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Managing Service Requests
Service Requests are customer requests submitted either by a back-end user or a Contact via an app or portal. CRM.COM helps you log, track and manage your customer’s requests quickly and efficiently.
Navigate to CRM > Service Requests
Select the queue to view the Service Requests for. Service Requests are visible in either Kanban view or List view, switch between the views using the icon in the top right-hand corner.
Creating a Service Request
When a Service Request is being created it’s mandatory to provide the queue, relate it to a Contact and provide a description of the issue.
A service request can be created through a self service platform by the contact itself. See Configure Application settings for explanation of how the service request shall be created when created via Self service.
Contact Services
If the contact is a subscription service member, and the Service Request is being raised for a particular service, then select the +Add Services option to specify the service.
Multiple categories can be defined for a single Service Request.
Any applicable charges can be stated on the Service Request, the Contact will only be invoiced for these charges once the Service Request has been closed and marked as resolved.
It is only possible to add Physical goods, expenses and one time service type products as Charges.
Ad hoc Discount
It is possible to apply a discount on the total amount of charges applicable to a service request. This discount can be applied on the total - it will be distributed equally between the charges in the service request. It can be based on a percentage or an amount.
Assign Owner
The owner is the person (a system user) to whom the Service Request will be assigned to, search and select from the list provided. If not assigned, then the Service Request will by default be assigned to the logged-in user.
Handling a Service Request
Select a Service Request from the Summary screen.
Progressing & Regressing a Service Request
To progress a Service Request simply select the next stage in the queue. A service request can only progress to the next status following the current status. Alternatively the service request can simply be closed.
To regress a Service Request select the previous stage in the queue, the user will have to provide a reason for regressing.
Closing a Service Request
Close a Service Request by selecting the Close button either from the summary screen or from the Service Request screen itself. The user will be prompted to specify if the request has been resolved or not, if resolved, then the Contact will be billed for the itemised charges on the Service Request, if not resolved then no charges will be applied.
Progressing and regressing a Service Request can also be done from the summary screen using the hamburger icon to drag-and-drop the request to the desired queue stage.
Service Request Settings
To configure Service Request settings click on your logged-in user name in the top right-hand-corner of the screen > Settings > CRM > Service Requests.
Queues define the stages that a Service Request will progress through until it’s closed. Multiple queues can be defined, and one of these must be assigned to each Service Request when it’s created.
The New and Closed stages exist by default and it’s not compulsory to define any additional stages if not required. The New stage will be automatically assigned to a Service Request upon creation, and Closed is always the final stage where a request terminates. A description and colour code must be provided for each status.
Once a Queue has been saved, 3 additional options are available to the user:
Edit alert times for queue
Edit completion times for queue
Configure application settings
Edit alert times for queue
Configure alerts to notify users when a Service Request has not progressed from the New stage yet. The alert times can vary depending on the priority of the Service Request.
Notifications for overdue progression will appear as below on the Service Request.
Edit completion times for queue
Set how long a Service Request should take to be completed from time of creation based on it’s priority.
Closure dates are calculated and shown as below on the Service Request.
Configure application settings
If you will be allowing your Contacts to create Service Requests themselves for this queue (using another platform such as an app or portal), then you will need to enable the Self Service is feature and complete the following information:
Classification - define the classification option available to Contacts to select for their request
Resource - set the system user to whom the requests of this queue will be automatically assigned to
Default priority - set the impact and urgency to calculate the priority of requests assigned to this queue
Default tags - select the optional tags to be assigned to all requests of this queue
Numbering Schemes
Select the numbering format for Service Requests. Each new Service Request will be assigned a sequential number based on the given format.
Set up the model to be used by the system for prioritising Service Requests. Select the priority based on impact/urgency combination.
Impact - represents how important the request is for the customer
Urgency - relates to how quickly a resolution must be provided
Define Categories to classify Service Requests, categories can be defined in a hierarchical structure, and a Service Request can be assigned multiple categories.
Closure Reasons
Setup the closure reasons that will be available to the select from, if a Service Request is closed without being resolved.
Reference Material
You may also find it useful to refer to the following manuals for further reading in relation to Service Requests.
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