Viewing Process Runs - Global

  1. Once a definition Run is submitted then a record is added to the Process Runs and holds information related to:
    1. Version: This is the version of the definition that was submitted (each definition may have a different configuration so its important to check the version)
    2. Life Cycle State: Life Cycle State shows whether the run is 
      1. Draft: the run has not yet been executed
      2. Completed: the run is executed and completed
      3. Failed: the run is executed but has failed
    3. Start and End Date: The start and end date/time that the run was executed
    4. Process Successfully: A drill-down that includes all entities that were processed successfully by the run
    5. Processed with Errors: A drill-down that includes all entities that were processed by the run but due to some error their processing failed. The error is available