individually, awarded through reward offers, sold as part of a subscription, or consumed as part of a subscription. A product has a unique SKU, name and validity period. Product Types Composition method & Variants Product Classifications Up Sell & Cross Sell Products | Story | |
V5-2533 | Ability to use 'hours' as billing period when creating products of type 'one time service' | Ability to use 'hours' as billing period when creating products of type 'one time service' | Improvement | |
V5-2089 | Ability to define a Display Name for Product Categories, Families, Types & Component Sets | Ability to configure a display name for
If no display name is provided then the name is set as the display name | Improvement | |
V5-2001 | Ability to configure the modifiers of variant products | A Variant product can have different modifiers compared to its composite product | Improvement | |
V5-1983 | Ability to edit the Product Type of a Product | Ability to amend the Product Type of a Product to a Product Type of the same classification. | Improvement | |
V5-1693 | Enhanced Promotions conditions and offerings | Enhanced Promotions basket conditions and offerings
| Improvement | |
V5-1683 | New 'Component Sets' for products | New feature Component Sets will allow for products to be easily grouped together and used as add-on components to products. | New Feature | |
V5-1583 | Ability to include services and physical goods within a bundle | Ability to include services and physical goods within a service bundle (fixed or flexible) | New Feature | |
V5-1330 | List Product enhancement - Restrict products that are modifiers from product/order catalogue | Restrict products that are modifiers from being selected for ordering | Improvement | |
V5-1000 | Products list enhancements |
| Improvement | |
V5-2679 | Ability to keep track of applied promotions per contact | Ability to keep track of applied promotions per contact. A promotion is applied for a contact:
In the case of applying a promotion for a termed service, then the applied promotion (per contact and per service) will be utilised by the billing run process to ensure that the contact receives the discount for the correct period of time, enhancing thus the billing run's performance since promotions will not be re-evaluated in each run. | Improvement | |
V5-2542 | Enhanced Subscription Promotions |
Advanced Subscription Promotions
| Improvement | |
V5-1848 | New Price rate models: Tiered, Volume, Stairstep | New Price models: Tiered, Volume, Stairstep | Improvement | |
V5-2679 | Ability to keep track of applied promotions per contact | Ability to keep track of applied promotions per contact. A promotion is applied for a contact either:
In the case of applying a promotion for a termed service, then the applied promotion per contact and per service) will be utilised by the billing run process to ensure that the contact receives the discount for the correct period of time, enhancing thus the billing run's performance since promotions will not be re-evaluated in each run. | Improvement |
V5-1848 | New Price rate models: Tiered, Volume, Stairstep | New Price models: Tiered, Volume, Stairstep | Improvement | |
V5-2877 | External reference codes for products | Product catalogue setup includes an external reference code for products. | Improvement | |
V5-3115 | Search products based on categories and their sub-categories | Provide the ability to search for a product using either a category or a sub-category. | Improvement | |
V5-3066 | Enhancements in setting up and and applying a Dependency rule | Multiple Dependency rules can be configured per Product/Product Type instead of a single one. When multiple rules are configured, then all of them must be met. Within a rule, operator All/Any determine how the specified dependencies will be evaluated (all required product exists or at least one of the specified) | Improvement | |
V5-3169 | Product Ownership Enhancements | Ability to support duplicate products (SKU based) across the business network, but maintaining uniqueness on the organisation level (different product with same SKU per business/merchant) - configurable on the business level. The customer events engine should identify a product and it's owner, based on the related 'fulfilled by' organisation and if such a product does not exist (neither on merchant organisation, nor on business level), then it should be created automatically with the 'fulfilled' by organisation as the owner. | Improvement | |
V5-2859 | Product Sync | Have the ability to define the TAP for the product sync API as a request with core behaviour to create such product with merchant as owner.
