Commerce Pools

Commerce Pools

A Commerce Pool is associated with the CRM.COM Wallet's Commerce Pocket and defines a set of conditions, such as time, location, products, and validity restrictions, associated with an amount of money in the contact's Commerce Pocket. These restrictions dictate the conditions that must be satisfied for the allocated sum to be spent.

Whenever a contact's Commerce Pocket is credited with a sum of money, it's always accompanied by the relevant commerce pool outlining the prerequisites for spending the allotted sum during a purchase. For instance, a contact's Commerce Pocket is credited with EUR15.00, which can only be spent when purchasing smartwatches from Smart Tech (organisation), subject to the conditions outlined in the associated commerce pool.


Firstly, let's explain a few things about Commerce Pools.


The Commerce Pool restrictions can be related to times, locations, products and validity/expiration.

Where can Commerce Pools be used?

Commerce pools can optionally be added to:

  • Reward Offers (configuration)

  • Transfer of funds transactions (from the back-end system - Contact screen)

  • Top-up transactions (from the back-end system - Contact screen or from an app by the contact themselves)

  • Manual Journal transactions (from the back-end system - Contact screen)

  • Pass Plans (configuration)

  • Wallet sharing (configurable by the community owner via apps or a back-end system user on behalf of the community owner)

B2B Commerce Pools

A business has the option to share its commerce pool(s) with all other businesses of the same Service Owner, therefore allowing another business to award their contacts using the commerce pool(s) of the business that is 'sharing'. Learn more about the B2B Network and shared Commerce Pools here.

Managing Commerce Pools

To see the business’s commerce pools navigate to Commerce > Commerce Pools.

When you navigate to Commerce Pools whilst in Test Mode, you will only see a default Spend Anywhere within a year commerce pool, this is a predefined commerce pool. However, when you switch to Live Mode you may also see other business's commerce pools which they have published so that they can also be used by businesses within the same network.


Create a Commerce Pool

Select Create Commerce Pools, provide a unique name and optionally provide a description of the commerce pool.

  • Name - The Commerce Pool name.

  • Description - Commerce Pool description with details of the spending conditions.

  • Classification - Classify spends from redeemable amounts in each Commerce Pool as either a Sales Reduction (before tax) or a Payment Method (after tax), and differentiate whether the purchase's reduced amount (i.e. discount) should be excluded from taxes or not, for statutory purposes. This classification applies only when Commerce Pocket funds are redeemed at the request of the contact during a purchase.

  • Time Restrictions - Set the days and/or times when spending will be allowed; if none are set, then no restrictions apply.

  • Location Restrictions - Select the locations (merchants/venues) where spending the amount is allowed; if none are set, then no location restrictions apply.

  • Products Restrictions - Select the products based on brands/families/SKUs/types that must be purchased to spend the allocated amount. If none are set, then no product restrictions apply. It's essential to create and assign the relevant configurations to the respective products to ensure the correct application of the conditions. It should be noted that for SKU-based restrictions, if your product has variants (e.g. sizes), then you must specify the variant product SKUs and not the main product SKU.

  • Validity/Expiration Restrictions - Select the date from when the amount can be spent and/or when it expires (i.e. funds are removed from the Wallet if they have not been consumed by a set date); if none are set, then no expiry restrictions apply.

For cases when no conditions should apply to the Commerce balance, a Commerce Pool rule could be created (e.g. No restrictions) without any conditions defined.

Commerce Pool Options

The following options are available from the commerce pool summary screen:

  • View - View the commerce pool conditions.

  • Edit - A business can only Edit its own commerce pools.

  • Publish - A business publishes its commerce pool for other businesses to use to award their contacts. For example, a spa (business) creates and publishes a Commerce Pool for specific spa services. A gym (business) can use this Commerce Pool to award its new contacts a 10% cashback based on the spa’s Commerce Pool. When a contact joins the gym, they receive a 10% cashback in their Commerce Pocket, which they can use towards the spa services. Learn more about B2B Networks here.

  • Enable for communities - Enabling this option allows the commerce pool to be used in wallet sharing, which can be configured by a community owner. As a result, community members can request or use funds from the community owner, subject to the conditions set by the commerce pool.

  • Enable for Top Ups - Enabling this option allows contacts to add funds to their Commerce Pocket using this Commerce Pools via an app. These funds can then be used for purchases that adhere to the commerce pool's specified conditions.

Commerce Pools Settings


Reference Material

You may also find it useful to refer to the following manuals where Commerce Pools are used.

Reward Offers

Reward Offers

Pass Plans


Financial Actions

Financials | Top up Money

Financials | Transfer Money

Financials | Journal Entry

Contacts | Manage Wallet Sharing

B2B Network

Business Network | B2B Network


CRM.COM Wallet


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