Jobs - Adding Requested Physical Goods - Global

Jobs - Adding Requested Physical Goods - Global


    1. Select the Physical Goods you would like to be added on the JobThese are the Physical Goods that are allowed to be added, via the selected Job Type

      1. Physical Good Products that are available on the Job Type under Allowed Physical Goods, are already available in the requested section 

        1. Place a check in the box next to the item you would like to add
        2. If the Physical Good is defined as mandatory then:
        3. It is already checked and not editable at the Requested section
        4. It is already listed in the Preview Job section
      2. Physical Good Product Types that are available on the Job Type under Allowed Physical Goods, can be added if needed
        Unlike define Products, if the Product Type is defined as mandatory then you must add one of the products of the specific product type following the process below. The same process is applied, for product types that are optional

        1. Click on Add
        2. Search for the item you would like to add
        3. Select and add the requested item
        4. Provide Quantity