| Improvement | |
V5-3428 | Ability to keep a label per product price | Ability to keep a label per product price to improve usability in cases where a business has multiple prices with various conditions. A price's label is also available through the Ordering flow (when placing a new order, viewing or amending an existing one) | Improvement | |
V5-2718 | Enhanced Product Catalogue usability | Various enhancements required when setting up the product catalogue: 1) Products
2) Prices
| Improvement | |
V5-3568 | Ability to apply promotions based on already subscribed services | Provide the ability to set up a promotion that gives a discount to a basket service based on services that the contact has already subscribed to. The contact can benefit from this promotion for the newly ordered service as long as they are still subscribed to the specified service(s) | Improvement | |
V5-3330 | Pricing support for B2B models | Support for B2B models including:
| New Feature | |
V5-3527 | Stock Balance Enhancements | Ability to support products (non-traceable but stockable or traceable) with zero or no balance, and metrics for reserved, dispatched, rented, ownership, available for sale/rent, on stock balance summary page and report | Improvement | |
V5-4206 | Ability to set up custom fields for Products | Ability to set up custom fields for Products | Improvement | |
V5-3285 | Enhanced Product Catalogue | Product Catalogue enhancements
| Improvement | |
V5-3285 | Enhanced Product Catalogue | Product Catalogue enhancements
| Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1436 | Ability to upload images for reward tiers | Business users should be able to upload one marketing image for each reward tier | Improvement | |
V5-1392 | Rewards events back office feature | Ability to view all rewards events (purchase, referral, signup, achievement, just money, lottery, profile completion) and how each event performed and processed (its awards, any spends, any cancellations. | New Feature | |
V5-1391 | New APIs for rewards events | New reward events APIs to be used by back office roles and functions to reconcile and audit reward activity. | New Feature | |
V5-1286 | Default configuration for enabling reward tiers | Enable Reward tiering by default upon creation of a new business | Improvement | |
V5-1188 | Ability to have additional recurring options on reward achievement offer types | Ability to have additional recurring options on reward achievement offer types i.e. run every 1 hour | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1105 | Default Automatic Spend Conditions | Ability to configure (per Business) default contact automatic spend conditions and set to each newly registered contacts | New Feature | Candidate Features |
V5-1056 | Back-End Reduction on default payment method | Ability for back-end reduction to refund first on payment method of the purchase, otherwise on the primary payment method (if allows refund) | Improvement | |
V5-1047 | Wallet Fee Core Behaviour Enhancements | Wallet fees should be applied prior spend calculation (reward offer resolution), where fees are applied before spend; and spend is applied for award amount or wallet balance, whatever is less | Improvement | |
V5-975 | Spending Preferences Enhancements | Ability to set and retrieve additional auto spend preferences that will enhance the contact's experience via applications | Improvement | |
V5-958 | Reward Offer Evaluation Enhancements | Rewards core behaviour should be enhanced to exclude performance offers from best offer restrictions. In addition (based on user setup), the reward offer evaluation should be enhanced to support no awarding events that contacts used commerce wallet balance (excluding instant discounts) | Improvement | |
V5-954 | Auto Reward Schemes Sign Up Enhancement | Ability to sign up existing contacts to new auto sign up reward schemes via a back-end process | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-887 | Ability to award and spend at time of ordering | Contacts will have the ability to use their wallet credit (open and commerce) plus a payment method for remaining amount (cash or card) during ordering, and at the same time (via automations) to be awarded and spent (automatic/instant) via back-end reduction. | Improvement | |
V5-808 | Ability to retrieve organisation tags from reward offers APIs | New organisation tag(s) attribute on list reward offers APIs | Improvement | |
V5-664 | Back-End Reduction & Refunds | Ability to refund contacts for back-end spends | New Feature | |
V5-660 | Ability to generate purchase events from a financial transaction and award them | Ability via automations to post a purchase event when an invoice is posted and post a credit note when a purchase customer event is voided | Story | |
V5-45 | Rewards Tiers | A tiering system can be configured whereby contacts can be classified based on their purchase behaviour. During a tier review, a contact can advance to the next level, remain at the same level or revert to the previous tier level based on their purchases within the specified period. | Story | |
V5-44 | Reward Resolution | Reward resolution allows a business to configure how it's contacts will be awarded in cases where they may be eligible to be awarded from more than one offer. Available options are - to award the contact from: All matched offers The best offer The best offer from each scheme | Story | |
V5-43 | Spend Reduction Method | Reduction Method defines how the amount requested to be spent by the contact during a purchase event will be deducted from the total amount to be paid. There are two reduction methods: Front-end Reduction is done by a front-end system (e.g. POS) by instantly applying the reduction to the total amount to be paid by the contact, hence the customer pays the reduced amount. Back-end Reduction is done is by a back-end system (e.g. PayPal) where the contact pays the full amount and they are credited through a payment gateway system or by generating a refund voucher. In the context of Rewards (single merchant and multi-merchant environment), the reduction method may vary per merchant depending on the integration and the API used to post purchase customer events. | Story | |
V5-42 | Rewards Settlement | Ability to define merchant agreements and perform a reward settlement process
Merchant agreements allow the business to define the schemes its merchants can participate and their corresponding contributions. In addition the business can define whether settlement takes place for its merchants on award or on spend. The settlement process charges participating organisations (typically merchants) the cost of awards. Settlement creates financial transactions either real time or in set frequencies, such as daily. | Story | |
