The <crm:calendar> tag is used to display an input component that used to provide a date and/or time on the page.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
columnClasses | false | String | ui-grid-col-12 | Comma separated list of column style classes of the gird layout that will be used to display the component. Column style class should be prefixed with ui-grid-col- and suffixed with the number of columns that content will take (out of 12). For example, for two columns with the same size the columnClasses should be "ui-grid-col-6,ui-grid-col-6". |
columns | false | Integer | 1 | Number of columns of the gird layout that will be used to display the component. |
id | true | String | null | Unique identifier of the component. |
isRequired | false | Boolean | true if the data object property of the component is mandatory, otherwise false. | Marks component as required. |
labelKey | false | String | null | A valid key defined in translation properties file. Its translation through the glossary will be used as the presentable name of the component. |
managedBean | true | String | null | The name of the Java managed bean class that will be used for retrieving the component values. |
mode | false | String | The mode of the managed bean. | The mode of the component. Allowed values are VIEW and EDIT. |
onChangeFunction | false | String | null | Defines the function call triggered when input element loses focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus. |
placeholder | false | String | null | A short hint that describes the expected value of this input element. |
pattern | false | String | The date time format that is defined in CRM.COM Formatting Settings. | The Date Format pattern. |
readonly | false | Boolean | false | Flag indicating that this component will prevent changes by the user. |
refresh | false | String | @form | Component(s) to update with ajax. |
timeOnly | false | Boolean | false | When enabled, shows only timepicker without date. |
tip | false | String | null | A message that will be used as an advisory tooltip information. |
value | true | Object | null | The value of the component. |
visible | false | Boolean | true | Controls the visibility of the component. |
Getting Started
The following example shows a calendar.