

The <crm:stripeCard> tag is used to display a stripe card element on the page.



Comma separated list of column style classes of the gird layout that will be used to display the component.

Column style class should be prefixed with ui-grid-col- and suffixed with the number of columns that content will take (out of 12).

For example, for two columns with the same size the columnClasses should be "ui-grid-col-6,ui-grid-col-6".

columnsfalseInteger1Number of columns of the gird layout that will be used to display the component.
dataObjecttrueObjectnullThe data object of the component .
idtrueStringnullUnique identifier of the component.

A valid key defined in translation properties file. Its translation through the glossary will be used as the verify button text.

managedBeantrueStringnullThe name of the Java managed bean class that will be used for retrieving the component values.
modefalseStringThe mode of the managed bean.

The mode of the component.

Allowed values are VIEW and EDIT.


 Defines the function call triggered when input element loses focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.

refreshfalseStringnullComponent(s) to update with ajax.
stripeApiKeyfalseStringThe Publishable Key that is defined in General Parameters of the Stripe Payment Gateway.

The Publishable API key that is used to identify an account with Stripe Payment Gateway.

visiblefalseBooleantrueControls the visibility of the component.

Getting Started

The following example shows a stripe card component.