V5-41 | Rewards Merchant Commercial Terms | Merchant commercial terms are the agreements between the business and the individual merchants who will be participating in the reward schemes. Terms include the agreed commercial terms for the merchant: a) The reward schemes that the merchant will contribute towards for contact's awards or spends. b) The contribution fee that the merchant will be debited for on an award/spend (calculated based on a percentage of the award/spend, defaults to 100%). c) The management fee that the merchant will be debited for, for use of service (calculated based on a percentage of the awarded amount, defaults to 0%). d) The date that the agreement was made and it's termination date (if any). Blocking a merchant denotes that the merchant can no longer award contacts nor can contacts redeem their awards at that merchant. | Story |
V5-40 | Financial KPI Customer Event | Financial KPI events are used to measure a contact's monthly financial status and performance against the business' KPIs. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-39 | Achievement Customer Event | Achievement events indicate a contact's accomplishment (e.g. a Facebook like or completing their personal information). | Story | |
V5-33 | Purchase Customer Event | A purchase event represents a sale (e.g. via a POS) of purchased items. CRM.COM behaves solely as a target system, calculating only the total net, tax and gross amounts for the purchased items. In the context of Subscription & Billing, posting an Invoice (financial transaction) can trigger the creation of a purchase customer event having as purchased items the subscribed products. | Story | |
V5-32 | Customer Events | Customer events capture financial and marketing transactions for analytical and reward purposes. The classification of the event determines how CRM.COM will process and award the event. | Story | |
V5-31 | Reward Schemes | A business can have one or more schemes to market and differentiate their marketing loyalty activities. Each scheme has one of the following three sign up options for contacts to register to Open loop schemes
Closed loop schemes
| Story | |
V5-2212 | Settlement Enhancements | Ability to settle all spends made against any wallet allocation and apply a settlement fee on award/spend transaction | Improvement | |
V5-1698 | Purchase Event Estimates | Ability to get an estimate of awards / spends of a purchase event prior to submitting it as a purchase event Ability to submit the purchase event with an estimate id (recalculation will take place) | New Feature | |
V5-1588 | Customer Identification Medium entity to store the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card on CIM (if type = card) | Ability to keep on CIM (of type card), the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card | Improvement | |
V5-3139 | Payout on Redeem Enhancements | Ability to define a minimum (payout) amount that should be supported on automatic redeem payouts | Improvement | |
V5-3052 | Payout on Redeem | Ability to perform a payout on auto-redeem against the contact's preferred payment method, or to a specific payment gateway (provided that it supports payouts) | New Feature |
V5-3002 | Rewards Free Product | Ability to award contacts a free product (sku, family, type, brand) and on redemption the amount of such purchased product (or the cheapest one) to be credited to contact's open balance | Improvement | |
V5-2956 | Redeem Enhancement | Ability for a business to enable manual redeem. In this mode, redeem is not automatic but is performed only if a spend is requested. | Improvement | |
V5-2842 | Rewards Lottery Enhancements | Ability to draw a winner based on number of entries for specific contact events | Improvement | |
V5-3557 | Ability to support front end reduction at Transaction Processor level | If a Transaction Processor submits purchase events with a spend request then
| New Feature | |
V5-4289 | Delegate Offers | Ability for a B2B Merchant to setup a delegate (proxy) offer
| Improvement | |
V5-4265 | Ability to sign up to reward schemes using codes | Ability to sign up to reward schemes using codes | New Feature | |
V5-4116 | B2B Connect | Ability for a business (the peer) to be a B2B merchant of another business (the scheme owner). The two businesses have a mutual agreement, whereby they will apply promotions, and rewards to contacts registered on the scheme owner business. The agreement as such, defines the common identification method that will be used between the two businesses, to identify the contact on the (scheme owner) business, who purchased from the (peer) business. | New Feature | 5..6.0.0 |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1465 | Enhancements to Spend Condition representation - validity and expiration |
| Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1433 | Enhance cumulative option on offer (stamp completion) | Enhance achievement option on offer to track achievement (for example 6 purchases) without a time frame | Improvement | |
V5-1302 | Enhancing Profile completion offer with Gender option | Ability to setup target conditions for Profile Completeness offer type on providing gender | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1298 | Reward Offer Award Product Conditions Enhancement | Product Discount offer type should be able to provide an award percentage based on specific product families, types or brands | Improvement | |
V5-1283 | Enhance time based offers to be evaluated daily | Enhance time based offers (Lottery and Thank You Gift) to be evaluated daily at a specific time | Improvement | |
V5-1235 | Enhanced Profile Completeness Options | Ability to setup target conditions for Profile Completeness offer type on providing gender and verifying phone number | Improvement | |
V5-1109 | Ad-Hoc Return Enhancements | Ability to list ad hoc returns in customer applications and allow negative wallet balance if the ad hoc return is applied on a purchase that award is already spent | Improvement | |
V5-1074 | Approval of Offers | Ability for Business user to approve offers created by a merchant | New Feature | Candidate Features |
V5-960 | Spend Rule Enhancements | When creating a spend rule condition, back-end users should be able to select the business as a spend rule condition. Applicable for business and merchants users | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-878 | Create template offers on sign-up of a new business | When a new business signs-up, automatically create a rewards scheme and 4 standard offers in 'inactive' state at the level of the service owner. | Improvement | |
V5-825 | Reward Offer Performance | Ability to award contact based on performance offers (eg buy X products and get an award) | New Feature | |
V5-774 | Reward Offer Target Conditions Enhancement | Ability to target country based locations for incoming purchase transactions | Improvement | |
V5-719 | Happy Hour Offer Amendments | Minor changes related to the Happy Hour offer.
