

The <crm:nameday> tag is used to display a nameday component on the page.



dayValuetrueObjectnullThe day value of the component.
idtrueStringnullUnique identifier of the component.
labelKeyfalseStringnullA valid key defined in translation properties file. Its translation through the glossary will be used as the presentable name of the component.
managedBeantrueStringnullThe name of the Java managed bean class that will be used for retrieving the component values.
modefalseStringThe mode of the managed bean.

The mode of the component. 

Allowed values are VIEW and EDIT.

monthValuetrueObjectnullThe month value of the component.
processfalseString@this and the value of the refresh attributeComponent(s) to process in partial request.
refreshfalseStringnullComponent(s) to update with ajax.
tipfalseStringnullA valid key defined in translation properties file. Its translation through the glossary will be used as an advisory tooltip information.

Controls the visibility of the component.

readonlyfalseBooleanThe value of the dataobject is readonlyControls whether the component will be readonly.

Getting Started

The following example shows a birthday component.