| Improvement |
V5-63 | Reward Offer Tags | Reward offer tags are used to group reward offers based on similar characteristics (e.g. valentines day offer) | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-62 | Offer Goal - Increase Visits / Xth Transaction Wins | Xth Transaction Wins - award the Xth transaction in a row within a time frame. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-61 | Offer Goal - Increase Visits / Number of Visits | Number of Visits - award contacts based on the number of purchase transactions that they have performed at a specific location. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-60 | Offer Goal - Improve Membership / Application Download | Application Download - award contacts for downloading the mobile app. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-59 | Offer Goal - Improve Membership / Referral | Referral - award existing customers for introducing a new contact. | Story | |
V5-58 | Offer Goal - Reward Achievement / KPI Performance | KPI Performance - award contacts for accomplishing a KPI. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-57 | Offer Goal - Reward Achievement / Subscription Maturity | Subscription Maturity - award contacts for uninterrupted subscriptions (based on subscription activation date). | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-56 | Offer Goal - Reward Achievement / Reach a Tier | Reach a Tier - award contacts for advancing to the next tier level. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-55 | Offer Goal - Reward Achievement / Social Media | Social Media - award contacts for their social media interaction (e.g. liking/sharing a FB post). | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-54 | Spend Conditions | During a purchase transaction a contact can spend (redeem) an awarded amount from their 'Commerce' wallet balance. Spending an awarded amount can be classified as conditional (e.g. can be spent only on specific products, locations or times), or unconditional (no spend conditions apply). Spend rules Spend rules can be created on-the-fly and can combine time, location and product restrictions. | Story | |
V5-53 | Award Conditions | The award (cashback) for achieving the offer goal can be in the form of an amount or a percentage depending on the offer type, and will credit the contact's 'Commerce' wallet balance of the primary account. Award conditions include limiting the number of contacts who can receive the offer, and setting the maximum amount to be awarded per transaction for percentage based awards. | Story | |
V5-52 | Reward Offer Target Conditions | Every offer type has its own target conditions that affect how and when an award will be provided. Customers Location Time Products Transactions Profile Completion | Story | |
V5-51 | Offer Availability | The date range within which the offer is valid to award contacts. The reward offer will have an 'active' state so long as the validity period has not passed, thereafter the state will be set to 'expired'. The reward offer can be activated again when a new availability period is provided. | Story | |
V5-50 | Offer Goal - Increase Visits | Focuses on awarding contacts based on the day and/or time of their purchases. Happy Hour - award contact purchases based on a specific location/time/product. | Story | |
V5-49 | Offer Goal - Improve Membership | Award contacts for joining or referring friends Sign-ups - award contacts for signing up to a reward scheme. Profile Completion - award contacts for completing their personal data. | Story | |
V5-48 | Offer Goal - Increase Spend | Focuses on awarding contacts based on their overall purchase value. Monetary Discount - award contacts on the total value of their purchase (e.g. 1% cashback, 20% birthday discount). Products Discount - award contacts for purchasing a product bundle (can target a specific location). | Story | |
V5-47 | Offer Goal - Reward Achievement | Contacts are awarded for accomplishing a goal. Lottery - award a single contact by picking a lottery winner. | Story | |
V5-46 | Create, Update, View Reward Offers | Create and maintain the reward offers. Choose from any of the four offer goals to create an offer: Reward achievement, Increase spend, Improve membership, Increase visits. Each offer belongs to a single reward scheme. | Story | |
V5-2441 | Self-Service List Rewards Enhancement | Self-Service list rewards should also take into consideration the town/city of venues/service points of business and merchants/service providers | Improvement | |
V5-2113 | Enhance Reward Achievement to handle amount of top-up | Addition of 'Achievement Amount' as award condition in Achievement Reward Offer | Improvement | |
V5-1949 | Profile Completeness Usability Issue | Profile Completeness offer should not have a limit on how many times to provide award. Should be by default once | Improvement | |
V5-3072 | Reward Offer Award Improvement | Usability enhancement to provide a (percentage) award only for the matched target products that were purchased | Improvement | |
V5-57 | New Offer Goal - Reward Achievement / Subscription Maturity | New offer 'Subscription Maturity' - awards customers for uninterrupted subscriptions (based on subscription activation date). | Story | |
V5-4222 | Ability to award contacts on transferring wallet funds | Community owners awarded on accepting to transfer their CRM.COM Wallet funds to one of their community's members.
| Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1480 | Security (2FA) Improvements | Ability to enable 2 factor authentication on business level, using SMS OTP or external authentication application | New Feature | Pending Release (Backend) |
V5-1468 | Security (Password Policy) Improvements | Ability to configure password policy (expiration), apply common password strength and user account lockout practices | Improvement | |
V5-1332 | Enhancement to My Profile functionality | Enhance user role permissions to handle My Profile update flow | Improvement | |
V5-830 | Ability to sign up and sign in with Facebook | Ability to register and authenticate contacts via Facebook | Improvement |
V5-829 | User Roles to restrict access to back-end application | User Role settings to enable/disable user access to various sections in the backend | Improvement |
V5-3034 | Contact Strong Password Policy | Ability to configure whether contact strong password policy will be applied for a service owner or business organisation | Improvement | |
V5-1480 | Security (2FA) | Ability to enable 2 factor authentication at the business level, using SMS OTP or external authentication application | New Feature | |
V5-3370 | Enhanced User Information | Extra information to be kept for back-end users:
| Improvement | |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1404 | Create and Manage Service Requests | Ability to create and manage service requests in a queue relevant to the type of issue that the request represents. The service request is progressed through various statuses and responses. | Story | |
V5-2518 | Ability to upload images/attachments in Service Requests via self-service/mob apps | Create self-service APIs to allow uploading of attachments for service requests via the mobile app/portal. | Improvement | |
V5-2350 | Service Request Enhancements | Changes related to Service Requests:
| Improvement | |
V5-2124 | Tax amounts and totals to display in Service Requests | Include tax amounts in service request changes. General updates required to process & UI for Service requests and activities. Also display tax amounts in the charges table. | Improvement | |
V5-1763 | Add service requests and activities as events on the contact activity feed | Ability to add activities and service requests to activity feed on contacts. | New Feature | |
V5-1754 | Add mulitple addresses for contacts | A company contact shall have the ability to have multiple addresses relating to it. | New Feature | |
V5-1753 | Manage People for company contacts | When creating a company type contact the ability to add a person contact which is linked to the company contact shall be implemented. | New Feature | |
V5-1740 | Ability to specify if SR has been resolved | It is required that when a Service request is closed the user should note whether the Request has been resolved or not along with the final response to the service request. | New Feature | |
V5-1695 | Priorities on Service Requests | When creating a service request, have the ability to specify the priority based on a configurable priority matrix. A system user shall have the ability to select the applicable priority based on the impact and urgency of a service request. | New Feature | |
V5-2288 | Service Requests pending issues | Service Requests improvements pending from previous releases.
a) Create Service Request Charges
| Improvement | |
V5-2519 | Ability to add a location to Service Requests, both via backend and self-service/mob apps | Option to add an address to a Service Request.
2. Self-service (consumer app only)
| Improvement | |
V5-2963 | New V2 APIs: Service Requests & queue changes |
Currently service requests use:
Change to:
| Improvement | |
V5-3255 | Service Requests new and improved features |
a. Select root category, or child of root category on SR 3. Ability to add a comment at each stage of the queue for a SR (once achieved) 4. SR automations: a. New trigger event 'SR owner changed' 5. Increase the comment size when completing the SR a. Enlarge the modal so that it fits more than 4 lines of content without having to scroll up/down | New Feature | |
V5-3673 | Ability to search Service Requests based on their Address | Ability to search Service Requests based on the Address at which the service request will be performed. | Improvement | |
V5-3255 | Service Requests new and improved features | 1) Ability to create a SR from the Contact screen 2) Ability to define one or more root Categories per SR queue a) Select root category, or child of root category on SR 3) Ability to add a comment at each stage of the queue for a SR (once achieved) 4) SR automations: a) New trigger event 'SR owner changed' 5) Increase the comment size when completing the SR a) Enlarge the modal so that it fits more than 4 lines of content without having to scroll up/down | New Feature |
V5-3783 | Service Requests - UI improvements & communication tags |
| Improvement |
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-1399 | Subscription Self Service Web APIs | Subscription Self Service Web APIs | Improvement | |
V5-1271 | Subscription & Billing Settings UI Enhancements | Subscription & Billing Settings UI Enhancements | Improvement | |
V5-1267 | Product Catalogue Process enhancements | Enhancements required in setting up and using the product catalogue for termed and one-time services | Improvement | |
V5-1266 | Product Catalogue UI enhancements | Product Catalogue enhancements related to service products sold as part of a subscription. Enhancements include changes in configuring the setting of the product catalogue (e.g. tier paths) as well as setting up the catalogue as such | Improvement | |
V5-371 | Change Ownership | Ability to change the owner of subscription services by:
| Story | Candidate Features |
V5-370 | Provisioning of Subscription Services | Provisioning of Subscription Services
| Story | Candidate Features |
V5-369 | Apply Grace Period | Ability to provide a grace period to subscribers to pay off their outstanding billing debts | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-366 | Service Delivery | Service Delivery is the process responsible for managing subscriptions throughout their life cycle by combining the subscriptions and billing business rules with a customer's service purchases and requests for changes. In summary, the process is responsible
| Story | |
V5-365 | Billing Behaviour | Billing Behaviour
| Story | |
V5-364 | Trial Periods | Trial Periods allow contacts to try out a service for a short period of time with no billing or contract obligations before turning the service into a paid one. The trial period of a service is defined in its pricing terms. Automated communications are sent to contacts prior their trial ends through Communication Plans Segments of contacts in trial can also facilitate running marketing campaigns to minimise cancellations. | Story | |
V5-361 | Manage Subscription Services | Provide the ability to purchase termed and one-time services through a product catalogue and manage their core behaviour throughout their life cycle though various subscription actions:
| Story | |
V5-360 | Manage Subscriptions | Create a Subscription that groups together services of the same billing period. Subscription is created only when a termed service is purchased through an Order. Manage the subscription throughout its life cycle though various subscription actions which are performed per service:
| Story |
V5-1973 | Promotions for Subscriptions | Improvements in Promotions so as to be applied on selling subscription services | Improvement | |
V5-2218 | Improved Subscriptions Self-service Web APIs | Product pricing for self-service in order to implement ordering of services on Release app. | Improvement | |
V5-2126 | Ability to specify the Wallet as the funding source of a subscription | Wallet is used as the method of paying off subscription services | Improvement | |
V5-1598 | Subscription services webhooks: On activate and on deactivate | New webhooks: | Improvement | |
V5-367 | Subscription Devices | Ability to utilise Devices that will provision (i.e. deliver) a number of subscription services to subscribers
| Story | |
V5-2346 | Enhanced billing and disconnection of wallet funded services | Differentiation of billing behaviour between account and wallet funded services. | Improvement | |
V5-2055 | Ability to send provisioning commands to a group of devices | Ability to send provisioning commands to a group of devices:
| Improvement | |
V5-368 | Usage Based Billing | Ability to order termed or one-time services that allow usage consumption | Story | |
V5-1959 | Payment-driven subscriptions | Payment-driven subscriptions | Improvement | |
V5-2353 | Ability to support WIFI platforms for subscriptions and billing | Core APIs created Support the device MAC address as contact authentication Enhance the organisation UI to provide usage analytics for WIFI | New Feature | |
V5-2433 | Ability for an organisation to purchase one-time/termed services | Ability for an organisation to purchase one-time/termed services
| Improvement | |
V5-2433 | Ability for an organisation to purchase one-time/termed services | Ability for an organisation to purchase one-time/termed services
| Improvement | |
V5-1959 | Payment-driven subscriptions | Implementation of payment-driven subscriptions | Improvement | |
V5-368 | Usage Based Billing | Ability to order termed or one-time services that allow usage consumption | Story | |
V5-2616 | Improved Provisioning Provider Filtering | Available filters:
Content views to be included also | Improvement | |
V5-2542 | Enhanced Subscription Promotions | 1 ) Ability to apply the discount
3 ) Advanced Subscription Promotions
| Improvement | |
V5-2846 | Ability to call Provisioning Provider Integration Web APIs for services | Ability to call Provisioning Provider Integration Web APIs for services | Improvement | |
V5-2797 | Ability to group one-time services in a subscription | Ability to group one-time services in a subscription
| Improvement | |
V5-2764 | Ability to deactivate/reactivate services based on an amount threshold | Introduction of a new Subscription business rule called Activation rule. The rule determines whether a service can remain in Effective state or can move into the Effective state as long as the account's outstanding amount meets an activation threshold. A service is a candidate for deactivation when its account has an outstanding amount (unsettled and overdue) and this amount is greater than the threshold amount. The threshold defaults to 0 amount (set in the business's base currency) | Improvement | |
V5-2760 | Ability to view a service's allowed and remaining usage allowance | Ability to view a service's allowance, i.e. how much usage a contact is allowed to consume in general based on what the product catalogue specifies, as well as the remaining of this usage per transaction, day and billing cycle In addition, present the recorded usage records of a subscription | Improvement | |
V5-1964 | Implementation of service bundles | Implementation of service bundles | Task | |
V5-2797 | Grouping of one-time services in a subscription | Ability to group one-time services in a subscription
| Improvement | |
V5-2779 | Ability to set up business rules for Pausing a service | Ability to set up and apply business rules for Pausing a service
| Improvement | |
V5-2834 | Enhanced usage consumption based on the usage being consumed | Enhanced usage consumption based on the usage being consumed
| Improvement | |
V5-2811 | Event-based Recurring Charges | Event-based recurring charges is a set of policies triggered on various subscription events that identify if and which Expenses will be applied on a subscription and will be charged on a recurring basis, i.e. per subscriber billing cycle. Recurring charges policies include two major events - the event that will add the recurring expense on the subscription, and the event that will remove it. | New Feature | |
V5-2773 | Enhanced Event-based Conditional Expenses | Enhanced Event-based Conditional Expenses
| Improvement | |
V5-1838 | Enhancements in Pause Services action | Enhancements in Pause Services action
| Task | |
V5-2717 | Enhanced service change process | A service change can be classified as an upgrade or a downgrade. What classifies the service change is either:
| Improvement | |
V5-3253 | Ability to manage devices for a Company | Ability to create a subscription (through an Order) for a contact of type 'Company' and be able to view and modify the DEVICES. Flow should be the same as for contact of type 'Person' | Improvement | |
V5-3224 | Include service locations in Invoice communications | On sending a communication for an Invoice that bills termed services, provide the ability to also display the services' locations | Improvement | |
V5-3084 | Automation to automatically activate a service when settled |
| Improvement | |
V5-2778 | Communication Tags and Subscriptions Segmentation & Automations Enhancements | Ability to segment contacts based on subscription services conditions and trigger automations based on new subscription events | Improvement | |
V5-3110 | Ability to bill upcoming billing cycles in advance | Ability to bill upcoming billing cycles in advance
| New Feature | |
V5-3084 | Automation to automatically activate a service when settled |
| Improvement | |
V5-3423 | Ability to send service commands to a Provisioning Provider through the front-end | Ability to send service commands to a Provisioning Provider through the front-end. New Self-service Web APIs allow consumers to send provisioning commands for their services to the provisioning provider | Improvement | |
V5-3427 | Billing engine to issue a single financial transaction according to the total billed amount | Billing engine to issue a single financial transaction according to the total billed amount | Improvement | |
V5-3335 | Product Dependencies to be applied across all contact services, not per subscription | Product Dependencies to be applied across all contact services, not per subscription | Improvement | |
V5-3287 | Ability to hide Churned subscriptions in Contacts screen | Ability to filter the subscriptions based on their state | Improvement | |
V5-3161 | Enhanced listing of subscription actions to present additional information | Enhanced listing of subscription actions to present additional information
| Improvement | |
V5-369 | Apply Grace Period | Ability to provide a grace period to subscribers to pay off their outstanding billing debts
| Story | |
V5-2713 | Ability to regret a service | Provide the ability to regret a subscription service
| New Feature | |
V5-3495 | Ability to set up billable and non-creditable states per service | Ability to set up additional billable and/or non-creditable states for specific services | Improvement | |
V5-2729 | Enhanced Trial Management | Trial Management rules define whether a contact gets a Trial service once (amongst all subscription services), upon subscribing to the first service that includes a Trial period in its price terms, or a trial period for each service to which they subscribe to. | Improvement | |
V5-3687 | Improvements in resetting a Subscription's Billing Day | Business rules included in Subscription Settings define when the Billing day is reset on a Subscription | Improvement | |
V5-3838 | Ability to view and manage future Subscriptions | Contacts are able to order services and schedule their first activation on a future date. Provide the ability to view and manage these services prior their activation
| Improvement | |
V5-4027 | Ability to add multiple services within the UI | Ability to add multiple services from the back-end
Supported for both adding a service to the contact and to a subscription. | Improvement | |
V5-4247 | Ability to communicate a subscriber's upcoming bill | Introduce a new communication tag that returns a contact's upcoming bill. The tag will be used in communication plans templates. Communication plan runs on a daily basis and notifies contacts whose upcoming bill is due in an X number of days. | Improvement |
V5-4180 | Ability to set up Usage Charge Limits and Usage Allowance settings per Contact | Ability to set up Usage Allowance Limits and Usage Charge Limits per contact, that override the business's default business rules when it comes to these settings | New Feature | |
V5-3854 | Ability to extend a service's trial period | Ability to extend a service's trial period | New Feature | |
Issue Type | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-886 | Default configuration on business creation | There are a number of configurations which should be set by default (across CRM5) when a new business is created: API keys, reward scheme, reward offers, financial transaction types, reward commercial terms and admin user role | Improvement |
V5-807 | Get Started Usability Enhancements | Amendments to the 'Get Started' screen, regarding info messages and labels | Improvement | |
V5-951 | Uploading Images Flow Enhancement | Ability to support a more intuitive user flow when uploading images that will provide a visual que that images have been uploaded or queued to be uploaded | Improvement | Candidate Features |
V5-1751 | JCC Merchant Integration Enhancement | Usability enhancement on importing outlets during JCC Merchant integration setup | Improvement | |
V5-1163 | Ability to perform an advanced search using filters in summary screens | Ability to performed an advanced search using filters in summary screens | Improvement | |
V5-2648 | Summary page filtering enhancements | Add Predefined Filters on the summary screen for:
| Improvement | |
V5-3395 | Ability to keep last filters in summaries | Summary screens remember the last filter applied by a user and re-apply it when the same screen is revisited. | Improvement | |
V5-3363 | Financial/Reward Events Summary screens - ability to navigate to the related entity (if it exists) | Financial/Reward Events Summary screens - ability to navigate to the related entity (if it exists) by clicking on the transaction number | Improvement | |
V5-2648 | Summary page filtering enhancements | Added Predefined Filters on the following summary screens:
| Improvement |
V5-3777 | Automatically set queue stages colours | When setting up a queue's stages, the stage's colour should be automatically set (randomly) instead of being manually set by the user (currently when adding a new stage the colour defaults to grey). Applicable for all entities that have stages (Leads, Service Requests and Orders) | Improvement | |
Issue Type | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-3722 | Ability to update Payment information through automations | Payment automations to be enhanced so as to support:
| Improvement | |
V5-3710 | Assignable Entities Enhancements | Enhancements on assignable entities to support accessibility coverage across users of the same team | Improvement | |
V5-2680 | Automations Enhancement | Ability to support synchronous automation events, where external (webhook) validations/customization may apply prior creating/updating contacts or contact phones | Improvement | |
V5-4316 | Ability to create custom forms for merchants/venues |
| Improvement | |
WALLET | ||||
Issue Key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Release |
V5-2209 | Move the expiration functionality to the condition group | Ability to define a new condition group outside a reward offer | Improvement | |
V5-291 | Top-ups and Transfers to have Spend Conditions for Products | Ability to transfer money to another wallet with conditions (assign a spend condition group). | Story | |
V5-291 | Top-ups and Transfers to have Spend Conditions for Products | Ability to transfer money to another wallet with conditions (assign a spend condition group). | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-286 | Global Wallet Fees | Wallet fees are executed either to charge the contact a fee per transaction, or a fee over a period of time (i.e. for maintenance purposes). The fee can either be a fixed amount or a percentage on the transaction. Multiple rules can be set up for global wallet fees.
| Story | |
V5-106 | Virtual Currency Wallet | In the case that the system is enabled to support virtual/alternative currency (e.g. points system) then a second wallet with a virtual currency is setup against the primary account. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-105 | Wallet Limits | Global wallet limit rules can be defined by the business in order to restrict the number of transactions, or maximum total amount allowed for transactions within a given time frame. Back-office users can override the global wallet limits by specifying separate (lower) limits for individual contacts . | Story | |
V5-104 | Wallet Top-up Rules | A contact can define the minimum acceptable wallet balance to be maintained. An automatic process is responsible for checking if a wallet balance is less than the balance threshold, and if so it creates an auto top-up transaction to transfer funds from one of the contacts payment methods. | Story | |
V5-103 | Wallet Balance Expiration Process | Awards can be subject to expiry conditions, i.e. if they are not consumed by a specified date then they are voided. This process identifies any awarded amounts of the 'commerce' wallet which have expired and debits the wallet balance accordingly. | Story | |
V5-102 | Spend Wallet Amount | This is the process whereby a contact consumes part or all of their 'commerce' wallet balance during a purchase transaction, and may or may not be subject to spend conditions. | Story | |
V5-101 | Wallet Spend Conditions | Wallet spend conditions are the restrictions on how the wallet's 'commerce' balance can be consumed (can be viewed via the balance breakdown). The restrictions are set based on award conditions and can apply to products, places and times that the amount can be consumed. Spend conditions apply solely to the commerce balance, the open balance never has conditions. | Story | |
V5-100 | Transfer Money to/from a Wallet | A money transfer can be performed between two accounts, two wallets or an account and a wallet. The transfer debits one entity and credits the other, the result of which is recorded as a wallet and/or account journal entry. | Story | |
V5-99 | Top-up a Wallet | Topping-up a wallet is the process of adding money to a wallet through external means (e.g. cash, credit card, direct debit, PayPal etc.). | Story | |
V5-98 | Activate Wallet | Activate a terminated wallet so that it can be used once again, both 'open and 'commerce' balances will commence at zero. | Story | |
V5-97 | Terminate Wallet | A wallet can be terminated therefore halting it's use. The 'open' balance will be transferred back to the account of the contact and the 'commerce' balance will be set to zero (i.e. any awarded unspent amounts will be lost). | Story | |
V5-96 | Wallet Balance Breakdown | View the breakdown of the wallet's balance and more specifically view the 'commerce' balance with conditions in regards to:
| Story | |
V5-95 | Wallet Commerce Balance | The commerce balance is added to the wallet through a rewards process (e.g. awards, voucher use etc.) and may or may not be conditional. This balance is the aggregation of the non-expired awards and can only be spent as part of a purchase event. When a contact is awarded by an offer, the wallet of the primary account is always credited. | Story | |
V5-94 | Wallet Open Balance | The open balance is the result of a top-up or a transfer from an internal or external "fresh money" Account and has no spend conditions. This balance can be used to transfer money to a bank account, or pay an external debit, or spend at merchants. | Story | |
V5-93 | Wallet Balance | Wallet balance is the aggregated amount of posted debits and credits allocated against the wallet as of a specific date. The wallet balance is the total of the 'open' balance and the 'commerce' balance. | Story | |
V5-92 | Wallet Periods | Wallet periods are calendar month based and maintained through an automatic process performed on the 5th of each month. Once a period is closed its balance and spend conditions are carried forward to the new open period and no other wallet transactions can be executed against the closed period. | Story | |
V5-2700 | Ability for a contact to transfer money from one wallet to another | Ability for a contact to transfer money through a mobile app/portal.
| Improvement | |
V5-2665 | Introduce Wallet automatic top-up when it's being used as a payment method | Automatically top-up the CRM wallet when using it as a payment method. Use the contact's primary card to retrieve funds to pay off the purchase. Automatic top-up in such cases is performed only if the feature is enabled in Wallet settings | Improvement | |
V5-2589 | Enhanced Wallet and CRM Wallet payment method types | Introducing CRM Wallet as a new Payment method type, whereas Wallet can be used for payment methods represented as Wallet such as PayPal Solution overview:
| Improvemen | |
V5-2520 | New Generation Wallet |
a. Top ups
| New Feature | |
V5-3737 | Spend request should not be accepted if consumer asks for more funds than the available wallet funds | Spend request should not be accepted if consumer asks for more funds than the available wallet funds Web API (self-service POST /contacts/{id}/tokens) to return an error code if the requested amount is more than the available amount. | Improvement | |
V5-3153 | Ability to award contacts on their wallet creation and not on registration | Ability to award contacts on their wallet creation and not on registration | Task | |
V5-3708 | Ability to display expiry dates on journals of Wallet Analysis | Display expiration details on Wallet journals (self-service) | Improvement | |
V5-3905 | Settlement Fees Enhancements | A spend settlement fee should be created when contacts request a front-end spend or payout due to redeem | Improvement | |
V5-3904 | Rewards Payout Enhancements | Auto-payout due to reward redeem should take into consideration the purchase amount as well, and payout the minimum amount between the available wallet balance (including redeem) and purchase amount | Improvement | |
V5-3903 | Wallet Payout Enhancements | Auto-payout due to redeem should not be performed when an eligible payment method is not in place | Improvement | |
V5-2521 | B2B Spend | Ability for businesses to enable the CRM.COM Wallet (gateway), therefore, providing the possibility for their contacts to spend their wallet money at other businesses, which have also enabled such a gateway | New Feature | |
V5-4046 | Promote & Join | Promote & Join' model provides the ability for businesses registered with CRM.COM to collaborate by promoting commerce pools, while others can join and award their contacts' purchases with such commerce money. Any awards provided against such pools, can be spent on the promoted business | New Feature | |
V5-4045 | CRM.COM Wallet Enhancements | Introduce CRM.COM Wallet (integration) across business organisations with financial and rewards support | New Feature | WALLET |